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Mrs. Zhou pushed the wheelchair out.

In a wheelchair, there was a girl sitting.

The girl looks about thirteen or four years old, with a goose egg face, picturesque eyebrows, a high nose, and under her thin lips, a melon-seed-like chin… Such facial features, although they have not yet grown, it is not difficult to see that when the girl grows up in the future, she must be a big beauty.

The most impressive thing is the girl’s eyes.

Double eyelids, slightly upturned eyelashes, dark eyes, very flexible.

Originally, Chen Fan’s eyes were now very spiritual, basically making people forget at a glance. But Chen Fan’s eyes are still not comparable to this girl.

Moreover, Chen Fan came through the day after tomorrow, and the powerful qi and blood made Chen Fan’s spiritual qi far surpass others, and his eyes became bright.

This girl is congenital.

Looking at the girl’s eyes, Chen Fan suddenly thought of a word: aura.

It seems that this girl’s eyes are full of aura, real aura!

“Xiao Chen, this is my daughter.” Secretary Yang introduced with a smile.

Every time Chen Fan saw Secretary Yang, Secretary Yang’s face was always with a slight smile, which made people look very kind.

Of course, Chen Fan knew that this was actually a protective color for officialdom to disguise themselves.

A political figure like Secretary Yang has long cultivated a skill of being happy and angry, and under normal circumstances, it is impossible to see Secretary Yang’s psychological thoughts from Secretary Yang’s face.

Originally, Chen Fan also thought that he could only see the same expression from Secretary Yang’s face.

Unexpectedly, when Secretary Yang introduced this girl, his face was actually rare, replaced with a gentle expression, and his eyes looked at the girl lovingly.

Chen Fan knew that Secretary Yang’s weakness was this little girl.

It’s just that Chen Fan didn’t expect that Secretary Yang actually had a disabled daughter…

No wonder, Mrs. Zhou’s face has the sequelae of lack of sleep, including Secretary Yang. Heaven has given them endless glory and wealth, but it has also given them incomprehensible suffering.

Suddenly, Chen Fan felt very sympathetic to Secretary Yang.

He has the power to control a city, but he can’t get his daughter to stand up…

“Brother Chen is good!”

The girl was very shy, and even said hello to Chen Fan, her snow-white face blushed slightly.

For the first time, Chen Fan showed a heartfelt smile and greeted: “Hello Xiaoyu.” ”

Yang Xiaoyu lowered her head shyly, she rarely went out, and she would indeed be a little uncomfortable when she saw strangers.

A moment later, Yang Xiaoyu plucked up the courage to raise his head again, and looked at Chen Fan with big dark eyes: “Brother Chen, you are so powerful, I have seen videos of you saving people before on the Internet, and the video of competing with Han people recently, you, you are so powerful…”

When Yang Xiaoyu said this, it seemed that some words were poor and he didn’t know what to say.

Mrs. Zhou added on the side: “Xiao, this child has always been at home, has not been in contact with outsiders, and is a little nervous to see you, she is at home, but often in front of me and Lao Yang, say that you are good.” ”

In fact, Secretary Yang had something for Chen Fan, also because his daughter showed him a video of Chen Fan saving the little girl, and felt that Chen Fan, a young man, had a kind heart.

Chen Fan nodded in understanding, knowing that Yang Xiaoyu had not been in contact with outsiders for a long time, and his language and social skills must be relatively weak.

“Thank you Xiaoyu for saying good things for me.”

Chen Fan is also a person who is not very sociable, and when he saw Yang Xiaoyu for the first time, he didn’t know what to say.

“All sit, Xiao Chen, sit down and eat, the food is cold.” Mrs. Zhou greeted.

Yang Xingguo smiled and pulled Yang Xiaoyu’s wheelchair to his side: “Xiaoyu, sit here Xiaoshu.” ”

This rude man obviously also liked Yang Xiaoyu very much.

When Yang Xiaoyu sat down obediently, Yang Xingguo sandwiched a large piece of meat for her and put it in Yang Xiaoyu’s bowl.

“Come, Xiaoyu, eat more meat, so that you can be as good as me.”

Yang Xiaoyu pouted, not rare: “Don’t be like Xiao Shu, too fat…”

Disliked by his niece, Yang Xingguo didn’t mind, and laughed: “Yes, yes, Xiaoyu is a girl’s family, love beauty!” ”

“No…” Yang Xiaoyu’s face turned red again.


During the banquet, the atmosphere was very harmonious, Secretary Yang and his wife, who were originally delicate people, could talk, and there was continuous laughter on the table.

Yang Xiaoyu slowly lost the nervousness at the beginning of Chen Fan, and occasionally asked Chen Fan some strange questions, such as asking Chen Fan whether he could fly, and asking Chen Fan if he was tired of practicing martial arts…

“Brother Chen, I read on the Internet that you have accepted the challenge of the Han people, and I wish you victory!” Yang Xiaoyu replaced wine with a drink and wanted to toast to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan touched Yang Xiaoyu with a wine glass and said with a smile: “With Xiaoyu’s words, I will definitely be able to win.” ”

Both of them drank the contents of the cup, which caused a round of applause in the banquet, of course, they all came to Yang Xiaoyu, praising Yang Xiaoyu for being sensible.

Yang Xiaoyu lowered his head shyly, but there was a happy smile on his face.

Yang Xingguo suddenly said to Chen Fan: “By the way, Xiao Chen, in terms of taekwondo this time, the person sent to challenge you, I have heard of it, is a North Korean named Kim Jung-min, although he is nominally a taekwondo person, in fact, his real master is Li Chunhua, a famous Hong boxing master in the overseas Hongmen, it is said that this Jin Jung-min has already developed internal strength a long time ago, you have to be careful.” ”

Speaking of the back, Yang Xingguo’s face slowly became serious.

“Oh?” Chen Fan’s eyes lit up.

As for whether Yang Xingguo’s source is accurate or not, Chen Fan has no doubts, the military people, the source must be reliable.

If the opponent is a master of internal strength, Chen Fan has some expectations for this competition, at least he can let him exert his strength.

Chen Fan knew that this Yang Xingguo Regiment Leader was also a master of internal strength, otherwise it would be impossible to catch his punch just now, although his internal strength cultivation was not as strong as Chen Fan, but he was also qualified to fight with Chen Fan.

“Little uncle, what is internal strength?” Yang Xiaoyu asked curiously next to him.

“Inner strength…” Yang Xingguo thought for a while, drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, and then held the cup in the palm of his hand and squeezed it hard.


Everyone clearly heard the sound of the cup breaking.

When Yang Xingguo spread out his hand, everyone could see that a small thick-bottomed porcelain cup was crushed by Yang Xingguo.

“Wow, that’s awesome!” Yang Xiaoyu’s eyes shone brightly, and then looked at Chen Fan and asked, “Brother Chen, do you also have inner strength?” ”

Chen Fan smiled and nodded.

Yang Xingguo’s trick is nothing to him, if he comes to do the same thing, he can squeeze the porcelain cup into powder.

At this moment, the abnormality suddenly appeared.

Yang Xiaoyu, who still had a smile on his face, suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out directly.


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