Chapter 162 Lei Haolong, come back from the dead!? The real ghost will never go away!

“The real battle is about to begin…”

Lin Xian cleared the desktop and started reasoning.

Since the future self, choose to give the [last letter] to myself at this time.

That means

“The time for the final battle has arrived!”

“Once you miss the golden time before the birth of [Demon], then mankind will always miss the opportunity to kill [Demon], and any effort will be in vain!”

Lin Xian guess

[Devil] Whether it is not yet formed~ or not yet born.

All in all!

At this stage, it must be the weakest stage of [Demon]! It is also the best time to kill him!

If you miss this opportunity, let the [devil] develop-come

Let’s not talk about whether you can find its problems under its powerful abilities.

Even if you find it.

I definitely can’t beat it!

“It’s even possible to face the [devil] that has grown up, and he can kill me in seconds as soon as I meet him.”

Can kill the enemy in the baby.

Don’t take the risk of being just head-on.

After all, the existence of [Devil] is too mysterious.

It’s not just its existence.

Its ability, its means, its method of hiding itself, its method of destroying the world, etc., all of which are too mysterious.

Lin Xian cleaned up the desktop.

Place two yellowed stationery on the left side of the desk.

“Then first, I will extract useful information from the [last letter]!

Look at the entire letter.

In fact, the information can be divided into three parts:

1. The polite nonsense.

2. Two facts of [must be correct].

3. Part of Lin Xian’s guess in the future.

After writing these three options.

Lin Xian picked up the pencil and crossed the first and third lines directly.

“The nonsense is definitely not important, don’t think about it.”

“In the future, Lin Xian’s guess is not important. Since he has not succeeded in finding [Devil], it means that there must be something wrong with his inference!”

Lin Xian does not intend to follow the old path that Lin Xian has taken in the future.


Now, he has to treat the guess of middle-aged Lin Xian as nonsense.

Although this is a bit general.

But since you want to break and then stand, then break it simply!

“If I am affected by my own thinking in the future, the final result can be imagined. It is nothing more than to walk his old path again.

“This time I have to completely believe in myself! Anyway, we are all the same person, trusting me also means trusting him!”

Lin Xian no longer talks nonsense.

Directly extract the two most useful sentences from the entire letter onto a piece of A4 paper–

【1. The emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chicago Grand Theater. We have determined that the two survivors between the 37 victims and the 35 victims are Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong!][2. Using advanced technology, we found the DNA of three deceased persons under the [Crematorium Site] in Princeton, U.S.A. They are – Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong’s son who was born Tianzhe. 】

“This is enough.”

Lin Xian stacked the two yellowed letter papers together and put them aside.

Except for these two facts [must be correct].

Other information.

He doesn’t need it!

In this way, we can ensure that our thinking is sufficiently “neutral”.

“So let’s look at the first one first.

Lin Xian carefully read this [must be correct] fact.

The emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chicago Grand Theater.

This point need not be questioned.

It is not difficult to speculate that both Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong are the indirect creators of [Devil].

If you don’t save Liu Yiyi, there will be no [devil].

But this is not Liu Yiyi’s fault.

Logically speaking, it was her survival that awakened [Demon]. But in fact, she has nothing to do with [Devil] at all.

So …

The biggest suspect came to Lei Haolong again!

The future self inferred that Lei Haolong was the [devil] this demon, and even sent the first messenger to assassinate it.

But it turns out.

His reasoning is wrong, at least not entirely correct!

After Lei Haolong died, the future has not changed, so it can be directly determined–

Lei Haolong is not a [devil]!

“Then according to my future, [the emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chicago Grand Theater.] This fact is absolutely correct!”

“Then it can be deduced and calculated-[Devil] must be someone related to Lei Haolong!’

Lin Xian took out another piece of A4 paper.

He wants to sort it out

Who has a relationship with Lei Haolong, who may be a [devil]!

Sharpen the pencil with a pencil sharpener.

Lin Xian began to write on the paper–

[Demon candidates related to Lei Haolong]

1. Regret the members of the Mutual Aid Society.

2. Li Jing.

3. The unborn child in Li Jing’s belly.


Think about it.

Lin Xian added another–

4. Lei Haolong himself.

Although he knew that Lei Haolong was dead, he couldn’t be a [devil].

But there are still many mysteries in Lei Haolong.

for example

Why was his student number 42?

And his student ID is also 42!

Lin Xian felt that this coincidence was too mysterious. He could not convince himself at all. It was just a simple coincidence.

And there is one thing to say.

Lei Haolong is very smart.

Lin Xian even felt that Lei Haolong was the opposite of himself in the mirror.

“If Lei Haolong is really a smart person, then he provoked me so high-profile and recklessly, it means–”

“[He must have left behind!]”

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.


Why didn’t I think of this before?

Lei Haolong’s various behaviors are too high-profile, it is almost like forcing himself to kill him!

this behavior

“this behavior ”

Lin Xian was a little thoughtful and terrified.

He thinks of himself


After swallowing and spitting, Lin Xian said to himself:

“Lei Haolong’s deliberate beggar for death in the “Chapter and Commendation Conference” is the same as my deliberate beggar for death in the “Human Science and Technology Contest”!”

“At that time, I tried to use death to force [the devil], and at the same time I kept [death insurance] as a back-to-back for the resurrection.

.0 Seeking flowers…

“So ”

“If Lei Haolong is also a wise man, he dared to gamble on the answer with his life so recklessly! That means one-”

“[Maybe Lei Haolong! Also trying to force my hole cards with death! Also left a back hand that can be resurrected after death!]”

Thought of here

Lin Xian shuddered!

He turned his head.

Look at the empty window behind me

That is where the future Liu Yiyi stood for 48 days.


This messenger who came through has already turned into a quantum state collapse.

And under the curtains stacked next to each other

There is still an apple that has been dehydrated and blackened.


Lin Xian remembers this apple.

This was accidentally dropped to the ground during the video of myself and Liu Yiyi yesterday.

When I was busy, I forgot.

Lin Xian walked over.

Pick up the rotten apple on the ground.

This apple landed, and it only took a few hours

But at this time it.

But it was dehydrated, blackened, and ginger wrinkled.

It only takes a mouse poop to spoil a pot of porridge.

The same is true.

A rotten apple is enough to destroy a box of fresh apples.

Lin Xian recalled Lei Haolong’s cold smile

He feels.

I have always underestimated Lei Haolong.

He originally thought that the reason why Lei Haolong wanted to expose himself in the “commendation meeting” was entirely because of jealousy, so he was so crazy and impulsive!

but now …

Lin Xian realized…

Lei Hao Long’s purpose is not here.

He is a smart man.

The reason why he is so high-profile, impulsive, and hysterical to expose himself

[It’s just acting!]

And his real purpose, very likely, is to force himself to kill him!

To die Mingzhi!

In exchange for an answer!

“The things Lei Haolong did and the thoughts he had are surprisingly similar to me!”

“So ”

Lin Xian frowned slightly.


Like himself, Lei Haolong also set up a [Death Insurance] that can be resurrected after death!

“Maybe someday”

“Lei Haolong will resurrect intact and stand in front of me again!”


This is not the scariest!

this moment.

Lin Xian had unprecedented chills in his back.

Only then did he understand.

What does it mean to be a true ghost!

Although Lei Haolong is dead

Although the dead can’t speak

But if Lei Haolong really has something to do with [Devil]!

And [the devil] will resurrect him as promised, or if Lei Haolong really keeps some back hand to resurrect him

After Lei Haolong is resurrected, he can directly tell his name to [Devil]!

Expose means death, discover means destroy!

“[Then, wait for the day Lei Haolong is resurrected]”

“[It’s the moment when my identity was revealed and I was killed by [Demon]] “?

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