Chapter 113 Lin Xian bet his life: If I die, it proves that I am right! [Decryption Chapter]

Liu Lu didn’t listen to Professor Ding Yi’s words?

This is indeed not in line with his character.

Lin Xian remembered.

Liu Lu respected Professor Ding Yi very much, and Professor Ding Yi regarded him as his most proud disciple.

Even if he engages in “wrong ways” and wants to study 42.

Although Professor Ding Yi hated iron for not making steel and regretted it, he still gave him all the help except funding.

This person is also a teacher, friend, and loyal to the country, Lin Xian also admires him very much.

What research results does he want from Liu Lu?

“Professor Ding Yi, should I call Liu Lu to ask about the situation? Then I will reply to you?,

Professor Ding Yi over there shook his head:

“Liu Lu is by my side. We brought the Dean of the Academy of Long Science and many big people, and came to visit him at Central South University, but hey, you can talk to Liu Lu directly.

A few seconds later.

The phone was handed to Liu Lu’s ear.

“Lin Lin Xian.”

Lin Xian heard the familiar stuttering and asked directly:

“What do they want from your research?”

“It’s us 42.

“Well?? Why do you want this? Isn’t the country not optimistic about this project?”

When Ding Yi called, Lin Xian didn’t think about it at all!

He thought it was some of Liu Lu’s previous projects.

After all, in the last time and space, Professor Ding Yi said very deadly:

“Liu Lu’s project is too mysterious, it has no practicality, and the state does not recognize it, so it did not grant him funding.

“Personally, I am not optimistic about this research. I hope that after this competition, Liu Lu can take care of his mind and use his talent on the right path.”

Lin Xian remembers these words clearly.

It is because there is no one person supporting Liu Lu from top to bottom in the country, Lin Xian made his own money in “Eight Seven”, invested in a laboratory for Liu Lu, and asked him to study 42.

Why all of a sudden

Did Liu Lu become incongruent?

Lin Xian stood up, walked into the study, and continued to talk with Liu Lu:

“Where are you 42 in your research?”

“The progress is very fast. I have ruled out many possibilities.”

Lin Xian scratched his head:

“Does your research use the method of elimination? Eliminate all the impossible, and the remaining possibilities are the correct answer. Do you mean that?”

On the phone, Liu Lu extended his thumb out of thin air and nodded:

“Yes, because I don’t understand 42 there is no way, so I can only eliminate it.”

“Now the focus is not on this. It is Professor Ding Yi who wants me… to participate in the Human Science and Technology Top Sewing Competition and announce this [cosmological constant] to me and you.”

“Okay, okay, I get it.

Lin Xian interrupted Liu Lu quickly.

This speed

After listening to him, it’s time to have lunch.

Anyway, Lin Xian has already figured it out.

It’s simple–

The [Human Science and Technology Summit] to be held in the United States, the Dragon Kingdom has already challenged.

For the Dragon Kingdom, who desperately needs world status, prestige, and influence, this game must not be lost!

Therefore, naturally, scientists headed by Professor Ding Yi plan to display the country’s most cutting-edge scientific achievements, so that the world can understand that the sleeping lion has risen! Today’s world is no longer the only one in the United States. NS!

But I don’t know why.

Perhaps it is Professor Ding Yi’s self-confidence in Liu Lu, the “First Prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom”.

He actually “again” took a fancy to Liu Lu’s research results.

I want Liu Lu to prove to the people all over the world that the [cosmic derivative] is 42!

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

Nie Yuan!Some things, even if they cross time and space, still remain the same.

Just like Professor Ding Yi’s trust and expectation of Liu Lu.

Even if he thinks Liu Lu’s research is useless.

But such an important game

He still hopes that Liu Lu can tell the world about this [cosmic derivative]!

Perhaps this is the love of master and apprentice far beyond father and son

Before changing.

Liu Lu definitely agreed without hesitation.

But it’s different now.

Liu Lu and Lin Xian said first:

“42’s research results must not be released to the public! The final answer is that the first person to know is Liu Lu, and the second person to know can only be Lin Xian!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a little moved.

Liu Lu doesn’t look like the kind of person who is good at debating.

But facing so many teachers, elders, big people

He has not been moved, insisting on the agreement with himself!

Didn’t even call myself!

It’s no brains to keep the promise to yourself!

“Lin Xian, I promised you love, I didn’t betray you when I said it.”

Lin Xian admires this kind of gentleman spirit.

“Liu Lu, please call Professor Ding Yi and leave the rest to me.”

In a place where no one can see.

Lin Xian smiled with relief.

If you have this friend, what can your husband ask for?

He can imagine that in the past two days, countless elders and big figures have been affirmed to use “national interests”, “national spirit”, and “contribute to the country” to force Liu Lu.

But the stubborn Liu Lu never nodded!

Just because he and Lin Xian have emotions far beyond friendship, and the agreement of friendship between gentlemen.


As Liu Lu’s investor and boss.

Lin Xian must stand up at this time.

Help him stop everything and protect him safely!

“Professor Ding Yi, I have probably understood what happened. What you mean is that you want Liu Lu to take out the results in the laboratory and win glory for the country?”

Professor Ding Yi’s voice was very calm over there:

“Yes, Mr. Lin, you are also a patriot. I believe you can also understand that this [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition] is of vital importance to the Long Country, which is in desperate need of international influence!

“So Mr. Lin Xian, this matter is very important, can you please come to the imperial capital, let’s talk in person? Now both sides of Longmi are actively inquiring about each other’s intelligence, I am afraid that the wall has ears.

Lin Xian directly responded.

This is also in line with his wishes.

“Okay, I will leave for the airport, and I expect to arrive at the Imperial Capital later in the afternoon.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lin, I will arrange a vehicle to pick you up at the airport.

After hanging up

Lin Xian finished his breakfast very quickly.

Then came to the study again.

Sit on the recliner.

Start thinking.

“I have already thought about it, 42’s research results will not be shown in anyway.”

at this point.

Lin Xian is very sure.

Having experienced the last time and space, he knows better than Professor Ding Yi that when Liu Lu’s research is put out to the public, he will only gain ridicule and contempt.

In the huge meeting place back then.

The moment when Liu Lu finally figured out the 42 count.

There was no applause or cheers in the whole venue

some …

It was just ridicule and booing.

“Liu Lu is the well-deserved number one prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“This kind of booing and ridicule is not something his genius like Einstein should enjoy!”

“at this time ”

Lin Xian smiled slightly, thinking of Liu Lu’s embarrassment that he was holding back for a long time and blushing, and he couldn’t say a word:

“It’s time for me to protect him.

Lin Xian opened the bookcase.

Take out a thick new cover.

It was a stack of manuscripts left to himself in Einstein’s safe.

It was divided into three parts by Lin Xian with paper clips.

He pulled out the middle part.


Seven or eight sheets of paper fell on the table.

The top piece of paper.

Written in very naive and loose Chinese characters–

Controllable nuclear fusion equation!

“It’s time for mankind to enter the era of [controllable nuclear fusion]. Besides, I don’t want to see Dragon Kingdom lose the game!”

“Since Liu Lu is not allowed to show 42 on the stage, then I will give country Zu a more powerful [Controlled Nuclear Fusion]! Well! This is also an explanation for Professor Ding Yi and Longguo.”

Lin Xian thought of a bold plan.

I want Lord Dong to attack!

Face off with the masked man of Einstein!

“Anyway, I have the [Death Insurance] to come back from the dead. This time, I want to use this life to bet on an answer!”

Lin Xian’s idea is very simple–

To die Mingzhi!

Distinguish by death!

In this [Human Technology Summit], he will participate in a very high profile, face to face, and confront the man with the Einstein mask at close range!

So he can come up with an answer–

“[I have published such a high-profile controllable nuclear fusion equation, so if Einstein is still alive and standing on the opposite side of me, he will definitely kill me! Because my identity is undoubtedly exposed, this equation is He gave it to me, so he must know who I am!]”

This is Lin Xian’s plan.

The Lord reveals his identity!

Let the enemy kill yourself!

As long as oneself is dead, then prove that oneself is correct one-

[Einstein, he is still alive! And, he is a demon!]

“Even if Einstein is not a demon, but this death can prove that the demon is also related to this human technology summit. It noticed me and tried to kill me.”

“In this way, although it seems that I was exposed and died. But in fact, after I used the [Death Insurance] to resurrect, it was the devil who revealed his identity! On the contrary, I had mastered the power!


Lin Xian snapped his fingers.

Really, how does this brain grow?

Why is it so smart?

I can come up with [Gambling information with my life]!

It is finally possible to preemptively!

Lin Xian took out a pen and a piece of paper and began to write the whole plan–

[1. Use the controllable nuclear fusion equation to persuade Professor Ding Yi and the country to allow them to participate in the competition and personally show the results! Be sure to do enough tricks, how high-profile and high-profile it can be!][2. Before participating in the competition, write down the death insurance.. 0 Write a letter to the past self and tell the past self-if I die in the human technology summit, it means that the devil is not the cause of love Stan himself, the person wearing the mask of Einstein, or the person related to this science and technology competition, in short, the scope of the devil has narrowed a lot. 】

[3. Then if the plan goes well. Not surprisingly, after the game is over, he will be killed in a short time. The means of killing may be varied, and it is not ruled out that killing by superpowers. 】

[4. After Lin Xian’s death, the death insurance set up in advance is activated. Liu Yiyi’s QQ mailbox will receive regular emails, and then Liu Yiyi will follow the prompts and send the written letter back to the past to revive himself!][5. After receiving the letter in the past, I immediately understood the meaning of Lin Xian’s life betting and the result of his betting. Since I received this letter in the past, it means that Lin Xian is dead, which means that Lin Xian’s guess is completely correct!)

[6. Subsequently, Lin Xian will naturally not participate in the human science and technology top seam competition in person. The display of controllable nuclear fusion products can completely allow Professor Ding Yi to play as a cover. And he himself is still hiding behind the scenes to ensure that his identity is not revealed. 】

[7. In this case, Lin Xian and the devil’s hide-and-seek position instantly flips! Lin Xian still hides in the dark and has not been exposed, but the identity of the devil and the scope of the suspect have been directly narrowed to dozens of people!]

“At that time, once the scope of the demon is locked! I can try one by one, experiment over and over again, until I find out the identity of the demon! Then, kill him!

A long-lost light appeared in Lin Xian’s eyes!

This is a big bet

But I earn money without losing money!Because he can be resurrected infinitely.

This is my biggest advantage!

If you are really killed as you wish, then the day when the devil’s veil is lifted is close!

“Devil, devil, if you really exist, please be sure to kill me, because only I die can prove it, and my guess is correct!”

After all I want to understand.

Lin Xian decided to go to the imperial capital first and settle Liu Lu’s matter.

after all

Lin Xian wants to know 42’s answer more urgently.

If Professor Ding Yi is not convinced and let them leave as soon as possible, I am afraid it will only delay Liu Lu’s research.

“Go and go!

Thinking that he could finally find the devil, Lin Xian was very excited.


After using a lighter to burn all the papers of the reasoning, Lin Xian picked up Einstein’s manuscript on the [Controllable Nuclear Fusion Equation] and walked out of the study.


As the study door closed, the wind brought up by the door panel blew the curtains on the wall


The quiet curtains are like flying elves at this time, dancing with the wind in the unmanned study.

Little blue star dust…

Flickering and flickering in the air.


The window 5.3 curtain falls.


Tend to be quiet.


The noble Rolls-Royce Wise Shadow resorted to the underground parking lot and drove towards the airport.

Lin Xian did not bring a time-space mailbox on this trip.

Because …

This is a journey that will die at any time.

He must leave the space-time mailbox at home.

So as to ensure that after his death, Liu Yiyi can use [Death Insurance] to send a letter to the past self to revive himself!


The jet engine of the Boeing Jet Juda starts.

The huge amount of hot air distorted the vision!

The plane took off from Donghai Airport with a full cabin of passengers.

After 3 hours.

The plane will land at the Imperial Capital Airport.

At that time, the welcome car of the Long Academy of Sciences was already waiting there early

Dang Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Dang Ding

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

Tunghai University, inside the piano room.

The beautiful and elegant piano music, the sound of “Adelina by the Water” overflowed the room and rang the first morning sun.

The school celebration will be held in a few days.

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan worked overtime, waking up in the morning and practicing new dance music.

It is still Liu Yiyi playing the piano.

Dai Chuchan danced ballet.

The aqua blue ballet skirt spins beside Dai Chuchan, like a white lotus whose skin is sincerely praying.

The white lotus rippled in the water.

Waiting for the arrival of the beautiful woman

Will he come?

Will she come?


Will it come?.

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