Chapter 102 Infernal Affairs! Lin Xian pretends to be Lei Haolong to extract important secrets! The twin girls turned out to be

Lin Xian put the written letter into the mailbox.

Then put the space-time mailbox back into the cabinet.

Then hide the key.

Lin Xian is already familiar with this series of operations.

no way.

In order to protect Liu Yiyi, these increasingly dangerous things cannot be let her know for the time being.

Afterwards, Lin Xian went to the bathroom to wash his face, went to the bedroom, and fell asleep.

the next day …

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

The alarm clock at 06:43 rings on time

Liu Yiyi frowned slightly and rolled over.

Lin Xian raised his right hand and patted the bedside table!


Perfect to stop the alarm clock.

“Well, it seems that nothing major happened yesterday.”

According to Lin Xian’s understanding, the big operation yesterday, arresting human traffickers and going to Lei Haolong’s house to explore the secrets, if you encounter some mistakes, it is impossible to wake up at home today.

Since waking up at home.

That means everything went well yesterday

Liu Yiyi was still asleep.

Lin Xian also rubbed his eyes and continued to sleep

On a rare Sunday, you don’t need to get up so early.


The memories of yesterday’s history change can only be integrated until the evening, and it’s useless to get up so early.

The two slept until 9:30 in the morning.

Only then slowly got up.

After washing, Liu Yiyi went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

While Lin Xian was washing and chatting with Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi is in a very good mood!

Bu stopped and told Lin Xian about the arrest of the trafficker yesterday:

“Oh~~ I didn’t expect that I could become a hero one day! Although we didn’t contribute much yesterday, after all, we reported to the service desk and blocked the mall. Otherwise, the traffickers would just run away!”

Lin Xian brushed his teeth without speaking.

Because the memory has not been fully recovered, it would be better to let Liu Yiyi say something more.

The more she said.

The better I can understand what happened yesterday.

“I have to say that, as expected, Chu Chan’s father is amazing. The underground emperor of the East China Sea is not shouting for nothing! I did not expect that the dignified Liu XX inspection will give him face. Otherwise, I guess people still don’t believe us! Maybe it’s really a trafficker. Ran!”

Lin Xian rinsed his mouth and kept the name in mind.

Liu XX inspection Liu inspection, if nothing happens, it should be the general inspection of Donghai City.

Lin Xian has an impression of this name.

Often appear on TV.

He has been following Lao Gan Song since he was young.

After Song Lao was transferred to Donghai City, he also brought him over. This person, belonging to Song Lao’s confidant, is definitely a trustworthy person.

“Have you finished brushing your teeth? I have cooked the meal, let’s eat it!!

Lin Xian wiped his face and walked out of the bathroom.

The fragrant, warm meal is ready.

The two sat down to eat.

Liu Yiyi was still in excitement and recalled yesterday’s action of “Rescue the little boy and arrest the trafficker!”

Lin Xian laughed while listening.


In Liu Yiyi’s narration and Lin Xian’s guessing of his behavior, he added a little memory of sporadic recovery.

What happened yesterday, Lin Xian has fully understood–

After waking up yesterday afternoon (because everyone slept late).

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan went to the bathroom to wash in turn. After Lin Xian opened his eyes on the recliner, he saw a letter on the table.

This familiar envelope and stamp.

At first glance, what kind of “instructions” came from the future self!

Lin Xian listened to the voice outside, and the two beauties thought they were still sleeping and did not bother them.

So Lin Xian opened the envelope with confidence.

Take out the letter paper.Start reading.

After all, I wrote to myself.

The description and language sense are very familiar.

Therefore, even if there are many things, they are relatively vague, but Lin Xian easily understands what he should do–

[This afternoon, there was a case of human traffickers abducting a little boy in a shopping mall. I needed to stop this vicious incident, and at the same time, cooperate with the inspectors to bring the whole criminal gang to an end. The most important thing is to reach a consensus with Liu Xunchao and give yourself some time to interrogate the prisoners in person. 1


In the past, I have become accustomed to the exhausted life and quickly entered the state.

Lin Xian picked up the phone and first called Dai Shuangcheng:

“Hello? Hello, President Dai. Yes, right. Chu Chan is in my house, don’t worry. Hahaha, everything is fine.

After a few words of courtesy, Lin Xian directly named the topic:

“Chairman Dai, there is one thing that I need to trouble you. I accidentally got a clue from a human trafficker group, knowing their whereabouts today, can you introduce us to the Donghai City Chief Inspector and Liu Inspector?”

Hear human traffickers!?

Dai Shuangcheng was so angry that his hair stood up!

Everyone who has children hates human traffickers the most! There is no one!

Plus …

My dear daughter was almost kidnapped in the previous paragraph. If it weren’t for Lin Xian, life and death would be unpredictable at this moment!

So Dai Shuangcheng immediately patted his chest and said:

“Lin Xian, don’t worry! I’ll definitely take care of this for you! Liu Xiancha has good personal relationships with me and Song Lao. It is absolutely fine for me to introduce you. Besides, if you can help Liu inspect and destroy a human trafficker group, he Thank you for being too late!!

“Leave aside the question of how much credit this can get. Even from the point of conscience, knowing so many clues to kidnapped children and saving so many families is a great thing for public and private purposes!”

Excited, Dai Shuangcheng couldn’t wait to get rid of this gang of human traffickers.

So just hang up the phone.

Contact Liu Xuncha.

After Liu Xuncha received the call, he took it seriously!

As Dai Shuangcheng said.

It is a great thing to be able to get rid of a gang of human traffickers and ask them for more information about child trafficking.


After just three minutes.

As soon as an unfamiliar call was made, Lin Xian’s mobile phone was called.

When he spoke over there, his tone was very respectful:

“Mr. Lin, your name is really admired for a long time! Introduce yourself, I am our Donghai City Chief Inspection, Liu Inspection. Chairman Dai has already explained the matter to me, and we will fully cooperate with your actions today. What are our requirements and arrangements?

Lin Xian directly explained his plan to Inspection Liu.

First, he needs a few plain clothes to follow Lin Xian.

This is to ensure the safety of Lin Xian and, at critical moments, well-trained plainclothes can directly arrest human traffickers.

Lin Xian’s plan is not to arrest traffickers directly.

If you directly arrest and provoke the snake, you can only rescue a little boy.

Such a rare opportunity.

Lin Xian intends to wipe out the entire gang of human traffickers!

Liu Xuncha also very much agrees with this view!

If you can save one more child, save one more child!

If you can save one more family, you can save one more family!

In the end, the two negotiated a plan.

Eight well-trained plainclothes will be tracked around Lin Xian at a safe distance.

Once Lin Xian gave the signal, he confirmed the whereabouts of the trafficker.

They follow the traffickers quietly from a safe distance.

But they will not stop the kidnapping at this time.

They will only follow, do not rush, and see if they commit crimes in gangs or single-person crimes.

At the same time, just to be on the safe side.

Plain clothes are squatting at all exits and intersections outside the mall.

And in the compound, many vehicles are already on standby, waiting for the final net!

I will never let these people run away every day!

In this way, the inside should be combined with the outside, and this gang of people traffickers will definitely be wiped out!

“Then let’s just say that Liu inspects, at 5:20 in the afternoon, on the 3rd floor, at the entrance of the Burberry store, please make sure that all plain clothes are in place.

Liu’s inspection over there is full of information:

“Please rest assured Mr. Lin! Please trust our level!”

After everything is discussed.

Lin Xian made a small request of his own:

“Inspector Liu, in addition, I hope you can fulfill my small request. I have studied psychology and criminology in university. I hope that regardless of the outcome of your interrogation, please give me half an hour to be alone with the traffickers. Time for communication.

“At that time, I want to go to the lawyer’s conversation room without recording equipment and talk to him as a lawyer. I believe that when the traffickers reduce their defenses, I can definitely ask for more clues.”Liu inspected over there and laughed.

“Mr. Lin, although how do you say it, although we have many professional negotiators and interrogation experts here. But now that you have proposed, then I agree! This is not difficult.”

“Just for the sake of procedure, I am afraid that your individual meeting time will be postponed to the end, do you think it is okay?”

Lin Xian also understands the process.

So nodded.

The two agreed.

As far as Lin Xian is concerned, as long as he is able to meet with human traffickers [lazy] while talking to a lawyer who does not have recording equipment.

He can use Lei Haolong’s [jealous] identity to communicate with him and gain trust.

and then.

Ask for answers to questions like [Regret Mutual Aid Society Meeting Time] and [Is Einstein Still Alive].

After Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi, and Dai Chuchan finished eating and cleaning up, as before, they set off for shopping in the mall.

Women still only shop and don’t buy.

Lin Xian helped them carry bags and drinks and followed Mian.

Finally one-

At 5:10 in the afternoon.

The three of them walked into the Baobabli clothing store to shop.

Lin Xian paid special attention to it.

It was found that there were indeed a few people in plain clothes in the distance.

But I have to say that these plain clothes are too professional.Even Lin Xian wonders whether they are customers or plain clothes.

Lin Xian took a bag and a drink, and sat on a stool waiting.

After Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan selected clothes, they walked into the fitting room area with a young mother.

And that young mother’s child–

A little boy wearing a red hat and blue sportswear was running around naughty in the shop at this time.

Lin Xian glanced at the phone.

It’s already 5:25.

It is only two minutes before the traffickers will show up! Then take the child away!


He took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Liu Xuncha according to what he had said in advance.

Lin Xian: Liu inspects, the traffickers have appeared, let the plainclothes keep an eye on them. The target child is probably the little red-hat boy in front of the Burberry store. The traffickers have been watching for a long time!

Lin Xian: People are also sent to stare at the toilet on the floor. After the kid is taken away, they should go to the toilet to change the kid’s clothes.

It was almost instantaneous.

Liu Xuncha replied.

Liu Xuncha: Received!

Subsequently, Liu inspected through a concealed communication vehicle outside the mall and began to command dozens of plainclothes operations in the mall.

Lin Xian reminded me very carefully.

However, Liu inspects themselves as well-trained fighters, and they have a lot of experience in handling this situation.

Everyone moves quickly and is very concealed.


Under the eyes of a few plainclothes people!

A man wearing a mask and a black trench coat came over without warning!

Pick up the little boy directly!

Then he took out a folded wet towel from his pocket and put it on the little boy’s face!

The little boy just muttered twice, then lost his energy and fell asleep

“Ha ha.

In the Burberry store, Lin Xian smiled unnoticed.

Everything is as written in the letter.

In the distant communication car.

Liu Xuncha who got the report also smiled.

Everything is the same as Mr. Lin Xian said, it is indeed the scene of the human trafficker’s crime!

It seems.

It is really hopeful to take down an entire gang!

Excited inspection Liu picked up the walkie-talkie:

“Follow up! After confirming the accomplice, just close the net!”

What happens in the future is simple

After Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan came out of the locker room, they were attracted by the crying young mother who was kneeling on the ground, and ran out quickly to help find the child!

Lin Xian reminded the two of them to go to the service desk first, let the staff broadcast, and block all entrances and exits.

The two beauties looked at each other and nodded, and ran quickly to the first floor.

Afterwards, Lin Xian took the mouth cover from his pocket and put it on.”Let Dai Chuchan and Liu Yiyi increase their sense of participation, so that they will be very happy after the last child is found.”

The letter said.

【Lin Xian has more important things to do, so he can’t come forward and be recognized by traffickers. 】

Half an hour later

Inspection Liu ran over in a hurry and shook hands with Lin Xian in person!

Red face!

“Mr. Lin! Thank you so much! I am so grateful! There were three people in the trafficker gang, all of them were arrested! They also saved a kidnapped boy on the spot! This is all your credit! Follow me It will be explained to the media! You must be gold-plated for your noble deeds!”

Lin Xian smiled after hearing this, then shook his head:

“Inspector Liu, I took your thoughts. But this time, it’s really just a matter of hand, and there is no noble deed. Anyone who sees a trafficker abducts a child must have the same mood and behavior as me… I am already I have been praised by the people too much, so this time, please be quiet.

Liu inspected several times to persuade.

However, Lin Xian was resolute, and did not want this honor for life and death, and had to let Liu inspect strictly confidential.

In the end, Liu Xuncha couldn’t help Lin Xian. It is worth sighing and holding his thumbs up:

“Mr. Lin, I just heard that you are noble. When I saw you today, Liu really admired it from the bottom of my heart!”

“You can rest assured that when we finish the routine interrogation and let them explain the whereabouts of more children abducted, we will definitely give you time for a separate interrogation!

“If the time is right, it will probably be tomorrow afternoon, and I will call you in advance.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Say goodbye to inspection Liu.

At this time, Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan also ran over panting, but their expressions were very happy!

“Lin Xian! The little boy has been found! He has been awakened by the doctor with a spray, and has not suffered any injuries except the shaved hair!”

“Yes, it’s great to find it in time! It’s a pity that the little boy has beautiful little curly hair, but the hair will grow out sooner or later! You haven’t seen it. The young mother was so excited just now that she kept kowtow to the inspectors. kneel!”

Lin Xian drew a few tissues and handed them to wipe their sweat:

“We can understand the feelings of being a parent. Generally speaking, it is the human trafficker who has lost his conscience and must be severely punished!”

Everything that happened after that was almost the same as the previous history.

Dai Chuchan’s driver took Dai Chuchan home.

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi went to Lei Haolong’s house to give condolences.

Liu Yiyi and Li Jing cried into tears.

Lin Xian also got the administrator password of the wireless router as he wished.

Although I was shocked after power outages and portrait incidents, but after all, it was still full of gains

Time goes back to now.

Lin Xian is lying on the sofa, watching TV with Liu Yiyi.

After just a series of exchanges + brain supplement.

Lin Xian already has a seven-seven-eighth understanding of what happened yesterday.

The biggest difference.

I didn’t meet a trafficker in the elevator


Because the trafficker has been arrested in the mall.

Therefore, in the Yuhailanting residential building, naturally I can’t meet him.

In this time and space after history has changed, Lin Xian and the trafficker have never met.

In other words, [lazy feeling] and [jealous] are still strangers


Lin Xian frowned slightly.

At that time, the windbreaker man trader was from the elevator on the 42nd floor.

What reason does he have to go to the 42nd floor?

Among them, there must be a big problem!

Lin Xian has already thought about it.

In the afternoon, when you can interrogate the windbreaker man dealer alone, you must put out all his secrets!

Liu Yiyi peeled a grape and handed it to Lin Xian’s mouth:

“Look, my husband, the news says that the three traffickers arrested yesterday have all revealed the whereabouts of 12 kidnapping children!’

“Doesn’t that mean that there will be 12 kidnapped children in the future, and they will be able to find their biological parents?”

Lin Xian nodded.

Swallow Pu grape.

“Yes, in this way, there will be 12 families, and even the next generation, a total of 36 families have been saved. Therefore, the human trafficker is really not worthy of being a human being.”

For the traffickers who were arrested.

As long as they confess where the child was abducted before, the sentence can be commuted.

Therefore, at this time, they will not tuck and hide.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

Take a look.

It’s the phone number of Inspection Liu.

Lin Xian pressed to answer, then walked to the study, not disturbing Liu Yiyi’s watching TV.

“Hey, inspect Liu.

“Mr. Lin Xian! Hahaha, I have to tell you, you are really a hero again! These three human traffickers have fully confessed the whereabouts of more than a dozen children abducted, and they have also confessed some other things. The clues. If you follow these clues, it is estimated that you can catch a few more gangs!”

Lin Xian smiled comfortedly.

fair enough.

Without buying and selling, there is no harm.

The three of them alone will certainly not be able to achieve an industry line.

You should follow the vine.

Destroy the entire upstream and downstream!

Let the children play freely in every piece of land, so that parents do not have to worry about every day and dare not leave their children in the slightest.

“Inspector Liu, have you arranged the things that we said before?,

“Okay, okay! I’m calling you to talk about this matter.”

Liu Xuncha’s happy voice over there is much louder:

“You can come over now, I’ll wait for you in the bureau, call me at the door, I’ll go out to pick you up!”

Lin Xian hung up the phone and walked out of the study.

“Who, husband?

Liu Yiyi turned his head from the sofa and asked.

“Liu inspects.”

Lin Xian shook his phone, telling the truth:

“I’m going to inspect Liu in the bureau. It’s the same thing yesterday. It’s about closing, recording a confession, summarizing clues and so on.”

Liu Yiyi nodded blankly.

Lin Xian has been in contact with the big figures in Donghai City since the incident of bravely acting for justice.

She is used to it,

But this is not a bad thing.

Men, always have their own business.

Besides, what Lin Xian has always done is good for the country and the people, and it is too late for Liu Yiyi to support him!

“Husband, are you going now?”

“Yes, go early and return early.

“Well, I’ll go get your clothes for you.

Liu Yiyi put on slippers, turned off the TV, and went to find Lin Xian for the washed and ironed clothes to wear.

When Lin Xian was wearing leather shoes, Liu Yiyi suddenly had an idea:

“Or, on your way to the bureau, please give me a paragraph. I want to go shopping in the mall and buy a sun protection suit.”

“Okay. I just finished handling things, pick you up at the mall, and then go home to cook.

“Hee hee! A rare opportunity, I will make you steamed pork with rice noodles once! This time, let’s buy the best ribs in the supermarket! Let us, the hero of the East China Sea, eat five-star steamed pork with rice dumplings!”

Lin Xian picked up the leather shoes.

Stand up.

Rubbing Liu Yiyi’s face and smiling:

“As long as you make steamed pork with your own hands, it is a five-star.”

After sending Liu Yiyi to the big shopping mall near the inspection bureau.

Lin Xian did not go directly to the inspection bureau.

Instead, he turned to the Yuhailanting Residential Building.

Rubbed an access card.

Take the elevator up to the 37th floor.

He stood at the elevator entrance, turned on the wireless settings of the mobile phone, and searched for the WIFI signal

“found it.”

There is only one wall away from the living room of Lei Haolong’s house.

Can easily search for wireless signals.

Because I have logged in with a password yesterday, this search is automatically connected.

“Okay, now the IP of my mobile phone is the IP of Lei Haolong’s network cable.”

With this IP, you can log in to the website of [Regret Mutual Aid Association].




The speed of overseas websites is particularly slow.

The background of the webpage is slowly loading again one by one–

The hollow eyes of “Sorrowful Einstein” stare straight at Lin Xian

“It’s scary.”Wait for the entire page to load.

Lin Xian directly locked the phone screen without closing the webpage.

In this way, you can ensure that you can directly see the sad Einstein on this page next time you unlock the phone directly.

After 20 minutes, Lin Xian drove the car directly into the inspection bureau.

Once in the door.

Liu Xuncha greeted us enthusiastically!

“Mr. Lin! I have been waiting for you for a long time! Now the conference room is holding a press conference. Are you really not going to say a few words? This time you can achieve such a great harvest and bring so many families together again, but it is all yours. Thanks!”

…0 Seeking flowers………

Lin Xian declined again.

In the end, Inspection Liu finally let go of this plan.

Only admiration remained on his face:

“Since Mr. Lin is unwilling to ask for this false name, then I won’t be able to make a strong man anymore. After a while, I will face reporters and say that it is an unsung hero! No merit, no gain, anyway, this false name, we must not be able to ask for it. of.”

Lin Xian and Liu Xuncha shook hands again.

Can’t help but feel that things really come together.

Liu Xuncha is indifferent to fame and fortune, not eager for quick success, but like Song Lao and Dai Shuangcheng, he is a person of good character.

“Liu Xuncha, there is something I want to ask.”

“Mr. Lin, please speak.

Liu Xuncha motioned Lin Xian to sit down and speak slowly.

Lin Xian paused, then slowly said:

“How many years can they be sentenced for confession and trafficking like them?”

Liu Xuncha pondered with his chin:

“Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances and the news of the confession, it should be around 6 or 7 years.

Lin Xian shook his head helplessly.

“Judging from the suffering they have caused countless families, it is indeed too cheap for them and too kind.

Liu Xuncha smiled meaningfully:

“There is no way, Mr. Lin, only if you have to give up. If the sentence is severe and dead indefinitely? Then they will definitely not be willing to explain the whereabouts of the kidnapped children.”

“In the final analysis, this regulation is also for the purpose of reuniting these broken families.”

Lin Xian nodded.

He understands this.

“but ”

Liu Xuncha is a rigorous person.

He is also a top student of the University of Political Science and Law.

He propped his chin and preached:

“However, the specific sentence depends on the serious circumstances of the specific circumstances. If it is particularly serious and involves a homicide case, then his confession is useless, and basically it will be executed immediately.”

Lin Xian think about it.

He estimated

There is definitely a problem with the 42nd floor of Yuhailanting..

Very likely.

It’s a murder case!

But anyway, the first step now is to get the key information about the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and [Einstein] from the human trafficker [lazy].

Liu Xuncha took Lin Xian to the lawyer’s conversation room.

Every suspect has the right to ask a lawyer to defend himself.

And the lawyer’s conversation room.

It is set up for communication between the lawyer and the suspect.

There must not be any recording devices, but it will be videotaped.

Moreover, the partition wall of each lawyer’s conversation room is an observation room with a dedicated person on duty.

Between the observation room and the conversation room, there is a single-sided glass.

From the observation room, you can clearly see the conversation room.

But from the conversation room, the observation room was not visible at all.

The purpose of this is to protect lawyers and suspects from excessive behavior.

at this time.

Lin Xian and Liu Xiancha stood in the observation room.

Through the glass over there.

It can be seen that the windbreaker man trafficker was detained in the lawyer’s conversation room, his hands and feet were chained on the iron chair, unable to move.

Liu Xuncha pointed to the man inside:

“Mr. Lin, people have already prepared it for you. The lawyer’s outfits, glasses, badges and other things you requested are also kept in the locker room. Your interrogation can begin at any time.”

“Please note that we can’t hear what is said inside. If you feel something is wrong or dangerous, even if you gesture to the glass, our people will pass right away.

Lin Xian nodded.Can’t hear speech, can’t record.

This is also the purpose for him to choose the lawyer’s conversation room.

Lin Xian came here because he was talking about it.

Of course, the content of the rhetoric cannot be heard by these inspectors.

Lin Xian came to the locker room.

Put on the prepared lawyer’s suit, and then put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which will look more stable and knowledgeable.

“Hair and hair”

Lin Xian found a comb and a bottle of gel water on the table.



After a few sprays of gel water.

Comb your hair back.

“If a man wants to mix well, his hair has to fall back!”

After everything is taken care of.

Lin Xian picked up a folder, notebook, paper, and pen.

He straightened up and took a photo in the mirror.

Don’t say it.

It’s kind of like a lawyer!

“Sure enough, he looks handsome and looks like what he wears.”


Lin Xian brewed his emotions.

Prepare some ideas.


In fact, this project learned from Liu Jianming in the movie “Infernal Affairs”.

There was a criminal at the time.

No one can interrogate anything.

Liu Jianming pretended to be a lawyer and lied to be his defense, so he got the words out.

Although Lin Xian is also pretending to be a lawyer.

But he has an advantage over Liu Jianming, because he knows the details of the other party and knows his most secret identity–

Regret the members of the Mutual Aid Society, codenamed [lazy]!

Lin Xian, on the other hand, can rely on poor information and the web interface in his mobile phone to impersonate Lei Haolong [Jealous] in exchange for his trust.

“Okay, let’s go”

Will follow the train of thought.

Lin Xian unscrewed the locker room door and walked out.

From now on, he is no longer Lin Xian one-

But a lawyer!

After nodding with the two staff on duty in the observation room, Lin Xian walked directly into the lawyer’s conversation room.


The heavy soundproof door closed.

At this point, the sound in this room will not be heard by a third person.

The celebrity dealer looked up at Lin Xian and smiled black.


-Thick sputum spit on the wall.

He showed his scorched teeth and smiled contemptuously:

“Don’t come to this set. I have never hired a lawyer, and no one will hire a lawyer for me. Isn’t “Infernal Affairs”? Isn’t Liu Dhua and Liang Cwei?”

“You don’t need to play this set for me. I have already explained everything that I can explain. I have given out 9 children by myself! The sentence is reduced, and I will come out after a few years. I advise you not to waste your efforts.”

Lin Xian has no expression on his face.

Not affected at all.


He pulled away the chair opposite the trafficker and sat on it.

Then slowly open the folder, take out the notebook, open the cap and buckle on the top of the pen.

During the whole process, nothing was said.

The movements are slow and elegant.

“Ouch, who did I think it was.”

The trafficker on the other side took a closer look and recognized Lin Xian.

“You said that you hypocrites want to find a lawyer to do a routine for me, don’t you know how to change to an ordinary person? For you, a hero of Donghai City, a young man who has seen righteousness, and the honorary dean of the Palace Museum, are you afraid that I don’t know him?”

“Hero Lin, don’t waste your effort. I have clicked dozens of likes for your news on Douyin. I recognize you. Go out. I know you are not a lawyer.”

Lin Xian is all ready.Smile softly:

“Do you know where this is?”

“I know~”

Human traffickers can’t do it, hippie smiley:

“I’m tired of coming to this place a long time ago. The lawyer’s conversation room, you always think that if there is no recorder and no sound can be heard, we will relax our vigilance and talk casually? It’s really naive, Hero Lin, You are too fake, please stop acting please, my embarrassing goose bumps are all up.”

“All right.”

Lin Xian still maintained an elegant smile, closed the notebook, and was ready to leave:

“It seems [Eastern Defense Pearl’s Party], you don’t plan to come, and I will convey it to you.”


The trafficker patted the iron table directly and stood up!

His face is livid!

The eyes are wide with copper bells!

Staring at Lin Xian!

The two personnel on duty in the observation room thought something was wrong, so they stood up and knocked on the single-sided glass.

Boom boom boom.

Lin Xian heard clearly.

This is asking him if there is any situation.

Lin Xian waved his hand.

Signaling that everything is safe here.

The two staff on duty then sat down in peace.

but …

The trafficker’s eyes still widened, and he looked at Lin Xian incredulously:

“Why do you know me”

Lin Xian smiled calmly.

Take the phone out of your pocket, unlock it, and place it on the desktop.

The eyes of the godless hole in “Sorrowful Einstein” looked directly at the trafficker who was still standing.

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it turns out.

The trafficker showed a smile that he knew everything.

He laughed exaggeratedly.

The teeth are all exposed.

Now, he has no tension at all.

Sit down slowly.

Seeing Lin Xian whispered:

“That’s it, it turns out that you are a new member of [Jealous]

“That’s right. That’s right. I said why your life is always so smooth and always so lucky. It turns out that you are also our companion.”

Lin Xian has no expression on his face.

Open the notebook and start to write the notes you thought about in advance.


Lin Xian called his name directly:

I see

“The sound in this room cannot be heard from the outside. But the movements inside can be seen clearly from the outside. If you don’t want to be suspected, just keep talking and stop talking.”

If you speak more, you will lose.

Lin Xian asked him to stop first.

Speaking, it will naturally tell the core things.

After all, the common language between [lazy] and [jealous] is very limited.

“You are here to save me?”

The trafficker’s heart burst into joy!

He began to fantasize that if it is a social figure with high status, wide connections and powerful power like Lin Xian, maybe he can really get him out!

Lin Xian still calmly wrote things in the notebook:

“Go on, don’t stop. Behind the black glass, two people are looking at us, so just say anything, let them see that we are communicating.,

The trafficker nodded.

He understood the meaning of “companion”.

“Then all right, Mr. [Jealous], everything will trouble you.”

“Let me keep telling me that I don’t know what to say at this time. Then I just say something. Actually, do you know? Actually, we two are quite fate! Or you can be so prosperous, and Part of my credit!”

Speaking of this, the trafficker smiled broadly:

“Do you remember the twin girls you saved by diving?”

“Whee ”

“They two~~ I pushed it down!”


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