Chapter 188 Countdown to zero! The choice of rage! The final battle begins!

Lin Xian put the thing he was holding on the seat next to him.

Change your hand to hold your mobile phone.

Slowly said:

“Did you send the batch of vehicles that I asked you to fund the Institute of Central South University?”

Chen Qing replied immediately:

“Mr. Lin, you sent all the cars over a week after you called. At that time, were you preparing for the race? I didn’t report this small matter to you.”

“Furthermore, two days ago, people from that research institute also contacted us on the initiative, saying that it was what you meant, to build a [Controlled Nuclear Fusion Application Research Laboratory] with the Fuxing Group, and prepare to use [nuclear batteries] in In the future revival electric vehicles.

Lin Xian nodded:

“Yes, I really meant it. After that race, I rang out. Didn’t Te Sla want to rely on quantum batteries to overtake the car?”

“Let’s not give him this opportunity, and directly install [nuclear batteries] on the Fuxing electric car, and use [Unlimited battery life, never recharge] to completely kill the Tesla! Let them never turn over!”


Chen Qing specifically reported to Lin Xian the arrangement of the cooperative laboratory.

According to Chen Qing.

The Long Academy of Sciences can provide technology for miniaturization of nuclear power plants. After digestion, it may be possible to mass produce [nuclear-powered vehicles] within one year.

After listening to the report.

Lin Xian started talking about business.

“Chen Qing, I called you today to talk about two things.”

“Eight Three Seven”

“President Lin, please tell me.”

Chen Qing sat at the desk over there, took out a pen and paper, and prepared to write down what Lin Xian said.

Lin Xian does not call easily.

Every time you call, you must be talking about key strategic issues!

“The first thing is about Huawei Group.”

Lin Xian paused, then slowly said:

“Huawei Group is the hope of domestic mobile phones. Although Goudong provided them with domestic chips, their competitiveness is still inferior to U.S. Apple mobile phones.”

“It’s okay within Longguo. Everyone has a sense of patriotism and nationality, and they are all actively supporting domestic products. However, Huawei’s foreign markets are already dying, and if this continues, it will not be conducive to their development.”

“So, what I want to say is, “Controllable Nuclear Fusion Applied Research Laboratory” must bring a copy of Huawei! Huawei Mobile is a national enterprise appointed by the state with a trustworthy background.

“You take the initiative to contact them and let them join this project. At the same time, we will further promote the miniaturization and miniaturization of [nuclear power] batteries, and apply it to Huawei mobile phones as soon as possible.”

After listening to Lin Xian’s strategic deployment.

Chen Qing suddenly realized!

President Lin is going to completely save the Huawei Group!

no no

If the [Nuclear Battery] can be miniaturized and plugged into the Huawei mobile phone, it will not be a simple rescue of the Huawei Group!

But to push it to the altar!

Just ask…

Can anyone reject a mobile phone that has unlimited power, never needs to be recharged, and has 99% of its dead power?


This is so fragrant!

After this technology is really realized, no one in the world can reject Huawei’s nuclear battery mobile phone!

Huawei will completely monopolize the global market!

“Okay, President Lin, I’ll take it down. I also use a Huawei mobile phone, and I am also familiar with their bosses. He is indeed a figure dedicated to the country. I believe he must be very willing to cooperate with us.”

“Then what is the second thing?”

Lin Xian took the phone from his ear, then opened WeChat and shared a business card with Chen Qing.On the business card, there is Wang Hao’s phone number and WeChat ID:

“The second thing is to recommend someone to you. This person is my high school classmate and friend for many years. Although the person is simple, his background and ideas are very reliable.”

“Previously, he was studying [Quantum Battery] at Chikago University, and now he has abandoned the dark and decisively withdrew from the research.”

“I recommend him to you, and let him follow you in the future and work in the [Controlled Nuclear Fusion Applied Research Laboratory]. Knowing himself and the enemy is victorious, although he does not know the core technology of the [quantum battery], at least he is right. Our research is also helpful.

Heard the news.

Chen Qingxi raised her eyebrows:

“Have you been engaged in the research of [Quantum Battery] before? That’s great!”

“So far, there is a blank in this field in China. With his experience and help, we will definitely be able to avoid many detours.”

“President Lin, don’t worry, I will contact him soon!”


Lin Xian saw that Liu Yiyi had come from the mall, so he hung up the phone with Chen Qing.

“Husband~ Who do you call~”

Lin Xian smiled:

“Introduced Wang Hao to a high-paying job. He doesn’t have the energy of the city government, so don’t let him go abroad.”


Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi found a Sichuan restaurant and simply ate some home-cooked meals.

while eating.

Liu Yiyi couldn’t put it down on the new phone.

“Look, domestic mobile phones now have all functions, not worse than Apple’s!”

“This speed is also very fast, and the domestic chips are catching up very well!”

“Okay! I have downloaded all the commonly used software, and the address book has been imported, so I can use the new mobile phone in the future!”

Lin Xian put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and asked concerned:

“[QQ mailbox] Has it been downloaded?

“It must be done~ We usually use [QQ mailbox] to contact our tutors when we hand in homework and modify papers.”

Talk about it.

Liu Yiyi also showed Lin Xian to look at it with his mobile phone.

Lin Xian did see the icon.

“Is the push turned on? Don’t forget, it will be troublesome if you can’t receive the e-mail from the tutor.”

“Hee hee~ I can’t forget it! I can still do this little thing!”

Liu Yiyi opened his push list to Lin Xian.

Shown above.

[QQ Mail] has the highest push permission.

Once an email is sent, it will be displayed on the top, and it will never disappear without clicking it.

This ensures that Liu Yiyi can definitely see unread mail.

“Um~ not bad, this function is good!”

Lin Xian exclaimed sincerely.

With this function, your own [Death Insurance] can be guaranteed to be absolutely effective!

after eating.

Lin Xian drove Liu Yiyi directly home.

It’s not too early to get home.

After washing up, the two lie on the bed and prepare to go to sleep.


Lin Xian yawned.

This section is too hard to use with your head, and you get tired easily at night.

So he turned off the lamp directly.

Retract in the blanket.

“Sleep, good night


Liu Yiyi’s eyes widened!

Looking at Lin Xian who is going to sleep in front of him, incredible!

She poked Lin Xian on the back.

“Are you going to sleep now?

“Yes ”

Lin Xian rubbed his eyes and looked at Liu Yiyi, puzzled.

Liu Yiyi puffed his mouth:

“Don’t you think you forgot something?”


Now it was Lin Xian’s turn to have a big head.

He looks at the desk lamp, looks at the curtains, looks at the air conditioner, looks at the lamp in the living room

I don’t seem to have forgotten anything

Everything that should be closed is closed.

Seeing Lin Xian so ignorant!

Liu Yiyi punched him!

“Hate ”

She snorted:

“You have not previewed with me for more than half a month.”


Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing.


What do you think!

It turned out to be such a thing!

“Yiyi, your addiction is quite big.”

“Go! I’m just afraid that the bridal chamber will fail that day. That’s not too embarrassing! So you have to preview and prepare frequently! Stop talking, come on.”

Happy weekends, always go by very quickly 0

There is no feeling of living like a year on a working day at all.

Monday, August 9.

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi get up early.

After washing and eating breakfast.

Lin Xian drove the Rolls-Royce Huiying and sent Liu Yiyi to school.

Then he drove to Donghai Airport.

Get on the scheduled plane on time.

“Ladies and gentlemen: You are welcome to take flight XXXXXXX from Longguo Donghai City to Princeton, United States. The plane will take off soon. Now the cabin crew is conducting a security check. Please sit on your seat and fasten your seat belt. The flight attendant of this flight will work with all the flight attendants to provide you with thoughtful service, thank you!”

After the broadcast in the cabin.

After the aircraft door is closed.

The tractor towed the aircraft to the take-off runway.

With the buzzing of the engine, the plane took off and rushed into the sky.

Before Lin Xian put on the blindfold, he glanced at the phone one last time.

12: 42

“Well, it’s rare that this flight is so punctual.”

Immediately he put the phone in his pocket.

Put on a blindfold.

Prepare for this trip to the United States


The battle in Princeton!


At the same moment.

The time difference is 12 hours apart on the other side of the earth.

Princeton University Hospital, in a secret laboratory underground.

A computer screen that is always on beeps.

The countdown above has been reset to zero–

00: 00: 00


[Arrogance) It’s really dead. ”

[Furious] sighed.

Looked at the clock in the lower right corner of the computer.

00:42 AM

The countdown of 154 hours lasting for 7 days is reset to zero

There is no suspense.

[Arrogance] It’s confirmed death.

[Rage] Stand up and look around the secret laboratory where the two have gone through decades of hard work.

At the other end of the laboratory.

A 5.3 baby is asleep.

The baby is already petite, and it has shrunk a little bit from the previous few days

Now the hair on his head has fallen off.

Only a few virgin hairs remained.

“Einstein was alive in a few days.

“Immediately, his breathing function will degenerate and become an unformed fetus in the womb, ventilating and dying.”

[Rage] Standing in the middle of the large laboratory.

Began to think about the next step

1. Listen to the words of [arrogance], destroy everything, destroy the corpses, and give up the dream of mastering the power of God.

2. Continue to torment Einstein, let him confide [that person]’s name, time coordinates, and geographic coordinates before death.

in the end …

Which way should I choose?

Pensive for 5 minutes.

[Rage] Walk to the test bench.

He inhaled a bottle of hallucinogen with a needle,

Then pick up the electric shock helmet,

Walk to the crib

“I have spent my entire life in order to obtain the power of God to change time and space.”

“How can I give up at this time?”

“Come on Einstein”

“This is probably our last duel!”.

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