Chapter 126 I alone light up the country! The whole people enter the era of controlled nuclear fusion!


This Longguo is going to shut down the Three Gorges Hydropower Station?

Is he crazy?

After hearing Lin Xian’s call, the Americans all looked confused and shocked! There was a lot of discussion!

“The Three Gorges Hydropower Station? Isn’t it the largest project of the century in Longguo!? As a U.S. citizen, I know that it is a great project that belongs to the miracle of the world! The power of a dam has changed the ecology and water volume of the entire downstream area of ​​Longguo. !”

“Close the Three Gorges Hydropower Station? This Longguo is crazy! The power generation of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station is so large that it can be said that half of the Dragon Kingdom is supplied by himself! He is going to close the Three Gorges now, isn’t it that half of the Dragon Kingdom will fall into dark?”

“Crazy crazy. With such a big Century project, so many households and industrial electricity, you just shut it down when you say it shuts down? Who do you think you are!!”

“Yes, as Americans, we all know that the Three Gorges Dam is the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom! If the Three Gorges Hydropower Station is closed, half of the Dragon Kingdom will be extinguished!!”

Different from the general audience’s focus.

More than 300 top scientists from all over the world.

They don’t care about the Three Gorges Dam

Their attention is all focused on Lin Xian’s words!

【Controllable Nuclear Fusion】???!!!??

Be good!

Didn’t you hear me wrong?

There are too many shocked times today, and these top scientists have long put down the so-called majesty and prestige!

When I was surprised, I started talking like a pupil!

“My old ears are right? This young man just said that he is going to lead the Dragon Kingdom into the era of [controlled nuclear fusion]? Did you hear clearly? Are you sure it is controlled nuclear fusion? Is it simultaneous translation? Translation is wrong?

“No, I understand Chinese, I can hear clearly what he said is controlled nuclear fusion!! Which laboratory does this young man represent? Is it also the Chinese Academy of Sciences? But I haven’t heard of this. Research on this aspect!”

“Remember the artificial sun that was stabilized for 1 second in the Long Kingdom some time ago? Maybe this young man came from that laboratory! A year ago, he could only stabilize for 1 second, and now he has completely overcome controllable nuclear fusion? ? This is too illusory!”

“Today really opened my eyes!! This is a day that can be recorded in the annals of history! Godbach conjecture, quantum batteries, controlled nuclear fusion, Saturn V thrusters, my God!! Dragon and the United States, really All the things at the bottom of the press box are taken out!”

“Understandably, after all, this game is directly related to the world pattern of who will be the boss in the future! But there is one thing I wonder if controllable nuclear fusion has anything to do with the Three Gorges Hydropower Station? Why shut down the Three Gorges What about the hydropower station?”

Lin Xian chuckled lightly.

Seeing the shock of the audience and the judges.

He is very useful.

All this has just begun!

On the edge of the stage.

When Lin Xian called out the order to shut down the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, Ding Yi picked up the satellite phone and said directly to that side:

“Close the Three Gorges! Proceed as planned!”

at the same time–

Long Country, Imperial Capital, and Confidential Control Room.

A big man picked up the red special line phone and said to the other end:

“Close the Three Gorges and remind the downstream provinces to allocate circuits as planned.”


Orders are issued level by level!

“The control centers of the provinces are following the order! Except for the first-category agencies to switch back-up thermal power lines, and the second-category agencies to use diesel generators to generate electricity! All other lines are ready for power outages!”

“The switching of thermal power lines for a type of agency is complete!”

“Report! All hospitals have switched back-up lines! Be prepared for a power outage!”

“Report! The communications department has activated the three-way power supply! Be prepared for a power outage!”

“Report! The signal tower has started the emergency engine! Be prepared for a power outage!”

“Report! Standby lines have been activated for water plants, heavy industrial zones, and oil pipelines! Be prepared for power outages!”

“Report! The backup power supply has been activated on the traffic line! Be prepared for a power outage!”


One after another reassuring news is reported!

This is the superiority of the Dragon Kingdom system!

Go up and down a game of chess!

One heart!

This is an action that no country can match!

Nowadays, in the provinces on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, all first-class institutions (hospitals, communications, water plants, heavy industry, pipelines, traffic lights, etc.) have activated standby lines and are ready for power outages!

This can ensure that when there is a major power outage across the country for a while, it can ensure that these important places continue to supply power.

finally …

In the main control room of the Three Gorges Dam, the red special line phone rang.

“Hey! This is the Three Gorges Master Control Room! Follow the instructions of the superior!”

“Close the Three Gorges!”

“Yes! Close the Three Gorges!!”

After the commander hung up, he waved his hand at the long-awaited subordinate:

“Send a superior order! Close the Three Gorges! Shut down the gates and seal off the water! All units shut down!”


Boom!!!!! !!!


boom!!!!!!!!With various buttons pressed!

The Three Gorges Dam built against the mountain began to shake!

More than 70 steel gates weighing thousands of tons are slowly rising!

Seal all the spillways!

The movement of the giant dam made all the birds that perched around the Three Gorges Dam take off!

As if the earth vibrates!

Ten minutes later

Everything is quiet

The damned Three Gorges Dam cut off the billowing Yangtze River!

No drop of water can flow through this miracle dam!

at this time.

Inside the Three Gorges Dam, all 32 generator sets with extremely exaggerated power generation have been shut down!

The buzzing sound disappeared instantly


at the same time!

Far away in the U.S. venue, there was a cry of exclamation!

“Look! Look at the satellite night view on the big screen! The lights on the Long Kingdom map have started to go out! Very quickly!”

“Oh my God! What’s the situation! Half of the Dragon Kingdom is extinguished? Half of the Dragon Kingdom is plunged into darkness! The Three Gorges Hydropower Station is really closed!!

“Unbelievable! The Three Gorges Hydropower Station, but the largest power station in Longguo! Nothing -!-Once the Three Gorges is closed, the entire lower Yangtze River province will be plunged into darkness!”

“What is Long Kingdom really going to do? What is the purpose of this young man on the stage? He cut off half of Long Kingdom! Can he bear this kind of responsibility?”

It’s not just tens of thousands of people from the country!

At this moment.

Billions of people all over the world are simultaneously watching the live broadcast of this game.

They were stunned by this scene!

Half of the Dragon Kingdom is plunged into darkness

Dragon country

That is the Dragon Kingdom with a population of 1.4 billion!

This young man took the lights of nearly 700 million people with the order! What the hell is he going to do?

In the satellite night view on TV, on the Internet, and synchronized broadcast.

The originally brightly lit middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River seemed to be blindfolded–






The lights of one province after another are extinguished in an instant!

Just ten seconds of work!

On the satellite map, the entire southern half of the territory of the Dragon Kingdom is all plunged into darkness!

There is not a trace of light!

As everyone said!

Half of the Dragon Kingdom–all gone out!!


In Longguo’s network synchronization live broadcast room, the voice of users quitting constantly sounded.

Just in those ten seconds.

Tens of millions of netizens were disconnected.

Don’t think about it.

There must be a power outage there.

but …

In the entire live broadcast room, there was no trace of panic!

Everyone is refreshing:

“Friends of the South! Waiting for you to come back!!”

“Friends of the South! Waiting for you to come back!!”

“Friends of the South! Waiting for your return!!

“Friends of the South! Waiting for your return!!

at the same time.

In the city from north to south.

Every house’s televisions, electric lights, street lights on the street, and the lighting in the square were all turned off.

The whole city is pitch black

However, no one is afraid!

As early as a few days ago, they had received official notifications from various channels, and they had known for a long time that there would be a power outage at this time tonight.

At the same time, they are also clear in their hearts!

The sun will always rise!

The bright will always come!

They don’t have a TV at home and can’t watch live TV, open the windows! Go to the balcony! The whole city shouts together:

“Long Kingdom!!! Come on!!!!!”

“Long Kingdom!!! Come on!!!!!”

(cafd) “Long Country!!! Come on!! !!!”

Shocking roar!

Spread all over the country!

The entire land of Shenzhou was shaken by it!

on the stage.

The old man wearing an Einstein mask.

My arms keep shaking

His eyes widened!

Looking at the half-long country that has been extinguished on the big screen

This kind of strength, unity, and collaboration made him feel terrified!

He looked away.

Looking at the incredible young man on the stage!

Is it…


He really

Want to perform the magic of controlled nuclear fusion??

Could it be that

He really wants

Will half of the Dragon Kingdom be lighted up again!?!?

After seeing half of the Dragon Kingdom go out.

Lin Xian smiled slightly, picked up the microphone, and continued to explain:

“The electricity produced by the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in Longguo is mainly supplied to the provinces in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Once the Three Gorges power station is closed, everyone has seen that the lights in several provinces will be extinguished, and nearly half of the Long Country has been plunged into darkness. ”

“But starting today, all power stations in Longguo can be closed! We have mastered a more efficient, cleaner, and more stable energy acquisition model! It is more than tens of thousands of times more powerful than [Quantum Battery] !

“It’s useless to say more, please keep your eyes on the big screen, the magic begins!”

Lin Xian raised his right hand and pointed at the big screen hanging in the middle of the venue!


Pick up the microphone and order:

“[Controllable Nuclear Fusion] Experimental Machine Started!!”

Ding Yi picked up the satellite phone and transmitted the order to the imperial capital.

The imperial capital was transferred to the general control room of the Three Gorges.

The commander-in-chief informs the staff in the main engine room of the power generation.

Liu Lu, Wang Sen, Ye Wenjie

The entire Dragon Academy of Sciences, not the entire Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear physics engineering experts, are all gathered in this room!

They are already ready!

As the general control Liu Lu, he accepts reports from various departments one by one!

“Artificial Sun 2 model machine is operating normally!”

“Temperature control is normal!”

“Plasma power conversion works normally!”

“The pressure in the furnace is normal!”

“Deuterium filling is complete! You can start at any time!”

“The angle machine is normal!”

“Controlling Liu! Everything is ready! Please order to start!”

Liu Lu nodded.

Clench your fists!

Lin Xian

This man who has been bringing miracles to the Dragon Kingdom and the world!

Lin Xian will never let Longguo people down!

Liu Lu

I will never let Lin Xian down!!

In front of you is the country of Zu!

Behind you is me!

“【Controllable Nuclear Fusion】Experimental machine–start up!!!”

Woolen cloth!

Following Liu Lu’s order.

The staff in charge of the switch directly pulls down the trigger!


[Controlled nuclear fusion] The centrifuge in the experimental machine starts to rotate!

In the various incomprehensible light bars, blue light began to shine!

Each group of people closely followed the experimental data and began to report:

“The pressure is soaring! In the normal range!”

“The temperature is rising! It is about to break through the stable value! It is still in the safe range!”

“Plasma decomposition!

“The elemental deuterium is not visible! The temperature is too high! The morphological arrangement is not visible!”

“The plasma conversion is normal!”

“The temperature is stable!”


“The pressure is stable!!”

“All reactions are stable!! Report the total control! The controllable nuclear fusion experiment machine is all stable! Request to connect the main circuit of the Three Gorges unit!”

Ha ha.

Liu Lu had a long-lost smile on his face.

For a scientist.

this moment …

It’s so fulfilling!

“Connect the main circuit! Light up the Dragon Kingdom for Lin Xian!!”


The steel knife is closed!


Pili one


Magnetic one

The blue high-voltage arc flickers!

The electric energy of the giant da flows into the grid! After passing through the voltage stabilizer and the transformer, it is transmitted to the north and the south through the cable!

at this time

On the satellite night view broadcasted around the world

Chongqing! Guangxi! Zhejiang! Serve one province after another, the lights gradually turn on!

The people of the Long Kingdom in every household!

All excited to turn on all the lights in the house!

They know!

The satellite is watching!

People all over the world are watching!

This is the first use of controllable nuclear fusion energy in human history!

They want to make these lights!

Brighten the eyes of the American people!!

In Longguo’s webcast room

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding-

The voices of new users entering the live broadcast room are connected in a string!

“Comrades! I’m back! At this moment, I am using the electricity generated by controllable nuclear fusion!!

“Everyone, turn on all the lights in the house!”

“Blind them!”

“Shit [Quantum Battery]! In front of our [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] of Long Country, you are not even worthy of shoes!”

“The Dragon Kingdom has come to the forefront of the world! To the top of the world! The future era belongs to controlled nuclear fusion! It belongs to our Dragon Kingdom!!

Tens of thousands of people live in the rice congress field.

All the audience and the judges were stunned!

They watched helplessly, on the satellite map, the originally dark southern part of the Dragon Kingdom instantly spread to the entire Dragon Kingdom in the form of sparks!

The half-dragon country that was still dark just now!

The lights are already bright at this time! It is like the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty!

They saw clearly

This lights up the huge amount of electricity in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

It only came from a [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] experimental machine the size of a refrigerator!!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

More than 300 judges can no longer calm down!

They all stand up!

No one can still sit on a stool!




Lin Xian watched this scene with satisfaction.

Proudly announce to the world:

“This is the ultimate technology that Longguo wants to show the world!”

“From today! Dragon Kingdom will lead all mankind! Step into the era of controlled nuclear fusion!!”.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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