Chapter 202 Einstein’s ashes


Speaking of the hospital in his hometown, the taxi driver looked proud.

Look Lin Xian uses bulk English.

It’s the appearance of an East Asian again.

The driver knew at a glance that he was a foreigner.

Therefore, when speaking, I also deliberately slowed down the speech speed so that Lin Xian could understand:

“[Princeton University Hospital] Ah, it is the most authoritative brain hospital in the United States. Their equipment and technology are leading other hospitals for more than ten years!”

“Generally speaking, patients with severe brain diseases will eventually be transferred here for treatment. If the equipment and experts here can’t cure your disease, then don’t think about it, the whole world can’t cure it, you can just prepare for the funeral.”

“They also have the most advanced robotic operating room here. I don’t know the specifics, but it seems that various robotic arms and robots can assist the surgeon to complete the operation.”

Lin Xian nodded suddenly.

Robot operating room.

This is indeed an advanced gadget.

In fact, some advanced hospitals in China are also equipped with this thing.

In certain operations that require precision, accuracy, and curvature.

Human hands and eyes are indeed inferior to stable robotic arms and ultra-clear line-of-sight cameras.

These AI-controlled or machines controlled by the surgeon can perform a series of minimally invasive surgery.


Lin Xian is not surprised at the top-level surgical robotic operating room like brain surgery.

Did you see the name of this hospital in an advertisement?

That’s why you feel familiar?

“maybe …”

Lin Xian didn’t think deeply either.

Roll down the car window and breathe the fragrant earthy air outside.

At this time, the taxi had already driven out of the city.

Bi Dang…

A place like a crematorium must be built in the suburbs!

The car was running wildly on the straight road, and what appeared in front of us was a huge university.

“Look, that is the famous Princeton University!”

No matter which country you are in, taxi drivers are always enthusiastic.

He pointed to a different wall on the side of the road and introduced Lin Xian:

“Speaking of U.S. universities, you foreigners may always think Harvard and MIT are the best.”

“In fact, Princeton University is not bad compared to them! In some professional fields, it is even much better than Harvard!”

“That’s right. You know, Einstein, right? That’s the most famous scientist in history? He spent the rest of his life as a teacher at Princeton University~ The older generations of Princeton have seen him.”


Hearing Einstein’s name, Lin Xian suddenly became interested!

The largest intelligence organization in the world is the village head mother.

And the second-ranked intelligence organization

Just the taxi driver!

Lin Xian listened to his words and nodded in agreement:

“I have read the biography. Einstein seemed to have died in Princeton in 1963. Do you know where he was buried? I really admire him. I hope I can go to his tombstone to send a bunch of flowers.”

The taxi driver chewed gum and shook his head:

“That’s not clear. He is a Jew, maybe he was buried in the country? Or was he cremated and scattered his ashes in the river? It’s all possible.”

“We Westerners are not the same as you Asians. We don’t regard death as important, and we have to deal with the funeral. So I really don’t know where Einstein is buried.”

Twenty minutes later, the taxi arrived at the entrance of the crematorium.

Lin Xian handed over two green banknotes:

“Thank you, no need to look for it. These are tips.

Tipping is the unique culture of the Western world.

Now that you are here, follow the customs and follow other people’s rules.

The taxi driver’s eyes widened!

“Oh! What a refreshing guest! Come on! It’s not easy to take a taxi here, you tip so much, I will wait for you to come out here!”

Lin Xian got out of the car.

Close the door.

After finishing the clothes, walked like a guard’s room

“Hello! I have made an appointment. I am an overseas student from Princeton University. I want to learn more about the funeral culture in the United States.”

The guard inside nodded and signaled Lin Xian to come in:

“It’s not common for young people to study this topic now~ Go ahead, the boss is waiting for you in the easternmost office on the first floor.

After thanking Lin Xian, he pulled the mask and walked towards the building.

Back in the hotel.

Lin Xian completed the interview appointment.

He first found the office phone number of [Princeton Crematorium] through the number search system, and then stated his intention.


The other party welcomes his arrival!

Maybe because

It’s really rare for college students who are willing to go to the crematorium to do research projects.

Generally, who would choose this kind of topic?

Soon, Lin Xian met the owner of this crematorium in his office.

The other party welcomes himself very much.

And, with the appearance of a talented person, who would doubt that he is not an enthusiastic little reporter?

The two shook hands.

The owner of the crematorium looked outside Lin Xian:

“How do I think you seem familiar? Have we met somewhere?”

Lin Xian coughed twice and put on a mask as an excuse:

“Ahem. Our university is very close to here. Maybe it’s not surprising that we have seen it. According to the theory of visual psychology, people always remember foreigners with big differences in appearance.”

This theory was made up by Lin Xian.

But it is very effective.

The owner of the crematorium didn’t think much anymore, and took Lin Xian to visit the crematorium.

“You see, the corpses are usually transported from this passage. Generally speaking, the corpses are burned immediately here. In rare special circumstances, we will also provide freezer services. But few people use it.”

Lin Xian picked up the camera and pretended to take a few photos.

“Here are our three incinerators, all of which are the latest models that were renovated last year. I want to focus on introducing them to you.”

“The cremation of a corpse in an incinerator is also a very knowledgeable thing. The old-fashioned incinerators had unstable voltage, insufficient pressure, and sometimes they couldn’t burn cleanly, and the bones were still hard and fragmented, which was very embarrassing.”

“Now this new type of incinerator can basically be completely burned to ashes, and basically no bones and slag will remain.”

Lin Xian took notes in his notebook and raised his hands to ask questions:

“Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. I want to ask a question that everyone is more concerned about.”

…0 Seeking flowers………

“[Will all the ashes after cremation be put in the family? If there are leftovers, what will be done?]”

The owner of the crematorium laughed after listening:

“This question is really a good question, I have to answer it countless times every year! This is also a misunderstanding of everyone’s cremation industry.”

“We must return all the ashes to the family! We want this thing to be useless. But how to say, when such a large machine is burned at high temperature, boiling water vapor and grease will inevitably fly away with the ashes.”

“Therefore, it cannot be said that 100% of the ashes are returned to the family members. To be precise, it should be said that 99%. The remaining 1% is scattered in various links of the incineration machine, and can only be cleaned up at the end of each day. NS.”

“But the family understands this, and no one cares about this kind of thing.

All right.

Finally got the point!

“Excuse me, sir, our thesis supervisor is more rigorous, so I want to ask in more detail. What will we do with the ashes that are collected uniformly after work? Strictly speaking, the collected powder is basically mixed with numbers. The ashes of ten people, right?””


The boss nodded:

“Oh, yes, yes, you are serious. When we are off work, there will be a dedicated staff member who will use a vacuum cleaner to clean the ashes.

With that said, the boss pulled Lin Xian to a high-power industrial vacuum cleaner.

Lin Xian picked up the camera and took another shot.

“We probably can clean out dust the size of a pizza box every day after work.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. The dust from these vacuum cleaners is not all ashes. There are also a lot of natural dust, grease, dirt on the ground, dust and the like.”

“This kind of rubbish belongs to special rubbish. In order not to be troubled by those human rights organizations and soul school people, we have never dared to throw this into the rubbish bin. It is buried in the big dirt pit in the backyard.”

I see.

Lin Xian continued to record in his notebook.

When the boss said that, everything was right.

If Einstein was indeed cremated here


Part of his ashes fragments must be stuck in the machine, and then sucked out by a vacuum cleaner, and buried in a large dirt pit in the backyard along with the ashes of dozens of people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the future self can find Einstein’s ashes and DNA under the cremation site.

So far

Is it 100% certain that Einstein died?

Lin Xian looked up at the owner of the crematorium:

“Boss, I would like to ask, will those celebrities and celebrities be cremated here after they die?”

The boss spreads his hands:

“If they died in Princeton, they must come here for cremation, because there is only one crematorium in Princeton.”

“There are indeed many big people who have been cremated here, such as XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXX, XXX, etc.”

None of these names Lin Xian has ever heard of.

Maybe they are all local celebrities.

So he directly asked:

“Excuse me, was the famous scientist Einstein cremated here after his death?””

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