Chapter 164 The mystery of Eins’ life and death! The answer to the fragments of ashes!

Lin Xian thinks.

Li Jing meets all the requirements to become a [devil].

The first motivation is the death of Lei Haolong.

This had an earth-shaking impact on her life.

Then there are mental disorders. People who are generally mentally abnormal are prone to cynical thoughts and anti-human things.

Finally, there is [weapon]!

If you want to destroy the world with your own power, while still hiding so strictly without being discovered, it will definitely not work if you don’t master some “Causality Weapons” or “Mathematics Weapons” that are extremely, extremely abnormal, and incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Let Lin Xian say, for example, what are “Causality Weapons” and “Mathematics Weapons”, Lin Xian can’t cite them.

“Perhaps Liu Lu can tell a little bit more, anyway, based on my understanding of science, I can’t think of the form of [Causality Weapons] and [Mathematics Weapons].”

This is normal

If Lin Xian could understand such advanced things, he would have entered the Long Academy of Sciences early.

But he is very clear.

The space-time mailbox is a kind of “causal law weapon”.

But relatively speaking, the space-time mailbox is still too weak.

It can only write to the past, and use human factors to change history, then change the present, and influence the future.

The limitations of the space-time postbox are too great, it can’t directly affect history, and it has to rely on writing letters to deceive people. Then the question is, why do others believe you?

It is very difficult to gain the trust of others in a mere letter.

You need the right time and place.

20 and

You know enough about that person.

Otherwise, 99% of people would treat it as a prank.

This is why, Lin Xian will [Lei Haolong’s son] exclude the demon candidate–

“[Causality Weapon] It must be very complicated to use, requiring a certain threshold of IQ and operation.”

“A newborn child, let’s not talk about the IQ problem, he can’t speak, can’t read, can’t write, how to use the [Causal Weapon]?”

“Obviously, this is impossible. So in a short period of time, [Lei Haolong’s son] will not have any threat to this world. It is not too much to say that it is a weak baby.”

Lin Xian turned his thoughts again and continued to consider Li Jing’s problem.


Where will Li Jing get the [Causality Weapon]?

This is another key point.

If Li Jing is really the [demon] who destroys the world, then she must be the [demon] when she obtains the [Causal Weapon].

Before this weapon, she was just an ordinary person.

With this weapon, you can become a [devil]!

“Li Jing is an ordinary woman, where can she get [Causal Weapon]?”

This is an uncomprehensible question.

Today’s human science and technology level, if it develops normally, it should not even be able to master quantum batteries and controllable nuclear fusion.

Not to mention the [Causal Weapons].

So Lin Xian guessed

If there really is a [causal weapon] in this world

Either it comes from the future (like [arrogance], getting a quantum battery from the future).

Or it comes from Einstein (like myself, get nuclear fusion from Einstein).

“There are only these two ways, and I can’t think of the rest

Lin Xian shook his head.

Decided to stop embarrassing my brain.

“I’m just an ordinary undergraduate, and I can’t think about such complicated things. I will ask Liu Lu another day, what is a conceptual level weapon like a “mathematical weapon,” he can definitely describe it.”


Lin Xian has locked the first candidate of [Devil] on Li Jing.

no doubt.

This woman with all motives, status, and mental state is the closest candidate to [the devil].

“All right.”

Lin Xian simply tidied up the draft paper on the desktop.

Then I looked at the piece of paper that was excerpted from [2 Certainly Correct Facts], and gave a wry smile:

“The first candidate has been confirmed, but new problems have arisen. According to the letter, Li Jing is dead, so how did he become a [devil]?”

The last letter said very clearly, the second [must be correct] fact is:

[2. Using advanced technology, we found the DNA of three deceased persons under the [Crematorium Site] in Princeton, U.S.A. They are – Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong’s son who was born Tianzhe. 】

According to the statement in the letter.

This is an [absolutely correct] fact, which cannot be doubted, and there is no need to doubt it.

“Princeton Crematorium”

The name of this place dropped a person’s body temperature by two degrees.

Lin Xian took out his mobile phone.

On the map of the United States, search for the location of the Princeton crematorium.

“found it.

Nowadays, mobile phone software is very developed. Maps are synchronized globally, and they can be found out with a single search, and even the English conversion is directly carried out.

Lin Xian zoomed in on the map on the phone.

It was found that [Princeton Crematorium] is located in the eastern suburbs of Princeton, close to [Princeton University] and [Princeton University Hospital], less than 5 kilometers away.

“Is the crematorium so close to the hospital for the convenience of burning the corpse?”

Lin Xian doesn’t know much about the funeral culture in the United States.

But it must be different from the rituals of Suona and Crying Street like Longguo.

From the movie, after the death of the Americans, they are basically cremation + cemetery + monument erection. A very simple set of procedures, a godfather and several coffins, can be done in half an hour.

According to the statement in the [last letter]

Under the old site of the crematorium (the old site is said to be in the future, but for 2021, it will still open normally), the death DNA of Li Jing, Lei Haolong’s son, and Einstein were found.

Um ……

Follow general logic.

If you can find burned DNA in a place like a crematorium, it must have been completely cremated

This is for sure.

No one is so boring, he would take off his arm and throw it into the crematorium, and then ran away by himself.

“Yes, I’m talking about Einstein!”

For Lin Xian, Einstein’s life and death has always been a mystery.

But today, the following conclusion may be made.

[The last letter] said very clearly–

[Einstein’s DNA is more accurate. We even found a small piece of ashes. After determination, it was indeed the remains of Einstein himself. Although we don’t know why Einstein was cremated in the United States, the discovery of his ashes proves that he is indeed dead. 】

The ashes were found.

It can basically be concluded that Einstein is indeed dead.

As for why his death place was not in Germany, but in the United States

In fact, this is not a problem.

Einstein himself was a Jew, and anyone familiar with that period of history knows that he went to the U.S. after being persecuted in the country.

After arriving in the U.S., Einstein wrote to the president of the U.S. for world peace and contributed to the famous “Manhattan Project”, which was later the Nuclear Weapon Project Q.

After the victory of the war.

Einstein still lived in the United States most of the time.

He even served as a professor at Princeton University for more than 20 years.

“Princeton University ”

Lin Xian is familiar with this name, although it can’t be said to be like a slogan, but this institution is well-deserved of the top universities in the United States.

As one of the world’s top research-oriented private universities, Princeton University represents the highest level of higher education and is famous all over the world.

It is ranked first in the U.S.News2020 National University Rankings.

Ranked ninth in the U.S.News World University Rankings.

Ranked seventh in the THE2020 World University Rankings.

Ranked sixth in the ARWU World University Academic Ranking.

Einstein had deep feelings for Princeton, and it was not a strange thing that he decided to die here alone in his later years.

And if he were to be buried in Princeton’s cemetery

Naturally, it can only be cremated at the Princeton Crematorium.

Foreigners have no concept of returning to the roots of fallen leaves. If you die, you can bury it somewhere, or even say that there is no place to bury it. You can throw your ashes in the wind, sea, or forest

Lin Xian also experienced the death and cremation of his relatives.

He has also been to the crematorium.

Basically a person who is intact advances to the high-temperature incinerator, and when it is pushed out again, there is only a mass of ashes left.

But pay attention!

[The point is coming!]

After the corpse is cremated, the staff will shovel all the ashes into the ashes and hand them to the family members.


After all, this is manual work.

No matter how clean the shovel is, there will be some ashes left in Brother Tejiao Cha for various reasons.

The family members will not care about the small part of the ashes left behind, and even some of the ashes dust sticks to the furnace wall, and you can’t use a small brush to sweep it little by little, right?

So, what will happen if these ashes are not taken away?

The staff will use a vacuum cleaner to suck up all the ashes that have been checked in the furnace before putting it in the next corpse for incineration.

No matter which country you are in.

Many people and one stove are strictly prohibited!

The ashes powder in those vacuum cleaners will naturally be dumped into the trash can or buried in any big pit.

therefore …

[Even if the family members take away the ashes of the deceased, there will definitely be a small amount of ashes left in the garbage pits of the crematorium. 】

This is why the future Lin Xian can discover the DNA of the three deaths in the underground site of the Princeton Crematorium.

this means.

The three sons of Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong were all cremated here.

Lin Xian put down the phone.

Start thinking.

A few minutes ago, he just reasoned out that [Devil]’s first candidate was Li Jing.

But now, it came to the conclusion that Li Jing had been cremated in the crematorium.



Now that the contradiction appears, it means that a conclusion is wrong.

“Otherwise, I guessed wrong, Li Jing is not [devil].”

“Or else”

Lin Xian smiled slightly, he was quite confident:

“Otherwise, I guessed it right! Li Jing, perhaps, is not dead at all!”.

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