Chapter 11 Extraordinary accident


The girl in the front deck is named Dai Chuchan.

She is the captain of the cheerleading team at Tunghai University, the most recognized beauty in the school, and is also Lin Xian’s schoolgirl.

When Lin Xian graduated from Tunghai University last year, Dai Chuchan was only in his sophomore year, so he should be in his third year.

Those who can be the cheerleader of the school, needless to say, the figure and appearance must be top-level, impeccable, the hot place is hot, the angel is the angel.

But…such a girl, never had anyone dared to pursue it in college…

Isn’t it weird?

Mainly because people have a second identity-

Dai Chuchan is the only daughter of the most powerful Dai family in the East China Sea.

The ruler of the Dai family’s generation, Dai Shuangcheng, is not only the chairman of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce, but also the representative of the national renda. In Donghai City, he is both a strong dragon and a local snake, and he is indeed an underground emperor.

Dai Shuangcheng loves her daughter very much, but his family education is strict. Even Dai Chuchan, who is a cheerleader and loves to dance, struggled for a long time before winning from his parents.

So, logically speaking, Dai Shuangcheng would never let his daughter come to a place like a bar.

Previously, Lin Xian had a relationship with Dai Chuchan when he was playing on the school basketball team. During the celebration party, Dai Chuchan used this excuse to decline:

“Everyone, I’m so sorry! My father is very strict with me. He doesn’t allow me to go out to dinner at night… I’m really sorry!”

With the majesty of Dai Shuangcheng, he glared, this East China Sea trembled three times, naturally no one dared to force Dai Chuchan away.

Therefore, Lin Xian was surprised at this time. Why did Dai Chuchan appear in the bar?

“Lin Xian! Don’t be in a daze! Drink it!!”

The happy brother Li came up again with a wine glass, interrupting Lin Xian’s thoughts.

never mind.

The matter of the daughter’s daughter has nothing to do with her. Perhaps her father suddenly became enlightened.

The four of them chatted while drinking. In such a tense urban life, this way of drinking small wine is a rare opportunity for them to relax.

It didn’t end until 10 o’clock.

They helped to go out and take a taxi.

“Hey, look at the side ~ look at the group of beauties next to you!”

Lao Zhang winked at everyone with a hippy smile and motioned them to look to the left.

Lin Xian looked to the left. It was Dai Chuchan’s group of girls. Seeing their stature and faces, all of them were not bad. Maybe they came here today for a cheerleading party.

Dai Chuchan was drunk with a lot of alcohol and walked a little blindfolded, but his companions helped him into a Buick GL8 commercial vehicle.

“Chu Chan! Your driver is here to pick you up! Get in the car!”

Dai Chuchan was already a little confused, so he got into the car directly.

At this time, the driver’s window was lowered and a cigarette butt was thrown out of it.

Inside sits a spiritual guy with colorful hair.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xian couldn’t help frowning.

Will the dignified Dai family hire such a driver?

Especially dare to smoke in the car, which is even more taboo.

After the two girls got into the car with Dai Chuchan, the GL8 drove to the east with a bang…

It doesn’t matter to hang up high.

Anyway, he is not familiar with Dai Chuchan, and Lin Xian didn’t care too much, so he got into a taxi with Zhang Li and Xiao Wang.


In the car, Lin Xian was the most sober of the four of them, so he sat in the co-pilot.

“Let’s go master.”

After all four of them got on the bus, the taxi also set off to the east.

After walking for about 5 minutes, the driver suddenly murmured:

“Fuck, something happened ahead!”

Lin Xian looked up and saw a serious car accident ahead!

A commercial vehicle collided with a construction muck truck. This area was a bustling place at night, and there was a circle of people in an instant.


After approaching, the driver said puzzledly:

“This GL8…isn’t it the same as you, just set off from the MT bar? It happened in less than 5 minutes?”

“It won’t be a prince who drove after drinking…If it crashes like this, 80% of the people inside can’t survive.”

The front of the GL8 was squashed, and the rear seat compartment was also severely deformed.

The sirens of Ula Wula can be heard in the distance, and the taxi drivers are people who do more than less, slam the steering wheel, and walk away from the crowd.

After a few intersections and waiting for the red light, the taxi driver clicked on the driver group on the phone, and someone in it was forwarding the video of the car accident.

“Hey… it’s too miserable, too miserable…”

Lin Xian heard the sound and leaned over:

“Let me take a look.”

The driver clicked on the video again and showed it to Lin Xian.

The video was filmed by onlookers with their mobile phones. Two women were placed side by side on a stretcher by an ambulance, and they were being given cardiac pacing by a doctor.

Then the camera leaned forward and reached the driver’s position.

The driver’s cabin has been completely deformed, and the guy with colorful hair in it has become a pool of sludge at this time.

The photographer said in dialect while shooting:

“There was a driving recorder in the car behind, which showed that a girl opened the door to jump off the car, and then the GL8 made a sharp turn and hit the muck truck. The male driver died on the spot, and one girl ran straight away. The remaining two girls act recklessly.”

Immediately afterwards, the driver clicked on the next video.

This is a playback of the in-vehicle driving recorder taken with a mobile phone. It is not clear enough, but it can be seen generally.

In the video, the door of the driving GL8 suddenly opens.

A girl with long hair seems to be jumping off a car!

Then the GL8 slammed the steering wheel, and the long-haired girl was thrown back into the car, but the GL8 also hit the muck truck…

Soon after, a girl crawled out of GL8, looked around for a while, and ran away in a hurry.

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

It is not difficult to see from the clothes and hairstyle, the girl who wants to jump off the car.

It is clearly Dai Chuchan!


[Thank you for sitting and watching the monthly pass given by Yunyan! Thank you for your support! 】

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