Chapter 198 Einstein’s past: melancholy again! Date of death!

Looking at the black hair that shouldn’t appear on his head.

The two looked at each other.

Hans, is this the new magic you learned?”

“No, no, father! I really pulled off your head! It’s amazing, are you rejuvenated? Why do you have black hair?”

Einstein’s hair had all turned white 10 years ago.

But the hair roots are still quite strong.

White returns to white, but it rarely falls.

Among the gray hair, a black hair suddenly grew out, not to mention how conspicuous it is!

Therefore, Hans noticed it at a glance.

Einstein pinched this black hair and stared for a long time

He suddenly felt

Since I calculated the cosmological constant 42 by myself.

There are more and more weird things around.

My hair was completely white 10 years ago.

Why does a black hair grow now?

“Perhaps it’s my supplementation a little bit fiercely, the strength of Chinese medicine is really fierce!”

finally …

Both father and son put the credit for Chinese medicine.

Hans is also very interested in his father’s snake wine, and said that he also needs to make a jar of “eight to five zero”.


The two came to Hans’s house.

Hans lived a very ordinary life, neither poor nor rich, but he was free.

Now he has raised two children.

The child did not go far, staying by his side to take care of the farm.

Einstein nodded

Normal is better.

The more common the better.

After everything was settled, he began to carry out his plan.

First, he found a well-known craftsman and built a custom safe for a lot of money.

There is very little storage space in this safe.

The surrounding area is full of high-concentration sulfuric acid. Once the organ is violently dismantled, a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid can directly destroy the paper letters inside.

at the same time.

This safe can only be tried 999 times.

If this number is exceeded, the destruction procedure will be executed automatically.

All these ingenious designs are done mechanically and do not involve any electricity, which can guarantee stable operation for more than a hundred years.

Einstein spent a lot of money on custom safes.

But it’s a trivial matter to him.

Depression was cured by Lin Xian, he started to operate his own patent, and is now a multi-millionaire.

And those patents are still giving him a steady stream of money.

Ever since he planned to send a letter to the future, Einstein has been running his own foundation. At this moment, its usefulness finally came.

“Hans, this is the only task I have given you. Open this letter in 2005, and let your descendants at that time perform the above task.”

“Of course, you need to prepare in advance, you must start from now on the whole family to learn Chinese, and you must be proficient in this language.

“I will not let you work in vain. While you are keeping secrets for me, your family and descendants can receive 50,000 pounds of living expenses from my foundation every month until this letter is opened in 2006. .

Teng! A cry.

Hans stood up directly!

“Really, father!? Can I claim 50,000 pounds every month!?”

To know!

The annual income of the Hans family is only 50,000 pounds!

You can get 50,000 pounds in one month.

Hans didn’t dare to do this kind of luxurious life in his dreams!

Einstein nodded:

“But what you have to do is to keep this matter extremely confidential, and you can’t tell the second person. And this letter must be opened again in 2006, and it must be your pro-children. If nothing happens, it should be. It’s your great-grandson.”

“Otherwise, I have already agreed with the foundation that if any error occurs in any link, these living expenses will be cancelled.,

Hans was so excited!

Swear directly to God:

“Don’t worry, father! I must complete the task!”

Einstein smiled.

His youngest son is a simple and honest man, he can trust him.


Einstein wrote a reply to Lin Xian in the future and placed it in a self-destructive safe.

In the foundation, a will was also left.

All preparations are completed.

Everything goes well

Under the temptation of billions of fortunes, his great-great-grandson will surely send the safe to Lin Xian, so that this 70-year cross-domain letter will be seen again!

Einstein did not stay in the country for long.


He returned to Princeton in the United States, the city that made him indulge!

He is now completely retired.

With no worries in my heart, I just need to revel and welcome the day of death!


It should be like this.

However, two years have passed

Einstein finally discovered two anomalies in himself!

[1. All his dreams are real! He is accurately predicting the future!]


One thing after another that Einstein dreamed about was all fulfilled in real life!

As small as the loss of a cat in the neighbor’s house, as large as the ancient eight missile crisis that shocked the world, and the Dragon Kingdom’s self-defense counterattack against India!

All were predicted by “Dreamland”!


Einstein was shocked by all these coincidences:

“This is not [foreseeing my dream at the end, but an [accurate future]! My dream is an accurate [future template]!”

Einstein didn’t know why this happened.

But this must be related to the fact that I calculated 42!

“Is this the sequelae after God wanted to kill me but failed to kill me?”

Every night.

It was a torture for Einstein

In his dreams, he would dream of various futures immersively.

He even dreamed of a scene in June 2021 when Mr. Lin Xian was writing to himself in the study!


All the future in this world, all the details of the future, are all presented in Einstein’s dream!

This feeling of “all knowing”

Make him very painful!

He clearly knew that his neighbor’s child would die in a car accident tonight.

But in order to maintain the correctness of history, he can’t stop it!

He clearly knew that in a week, a violent earthquake would occur in a distant city, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

But for the sake of historical stability, he can’t stop it!

He clearly knew that the U.S. authorities were making a wrong decision. Millions of people would lose their jobs and disrupt society!

But in order to maintain the original state of history, he can’t stop it!

“Why do you do this to me?!”

Einstein became afraid to sleep

He is running away.

He cannot face these facts!

The contradiction between protecting history and saving lives is almost to tear his soul into pieces!

Once, because of one of his formulas, hundreds of thousands of people died.

Today, he can obviously save the lives of millions and tens of millions of people, but he can only stand by and watch them die, and can do nothing!

Such ashamed

Let him almost collapse kui!

The smile never appeared on his face again…0

He started to become depressed

even …

This melancholy is getting more and more serious.


This is not the last straw to crush the camel.

The last straw

It was he who discovered the second anomaly in himself–

[2, his body is getting younger! He is growing against time! He is the clock in the opposite direction!]

Over time.

Einstein could no longer find a reason to deceive himself!

That’s right, it’s true

He is [rejuvenating]!

He [lives and gets younger]!

The time on him is [walking backwards]!

This supernatural phenomenon made him feel terrified!

“[Is this the price for me to peek into the truth?]”

“[Although God didn’t kill me, he took away my time in this way!]”

The moment I realized it.

Einstein slumped on the ground.

His worldview completely collapsed

Everything in this world seems to be controlled by an invisible palm


Longevity and omniscience are a luxury.

But for Einstein at this time.

The long life and the helpless future made him suffer!

If he is not a scientist.

He can live a lifetime without regard to historical stability and unrestrainedness!

But he can’t do it

Because he is a human scientist and physicist!

He must be responsible for this time and space, this world, and the stable history!

Even with guilt, infamy, and inaction

It is absolutely impossible to let people who should have died survive!


Einstein was stunned!

“Wait, wait a minute!”

“Isn’t it me who shouldn’t survive the last?”

At this moment.

Einstein had an epiphany!

So far

The culprit that disrupts time and space, the butterfly that flaps its wings and causes a hurricane

Isn’t it his Albert Einstein 5.3 himself!?

Smart Einstein understood,

He should have died on the night of April 18, 1955!

And my own body’s turning back in time and growing against time, it was from that point in time!

“Paper and pen!! I have to do the math!”

Einstein threw himself on the table and started counting!

The first starting point of his life was the day he was born.

The second starting point of his life was April 18, 1955.

After this day, the time in his body begins to turn back, he will go from an old man, a middle-aged man, a young man, a baby

finally …

Become an unformed fetus and die.

“Then what day should I become the fetal death date?”

Einstein held the pen and quickly calculated…

April 18, 1955.

On this day, his age was 55 years and 121 days.

If the reverse growth starts from this day.

You only need to count 55 years and 121 days on this day, and you can calculate your own death date!

Einstein took another piece of parrot paper.

I found a perpetual calendar and started to compare calculations.


He wrote down the exact date of his death on the draft paper–

【August 16, 2021】!!.

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