Chapter 20 Donate 10 million! Be brave for the Foundation!


After Lin Xian finished his speech, the host immediately took the stage to start the next part of the conference——

Awards ceremony.

Song Lao stepped onto the stage and took the medal of bravery for righteousness from the tray of the lady of etiquette and put it on Lin Xian.

Later, he took the certificate of bravery, opened it, and awarded it to Lin Xian with both hands.

Old Song smiled and shook hands with Lin Xian. The two shook hands and faced the media, taking pictures.

At the same time, the host introduced:

“In addition to the certificates and medals, Mr. Lin Xian will also receive a bonus of 100,000 yuan from ZF!”

“At the same time, Mr. Dai Shuangcheng, the chairman of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce, also donated 10 million yuan in the name of Mr. Lin Xian to establish the Donghai City Foundation for Justice and Courage.”

“The purpose of the foundation is to reward the advanced individuals and groups in Donghai City who will act bravely in the future.”

While announcing the news, Dai Shuangcheng also walked out from behind the scenes with a red face.

After shaking hands with Lin Xian, he announced to the media:

“Just as Mr. Lin Xian said, being brave for righteousness is the traditional virtue of the Dragon Kingdom. Here, I borrowed the name of Mr. Lin Xian and donated 10 million yuan to establish the Donghai City for Righteousness and Bravery Foundation!”

“Heroes can bleed and sweat, but we must not let the hero shed tears! We must not let the hero be buried anonymously!”

“I hope that the people of Donghai City can follow Mr. Lin Xian as an example in the future and further carry forward the spirit of courageousness!”

This move ushered in thunderous applause at the scene.

This small step of Lin Xian’s bravery and righteousness has allowed the moral values ​​of the entire Donghai City to advance-a big step!

The last item of the meeting.

Mr. Song delivered a speech titled “Young People in the New Era-Learning from Mr. Lin Xian”, calling on the city’s primary and secondary schools, institutions of higher learning, and various institutions to carry out corresponding activities and learn the spirit of courage to do what is right.

The meeting totaled 1 hour, and at 11 o’clock, the meeting began to adjourn in an orderly manner.

Dai Shuangcheng left Lin Xian’s contact information, and solemnly invited Lin Xian to come to the humble house for a light meal at noon tomorrow in order to thank him in person.

Lin Xian didn’t decline either, even if it was an appointment.

………………………………………….. …

“Hi! Senior Lin Xian!”

After saying hello to the big man, Lin Xian was about to leave and was patted on the back.

Turning his head to see, it was Dai Chuchan.

“Hehe! Senior Lin Xian, you are so handsome today! Your speech is really great!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and said nothing.

“Senior Lin Xian, it’s already this point, let me treat you to a meal!”

“I left in a hurry yesterday, and I was too nervous… I left without thanking you, it’s too gaffe!”

Dai Chuchan pulled Lin Xian’s sleeves and shook them vigorously, giving him no chance to refuse.

“All right.”

Dai Chuchan smiled with joy!

“Yeah! Great! I can show off to my classmates when I go back. I have dinner with the hero seniors!”

“You know what Lin Xian senior, we are discussing you in our school’s post bar, and the teachers who taught us public classes still remember you!”


Along the way, Dai Chuchan was tweeting non-stop, and Lin Xian listened to each other.

The assembly hall is the innermost part of the convention and exhibition center.

If you go out through the main entrance, you have to pass through the lobby of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Nowadays, the world’s best paintings are being exhibited in the hall. This is a rotating exhibition on a global scale. There are many authentic works of well-known painters.

It’s all here, the opportunity is rare, Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan decided to go shopping before going to dinner.

There are only two stops in Longguo for this round of the world’s outstanding painting works, namely the Imperial Capital and the East China Sea.

Donghai is the first stop, so there are still many people in the exhibition hall.

Dai Chuchan majored in painting at University, so he was very knowledgeable in this aspect. He kept telling Lin Xian about the history, author, and background story of each painting…

As a layman, Lin Xian also listened with gusto.

“Hehe, Senior Lin Xian, look at this oil painting. This painting is a celebrity! Do you know who it is?”

“Hehe, it’s too simple, Einstein.”

The oil painting in front of me depicts a melancholy old man.

The eyes are dull, the complexion is dignified, the head is exploding with curly white hair…

With such a classic shape, fools can see that they are the greatest physicist in history, the proponent of the theory of relativity, the discoverer of the mass-energy conversion formula, and the founder of nuclear physics——

Albert Einstein

“But… how could this painting be so sad? The Einstein pictured has the same depression.”

Dai Chuchan pointed to the explanatory cardboard below the frame and explained to Lin Xian:

“The author of this painting is the famous modern painter Camorrison. When he visited Einstein in 1953, he painted this portrait of him.”

“Einstein suffered from a very serious depression in his later years. He has been living in deep self-blame, thinking that he invented the devilish nuclear weapon that caused millions of lives.”

“Two years after this painting was finished, Einstein died in depression, so this is also the last portrait left by Einstein…”


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