Chapter 110 Lazy funeral, party mask, Li Jing found the relic!

Lin Xian didn’t read the content of the subsequent press conference.

No important point.

Basically, Ma Zike answered some reporters’ questions.

Lin Xian’s thoughts still remained on the thoughts just now.


He finally understood who he was fighting with.

This is a battle in history, time and space, and causality.

I have been trying to change history.

And “they (enemies)” are trying to restore history to its original state!

“Hehe, interesting!

Lin Xian’s spirit relaxed.

Because …

He found that he had always “overestimated” the enemy’s strength.

He once thought that the enemy might have the ability to change the past just like himself.

But now it seems that it can be directly denied.

“If the enemy has the ability to change the past, why bother and go around such a large circle to restore history? Wouldn’t it be enough to just intercept my letter or write a letter opposite to me?”

Lin Xian already wants to understand,

“The reason why the enemy (perhaps the devil) wants to restore [history] is to ensure the stability of [future].”

The future hoped by the “enemy” is the future that fell into ruins in 2041.

And the future I hope is a bright future in which the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is strong and the people prosper.

The purpose is different.

So the position is different.

But because “enemies (maybe demons)” do not have the ability to change the past, they can only change the present and make things that have happened and should have happened again.

“For example, I canceled the [Mathematics World Masters] that was supposed to happen, and the enemy has now launched the [Human Technology Summit].

“Only by letting the things that should have happened happen again, the world line and the future can return to their original state.”

Lin Xian recalled the kidnapping of Dai Chuchan.

If you don’t care about her, she must be kidnapped by her classmates. This is what happened. 】

I saved Dai Chuchan by myself, and history changed.

However, the “enemy” did not want Dai Chuchan to be saved, which was an obstacle to the future they hoped for.

Therefore, they must have used some ability to get Dai Chuchan to be kidnapped again.

However, what they didn’t expect was that their future self rescued Dai Chuchan again.

“Then the problem comes.”

“If the enemy is about to smash Dai Chuchan to death, perhaps he will use some means to kidnap the state again to abduct Dai Chuchan!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help but be puzzled.

[Dai Chuchan is really that important to the future?]


I cannot answer this question myself.

As for the relationship between [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and the “enemy”, it is also difficult to tell.

Maybe they are in the same group.

Perhaps they have nothing to do with each other and each has its own purpose.

In short.

Regarding the answer to [Regret Mutual Aid Society], we must wait for Lin Xian to attend the party and figure out their true identity.

Lin Xian picked up the phone.

Dial Wang Hao’s number:

“Hello? Wang Hao, have you watched TV? At the press conference of Te Sla, it seems that the person wearing the Einstein mask you mentioned appeared.”

After Wang Hao answered the phone over there, he cursed directly!

I scolded all kinds of swearing for 2 minutes!

“It’s really fucking! Laozi doesn’t even know that this thing will be studied at the end, and will be used by TMD to suppress the Dragon Kingdom! If I knew it, I would never go to this research institute!”

“Lin Xian! Now our classmates should really look down on me. What’s the difference between me doing this and a traitor? Let others believe me or not, you must believe me! When I went to the institute, it really didn’t. Knowing that they will have this kind of show operation!”Lin Xian turned off the TV.

Sit back on the sofa.

As I thought, Wang Hao was not the kind of traitor.

On the contrary, he is still the kind of person with a strong national sentiment.

He couldn’t do anything like traitorousness.

Wang Hao was still cursing over there.

Lin Xian interrupted him directly:

“Okay, okay, you’re not all to blame for this. Besides, don’t take yourself so seriously. You are a small researcher. This [quantum battery], whether you have you or not, can be researched today. ”

But Wang Hao over there is still very angry:

“That’s right, but I’m involved after all! And don’t take it seriously, that [quantum battery] I know very well! Ma Xike didn’t brag about P! His energy is much larger than traditional lithium batteries. Times.”

“If the new special S pull electric car really uses [quantum battery], it will definitely be a dimensionality reduction blow for the Longguo Fuxing electric car! Fuck, I really want to cut my hand! Really become a traitor!

“Lin Xian, why don’t you hurry up and introduce me to President Chen Qing, I don’t need my TM diploma from the University of Chicago! Let me go to the research room of Fuxing Group and bring the research results of the US [Quantum Battery] to the country ! Although I do not have the core data, it is still helpful for research!”

Wang Hao was very excited over there.

Chili, quack, quack, quack, quack.

Lin Xian interrupted him again:

“It’s alright, don’t blame yourself. Since you know that the person wearing the Einstein mask is not a good thing, then you said that the August 1st party, you don’t go to it.

Wang Hao is his friend after all.

Besides, Lin Xian knows Wang Hao, this person has no ambitions, and ninety-nine percent of them have been used by others.

Although the purpose of using him is unknown.

But Wang Hao has no attachment to [Regret Mutual Aid Association], which means that he is sure that there is nothing crooked.

Wang Hao sighed over there

“Hey, I still have to go. After all, I asked Pride at the time. No, I asked the president if he could recommend me a graduate school.”

“I thought at the time that mutual aid associations shouldn’t help each other? I didn’t expect that they agreed in one go! Turn around and make a phone call, and I will go to the Institute of Chigago University tomorrow to find a tutor to report.”

“So no one can complain about this, just treat me as stupid.


The speaker is unintentional.

The listener intends.

Wang Hao just wanted to say [arrogance], but he stubbornly held back, changed his words, said it was the chairman.

Lin Xian couldn’t help but want to laugh.

No wonder people [Regret Mutual Aid Association] do not regard Wang Hao as a core member.

Just his vigilance, which is about zero, and his personality is not to cover up when he is in a hurry, and talk nonsense when he is drunk.

No one dared to let him know the core secret!

After two or two drinks, I will explain everything!


One yard owned by a yard.

Such a straightforward person is still very suitable for being friends.

At least he won’t stab you in the back.

With such a “cute” and “inner traitor”, Lin Xian also plans to get some words out of his mouth.

Lin Xian’s eyes rolled.

I have already figured out how to do it Wang Hao:

“Wang Hao, your chairman is so kind to you, doesn’t he have any demands on you? Pay the membership fee, let you do things for him, and so on.”

Wang Hao is also very honest over there:

“That’s not it, that’s not. Not only did they have no demands on me, but they also listened to me when they got together.

“[Don’t tell me, this class reunion of ours can finally get together, we have to thank others!]”

! !!!

Lin Xian heard the four words classmates reunion.


Lin Xian suspected from the beginning that if the purpose of the “enemy” was to restore history to its original form, would this 42 gathering of classmates also have to be held?

Under Lin Xian’s “random” inquiry, Wang Hao unsuspectingly began to answer:

“Originally, I didn’t plan to gather for this five-year classmate gathering. Because you know the current situation, for the sake of safety and health, the country does not allow crowds to gather, and we can’t cause trouble to the country n々!”

“But at the last meeting, the president said that if you have a classmate, the party should still have a party. If you don’t see your old friends, you will be full of points. In the end, I was persuaded by him, and I returned to China. Planned this class reunion.”You have come back to what happened later. After I sent a group message, Lei Haolong also knew about our gathering, so the Lord asked me to join him as soon as the Lord moved. Then Wen Ling, I won’t talk about it. I have my meaning. .”

Lin Xian nodded.

Write down these key messages.

With this set of Wang Hao’s words, all kinds of information felt clear at once.

The reunion of classmates after the change of history was really promoted by [arrogance].

Although I don’t know what his purpose is?

But this matter must be deliberately arranged!

Then, there is Lei Haolong.

At the last [Regret Mutual Aid Association] gathering, it was obvious that Lei Haolong had not joined the organization.

And just after Wang Hao was preparing to hold a class reunion.

Lei Haolong joined the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and became [Jealous].

Is all this a coincidence?

surely not!

Lin Xian now no longer believes in any coincidences!

Perhaps all of this is within [Arrogance] personal arrangements!

The purpose of all this

When the party on the evening of August 1st, it will be fully announced!

Wang Hao told Lin Xian.

He is still going to the party on the night of August 1st, and he is determined to quit the meeting! Explain everything to the president!

He believes that the chairman will understand his decision.

After all, no matter how deep the friendship between members is, in the face of national interests, everything is the country!

Lin Xian also very much agrees with Wang Hao’s decision:

“Wang Hao, I’m serious. Just your IQ and your insatiable mouth, don’t harm other people’s organizations. Let’s retreat quickly.”

After Lin Xian reminded me

Wang Hao found out!

Before I knew it, I had already said so many things to Lin Xian that I shouldn’t have said!

“Hey, fuck! When my brain gets hot, I will say everything! Hey, let’s forget it, my iron buddies. Anyway, I have to withdraw from the meeting, so let’s do it.”

Wang Hao has always been such a carefree person.

Lin Xian didn’t think too much.

After a few small chats, he hung up the phone.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

This just hung up the phone!

Another call came in.

Lin Xian looked at the electric display.

It’s Liu inspection.

After connecting, Liu inspected and pointed the subject:

“Mr. Lin, the death sentence of that trafficker came down yesterday. The circumstances are very serious. The sentence of death is executed immediately!”

“In two hours, we are going to perform the injection to die, do you still want to come and see?”

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Xian cleaned up and went downstairs and set off.

At that time, when Lin Xian was on the 42nd floor of Yuhailanting, after seeing the inhumane scene, he told Liu Xuncha:

“When he dies Xing, please call me over.”

Liu Xuncha is also a loyal person.

do as promised.

actually …

Lin Xian didn’t want to see Xing die too much.

Nowadays, Longguo’s deaths are all injections. Through intravenous injections of prisoners, they are allowed to die in a peaceful sleep.

This is also for humanity.

So it’s nothing to see. For a bad criminal like a human trafficker, this is all deserved!

He even said that letting him die so painlessly would actually make him cheaper.

And Lin Xian wants to meet the trafficker before he dies.

It’s because of his other identity–

One of the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and one of the [Seven Deadly Sins]–[Lazy].

[Lazy Love] I have attended many gatherings.

According to him, met all the members.

So, it is much more convenient to extract some information from him than Wang Hao.

“Anyway, this guy is going to die immediately, even if I expose it, it doesn’t matter.

Human traffickers are different from Wang Hao.

Lin Xian can ask the trafficker any questions without worrying about exposure.

He would watch the trafficker die.

Don’t give him any chance to speak alive.

And the dead

Can’t speak


Rolls-Royce Huiying parked safely in the parking lot of the Inspection Bureau.

Lin Xian and Liu Xiancha shook hands.

Liu Xuncha handed a piece of order to Lin Xian:

“Look at what this guy is doing? You are dead! This kind of devil, Xing Xing is cheap for him!”

Lin Xian looked at the charges on the paper.

One by one

Each one is a life.

“Inspector Liu, before he dies, can you let me meet him in the lawyer’s office for the last time?”

Liu Xuncha scratched his head slightly:

“I am afraid it is too late at this time. Please understand Mr. Lin, he has now been deprived of all rights, including the right to see a lawyer. In theory, he is not eligible to enter the lawyer’s conversation room.”

“More importantly, in his current situation, he must be monitored throughout the process. There is no recorder in the lawyer’s conversation room, which makes us very embarrassed.”

Lin Xian smiled, he had already thought about the reason.

He leaned to Liu Inspection’s ear.


“You tell me, this is actually a subject of my elective master’s degree in psychology, specializing in criminal psychology. This kind of mental activity before dying has never been able to find any actual material.

“So look at Liu’s inspection, it will only take a few minutes, and it will not delay your execution! Just do me a personal favor!”

There is an old saying in Longguo.

It is called, a daughter is easy to pay, but a favor is hard to pay.

In this world, the hardest thing to repay is favor.

So smart people know, don’t owe others favors easily!

at this time.

Liu Xuncha faces the problem of returning the favor

This time, I was able to take off a gang of human traffickers, and found more than two dozen children along the way!

Because Lin Xian is not greedy for merit.

So all the credit for all these things fell on Liu Xuncha!

In the second half of Liu’s inspection tour, the national deeds tour has been arranged, let alone some other things.

The favor he owes Lin Xian, that is a great favor!


This matter, since Lin Xian has brought it up.

And said to do a personal favor

There is no reason for rejection at all!

Liu Xuncha sighed, patted Lin Xian on the shoulder, and smiled helplessly:

“Three minutes is my limit. Understand, this is against the rules.

Lin Xian nodded.

Violation of the regulations should not make Liu’s inspection too difficult.

After 20 minutes, the lawyer talked to the room.

Both of them are so familiar.

Lin Xian didn’t need to change his clothes as a lawyer.

Push the door directly.

Walked in.


Seeing Lin Xian’s arrival, the trafficker locked in a chair violently tried to stand up!

But his status is special now.

The lock is very strong.

Don’t say stand up

It’s hard to move!!

“Mr. Lin Lin!! What is going on? This is different from what we said!!”

The trafficker was pale and panicked.

Dou Da’s sweat dripped down her cheeks:

“Mr. Lin! This! What the hell is going on? After you left, they tried me overnight! All my murders were exposed! And they also read out the document, saying that I will be sentenced to death today! !”

“Don’t you say you want to save me! [greedy] What the hell is going on? You two are so powerful, how did you make things like this!,

Lin Xian ignored his anger.


Pull away the stool.

Sitting across from him.

Smile calmly:

“What’s the hurry? Am I here to save you?”


The trafficker was sweating anxiously.

At this time, Monk Erzhang was at a loss

this …

All of the above orders are dying.

Can Lin Xian save himself?

Does he really have great energy?

Lin Xian looked at his watch, he only has less than 2 minutes left

But in order not to reveal their true purpose.

It must be slow and slow, strategizing, and winning.

“Sit down and don’t move.”

Under Lin Xian’s order, the trafficker sat back in the chair dumbly.

Lin Xian whispered:

“After a while, shoot Xing directly, you know?”

“Know, know! They just–”

“The medicine injected has been changed, just sleeping pills and anesthetics.”

Lin Xian didn’t let him finish, but interrupted him directly.

The formal injection is done in three stages, with an interval of more than ten seconds between each injection.

The first shot is a powerful anesthetic, which can make the prisoner lose all consciousness in 10 seconds.

The second shot is the poison.

The third injection is an auxiliary agent, the purpose is to increase the heartbeat, increase the flow of su blood vessels, and promote the spread of the poison throughout the body.

The whole process was painless and the death time was less than 2 minutes.

Lin Xian lied to the trafficker, saying that the medicine injected had been changed. There was no poison, only anesthetics and sleeping pills.


The trafficker did not react for a while.

But then he laughed.

“Hey hey hey [jealous], you deserve it!”

“I understand, I understand! You are making me suspended animation! Then transport my’corpse’ out! This way, when the sleeping pills and anesthetics are effective, I can wake up and resurrect! Then I will be free! Hahahahaha!!!”

The trafficker laughed wildly after the disaster!

Lin Xian also looked at him.

Following Lei Haolong, he showed a smile without a smile.

I don’t know that his mind is too simple.

It’s still true that my own lie is true.

It’s so easy to believe it.

Lin Xian checked his watch.

There was only less than one minute left before Liu inspected him.

Must seize the time to “spoof”.

“[Lazy], after I transported you out, you are already dead in this world, so you can’t come forward. So, what do you need to prepare for the party? I have prepared it for you. ”

Lin Xian’s question is very clever.

He didn’t know what he needed to prepare for the party, but asking like this would not reveal his ignorance.

The trafficker shook his head slightly:

“There is nothing special to prepare. Just as usual, you can help me prepare a [mask].”


Lin Xian got a keyword!

Very good.

Fortunately, it’s a routine talk today.

Otherwise, I don’t even know that I have to wear a mask when I go to a party!

“This is natural.

Lin Xian said very casually, as if he knew it himself:

“What mask do you want this time?”

The trafficker smiled and scratched his head:

“Look, I don’t have much culture. Every time I go to a party, I just buy a gourd baby, Ultraman, and Iron Man mask and wear it. They laughed every time.”

“[Jealous] You are also a cultural person. Just give me any historical celebrities who are just like them. Look at them like Einstein, Edison, Van Gogh, and Mozart. Why are they not better than the gourd baby? ?”

Lin Xian embraced his arms and nodded.

The surface is unmoved.

But thinking quickly inside.

Sure enough, he was right.

This party must wear a mask to attend, and the masks of others are some historical celebrities.

“[Lazy) There is one more thing to trouble you. You see, after all, I’m attending a party for the first time, and no one knows anyone. You have to introduce me by then.”

The trafficker raised his head proudly!

“Of course it’s okay! Although I am not an old member, I know everything except [Rage]!’

Lin Xian raised his head:

“[Rage] Why are you unfamiliar?”

“Because he never talks, just like a dumb man.”

“Are you also from Longguo?”

“Yes, except for [arrogant], they are all from Longguo.

Boom boom boom!

It’s the sound of knocking on the glass.

Lin Xian turned his head.

This side is single-sided glass, you can’t see the outside from here.

But Lin Xian waved his hand and motioned for him to go out now.

Time is up.

It seems that I can only ask the last question at most

Anyway, it is the last question.

The trafficker died immediately.

Lin Xian is not worried about being exposed!


He wants to ask a crucial question!

“[Lazy love], [Arrogance] Does he really have that ability?”

This is a problem full of hooks.

If [Arrogance] is just an ordinary person with no superpowers, then this sentence of myself will undoubtedly expose his identity.But it doesn’t matter.

It’s the last question anyway.

Lin Xian just bet again!

He wants to bet that [Arrogance] is not an ordinary person! Bet that he has superpowers!


Lin Xian cleverly used “that ability”.

This is equivalent to the words of a trafficker.


The trafficker grinned:

“[Of course, he is Einstein after all!]”


Finish this sentence.

Liu Xuncha led someone in and opened the door.

“Mr. Lin can’t wait any longer.”

Lin Xian nodded and stepped aside.

Several patrols came up, opened the big and small locks on the trafficker, and pressed him to walk outside.

After coming to the execution room.

Then he was completely retracted into the restraint frame, so that he could not move at all.

The trafficker at this time was not nervous at all.

Whistling, shaking his head and shaking his head.

Liu Xuncha frowned and looked at Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, did you give him psychological counseling? When we brought him out, he was scared to diapers.”

Lin Xian smiled and shook his head:

“How can I say it is one of my subject experiments.”

Liu Xuncha didn’t go into it.

Anyway, the criminal Xing is dead, he will die immediately, whatever he wants.

Under the operation of professionals.

The injection needle is pushed into the human trafficker’s arm vein.

Just press the injection button on the console.

A total of three injections containing poisons will be injected into the blood vessels of the traffickers one by one.

At this time.

A staff member took the iPad and walked to the trafficker.

“According to the regulations, you can choose a song to listen to during the injection. Let’s talk, what song to choose?”

Lin Xian knows this rule.

Out of humanitarianism, the prisoner can choose his own BGM background music when he is injected.

how to say

It can be regarded as a kind of care.

But what’s interesting is that in official statistics, the most played song at the time of death was actually the theme song of “Being Happy”-“Don’t Look At Me Just A Sheep”!

It doesn’t have any deep meaning

It’s just because many dead criminals are too lazy to choose, just say “whatever”, or are scared to say nothing.

So the staff clicked the first song in the list by default.

Which is “Don’t Look At Me Just A Sheep”


Sure enough, the trafficker said casually.

(Money Zhao)

The staff also met a lot, clicked directly with the first song in the list, and then returned.

“Pleasant Goat~~Beautiful Goat~~~Lazy Goat~~Boiling Goat~~~”

Relaxed and cheerful music sounded.

The trafficker dreamed of the good time after going out, and happily sang along:

“Don’t think I am just a sheep~ the green grass has become more fragrant for me~”

Liu Xuncha nodded.

The worker presses the injection button.

The pneumatic pump next to the restraint frame is activated, and the first injection of reagent starts to be pushed in–

“Sheep’s cleverness is hard to imagine~~~ No matter how high the mood is, it is as unrestrained~~~”

“Although I’m just a sheep~~~ I won’t be heartbroken even if there is any problem to entangle me~~~”

The powerful anesthetic takes effect very quickly.

Soon, the traffickers lost the energy to sing.

Eyelids are drowsy.

The last time he fell asleep, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Xian, his lips moved slightly:

“Actually, being a sheep is also good

Lin Xian looked at him:

Next life

When I came out of the patrol bureau, it was already very late in the afternoon.

Look up.

It’s the setting sun again

For some reason, Lin Xian didn’t really like the feeling of going downhill. He always felt like a bloody doom.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

The bell rang.

Lin Xian picked it up and saw that it turned out to be Li Jing’s call!

This surprised him too much.

There is almost no intersection between him and Li Jing!

Something to say

He is more familiar with Lei Haolong than with Li Jing!

The reason why Li Jing’s phone number is kept.

It’s just that when I went to condolences Li Jing that day, out of politeness, they left each other’s contact information. At that time Lin Xian also said against his will:

“When dealing with Lei Haolong’s funeral, if you need any help, you can call me.


Lin Xian looked at the phone that Jinglingling was thinking.

I really feel like my mouth is cheap for a while!

What’s your kindness at that time.

Li Jing called

You don’t really want to help yourself, let’s deal with Lei Haolong’s funeral!

“Don’t, that’s too oozing!”

Feeling uneasy, Lin Xian answered the call


On the other side of the phone, Li Jing’s voice was very flustered, as if he had seen a ghost:

“Lin Lin Lin Xian, you, now, can you come to my house like me? When I cleaned up Lei Haolong’s relics, I found it

Lin Xian was startled by Li Jing’s voice.

Very scary stuff!

That feeling

It’s like being pinched by Sadako before talking!

to be honest

Lin Xian doesn’t really want to go.

But feel

What if you discover what Lei Haolong’s secrets can help you understand [Regret Mutual Aid Association]?

With ambition, Lin Xian asked:

“Li Jing, don’t be nervous. Tell me, what did you find?”

On the other side of the phone, Li Jing’s voice trembled in a terrible way, and she cried out in shock:

“Lin Lin Xian, I found one,

“A mask of your human skin!”.


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