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Zhu Bowen’s death, except for making his mother cry, did not cause much waves.

Chen Fan did not pay attention to it either, and soon left Zhu Bowen behind.

Only Sun Youfu has always been terrified, he is well-informed and knows that Zhu Bowen was scared to death alive…

When Chen Fan asked for Zhu Bowen’s whereabouts, Sun Youfu knew that Chen Fan was going to deal with Zhu Bowen, but Sun Youfu never expected that Zhu Bowen was scared to death, this result was too unexpected, and it was precisely because of this that Sun Youfu was even more frightened by Chen Fan’s means.

In the following days, Chen Fan was finally no longer so busy, allowing him to have time to practice martial arts properly.

Four days have passed since Zhu Bowen died.

In the past four days, Chen Fan did not go out much, practicing martial arts at home every day, his internal organs were growing day by day, and his money was spent like flowing water. After all, the medicinal food he eats every day, those medicinal herbs are expensive and valuable. Fortunately, Chen Fan has tens of millions of savings, and he can still withstand such expenses.

In the past four days, Chen Fan has rarely been clean, and the only thing that is a little unexpected is that Lan Lan, the girl, often comes to his house with Chen Qing after school as a guest, and seems to start sticking to him.

Chen Fan knew the ghost idea in this little girl’s heart, and the last time he peeked at him taking a bath, he could see one or two.

But after all, it is a little girl, and she is her sister’s classmate, Chen Fan is not good to say anything, so she can only let this girl run around every day to play for two hours, and then send her home.

Lan Lan, this girl, is also quite happy these days, listening to her, it seems that her father went to find a job to work, a little sign of the prodigal son turning back.

This is a good thing, and Chen Fan is also happy for Lan Lan.


It was getting dark.

Not long after, there were two little girls whispering outside the door, it was Chen Qing and Lan Lan who came back from school together.

When the two girls walked in the door, Chen Fan spoke: “Xiaoqing, you cook less in the evening, and it is enough to eat with Lan Lan.” ”

“Brother, are you going out?”

“Well, I’m not eating at home in the evening.”

“Okay, I see, brother, you drive safely.”

“Brother Chen, goodbye.”

The two girls greeted Chen Fan, and Chen Fan picked up the car keys and drove out of the house.

Tonight, Zhou Shi Chang made a host, and set a position in the Liyuan Hotel, and there were not many people at the banquet, except for Chen Fan and Secretary Yang, and the girl surnamed Shen who Chen Fan saved from the roller coaster.

The time was set for six o’clock in the evening, and Chen Fan went early.

No matter how strong he was, in front of Secretary Yang and Chief Zhou Shi, he was a junior after all, and it was polite to go early.

When Chen Fan arrived, he told the doorman the box number (No. 88), and the doorman took him to the box attentively. There was no one in the box, he was the first to arrive.

Chen Fan didn’t wait long, and Chief Zhou Shi came with Secretary Yang.

Seeing Chen Fan, Zhou Shi’s eyes lit up, haha.” Xiao Chen, how long have you been waiting? ”

“I’ve just arrived.” Chen Fan.

Along with the two bigwigs, there was also a petite and delicate girl, who was the Shen girl that Chen Fan saved in the car last time.

Secretary Yang smiled and said, “Xiao Chen, come and introduce you, this is Jingjing, Shen Yujing.” ”

Later, Secretary Yang patted Chen Fan’s shoulder and said to Shen Yujing: “Jingjing, this is Xiao Chen, the person you have always had to thank.” ”

Shen Yujing looked at Chen Fan, her eyes were shining, and she stretched out her hand generously: “Hello, Mr. Chen, it’s a pleasure to meet you, thank you for saving me last time.” ”

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Chen Fan politely stretched out his hand and shook Shen Yujing.

Although Shen Yujing is very beautiful and has a unique small and exquisite beauty, Chen Fan’s beauty has seen a lot and is already immune, so her expression is very calm.

The two hold hands together, the man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and they are all extraordinary, just like a pair of golden children and jade girls, very matched.

Secretary Yang’s heart moved, and he joked next to him: “You two are about the same age, you can make friends, and you will have more contacts in the future… And neither of you have a partner yet, do you? Try to get along. ”

“Second Uncle, you… You don’t talk nonsense! ”

Shen Yujing was made a big red face by Secretary Yang’s words, and Chen Fan’s face was also a little embarrassed, but he didn’t expect that Secretary Yang suddenly turned from the secretary of the Tangtang Municipal Party Committee to a matchmaker.

Secretary Yang smiled, of course he didn’t open his mouth indiscriminately, if Xiao Chen could really marry Jingjing, it would be a great thing for Xiao Chen and their Yang family. The Shen family is in the capital, and their status is higher than that of his Yang family.

“Come and come, come and sit, sit down first.” Chief Zhou greeted with a smile.

Everyone was seated.

Although Secretary Yang made a concession with Chief Zhou Shi, he still sat on the main throne without hesitation, and under Secretary Yang, it was Chief Zhou Shi, Chen Fan and Shen Yujing, the two made the other two directions, naturally they were relatively close…

After everyone was seated, Chief Zhou shi shouted, “What about the servant~servant?” ”

The waiter ~ clerk at the door immediately trotted over nervously, looking restrained.

She actually saw the two bigwigs in the city with her own eyes, eating on the same stage, which is simply a rare scene, and went back to tell her girlfriends and friends, it is estimated that they will not believe it.

As for Chen Fan, the service ~ attendant did not dare to underestimate it, the boss of the hotel had already shown them Chen Fan’s photos, and knew that this young man with a very outstanding appearance and temperament was not small.

The four people on the table, Shen Yujing is a raw face.

But how can those who come with these three bigwigs be ordinary people?

“Let’s serve.”

Chief Zhou Shi spoke, interrupting the cranky thoughts of the waiter~, and she immediately ran out to inform the serving.

This is an ordinary dinner and has no special meaning, so everyone eats more relaxed and casual.

Secretary Yang and Chief Zhou Shi were red and had already drunk a lot, and Chen Fan also accompanied a lot of wine next to him, but the alcohol was broken down and dispersed by Chen Fan.

Chen Fan and Shen Yujing also became friends, and both exchanged numbers with each other, of course, there was no other meaning, that is, Shen Yujing wanted to repay Chen Fan for saving his life.

Although Shen Yujing came from a powerful family, she was kind-hearted and rarely owed kindness, and owed Chen Fan such a great life-saving grace, and if she didn’t reciprocate, she was uneasy in her heart.

“Chen Fan, if you have time to come to Yanjing, you must inform me and let me also be the second east, I know where there is good food in Yanjing.”

Before Chen Fan could speak, Secretary Yang smiled and said, “Jingjing, you girl can talk and count, after the New Year, I will take Xiao Chen to the capital.” ”

Hearing Secretary Yang’s words, Chief Zhou and Shen Yujing were a little surprised.

Secretary Yang’s identity, both of them are clear, actually want to take Chen Fan to Yanjing? What does that mean? See the old man from the Yang family?

Shen Yujing said coquettishly: “Second uncle, when do I not count as words?” ”

As soon as Shen Yujing’s words fell, the box door was suddenly knocked.

“Come in.” Zhou Shi spoke for a long time.

Then, the box door was pushed open, and Secretary Wang walked in and whispered in Chief Zhou’s ear.

After listening to Secretary Wang’s report, Chief Zhou’s originally happy face instantly sank.


Fourth, the state is still very bad, so much for today. _

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