Chen Fan came to the agreed place and found that Chu Xueqi did not come alone.

Beside Chu Xueqi, there was also a slightly older woman.

This woman is not particularly beautiful, she can only be regarded as okay, but she has a sharp temperament on her body, which makes people dare not ignore it.

“Brother Chen, let me introduce you, this is my cousin, Wei Juan.”

Chu Xueqi stood up and introduced the two: “Cousin, this is the person I told you, Chen Fan, very powerful.” ”

“Oh?” The woman named Wei Juan stretched out her hand towards Chen Fan: “Mr. Chen, hello.” ”


Chen Fan shook hands with the other party, but on the hand of this woman named Wei Juan, he touched a lot of calluses.

And Wei Juan had already frowned, because she felt that Chen Fan’s palms and skin were like girls, such a person really had kung fu in his body? Could it be that Xueqi, the girl, was deceived?

The three sat down separately.

“Brother Chen, are you hungry? The steak here tastes good, you order it first. Chu Xueqi said politely.

Chen Fan shook his head: “Let’s talk about it first, what’s the matter of calling me over.” ”

Chu Xueqi glanced at Wei Juan and said, “Brother Chen, it’s like this, my cousin opened a kickboxing club and wants to hire you as a coach.” ”

“As a coach?” Chen Fan was surprised: “Didn’t you say that you have something to ask me for help?” How did you introduce me to work? ”

Chu Xueqi didn’t know how to say it, Wei Juan saw this, so she said: “Let me say, Mr. Chen, recently a large-scale taekwondo gym in Z City opened, I don’t know if you have heard of it?” ”

Chen Fan shook his head, he practiced martial arts every day, how could he have time to pay attention to these things.

Wei Juan said: “This taekwondo gym is a branch of the Taekwondo Federation of Han Country, as soon as he opened, in order to attract customers, he sent people around to challenge other fighting gyms in Z City, I heard that the next thing they want to challenge is my club… I heard Xueqi say that you are very good at kung fu, and I want to ask you to be the head coach of my club and sit in the club. ”

Hearing this, Chen Fan understood.

It must be that the Taekwondo League of Han Country is more powerful, and this woman named Wei Juan can’t cope with it, so I want to invite a master to sit down.

Chen Fan was a little moved in his heart, and almost wanted to agree immediately.

This is not to look at the face of Chu Xueqi, a beautiful woman, in fact, although Chen Fan has a good impression of beautiful women like normal men, after practicing martial arts, strong strength brings him strong self-confidence, and he is polite on the surface, but in fact, his heart is extremely proud, and he will never do such a thing as kneeling beauty.

The main reason why he wanted to agree was that he had practiced martial arts for so long, but he had rarely consulted with others, which made his hands itch for a long time.

The most important thing is that both the Songhe Manshou Fist and the Bodhichitta Heart Seal propose that if you want to break through to the tenth weight of the physical body, you can’t just practice hard alone, you must fight with others and comprehend martial arts experience from battle.

This job as a head coach, if you can fight with others every day, it is very suitable for him.

Of course, Chen Fan will not be so frizzy, and some details still have to be asked.

“What do you need to do as your head coach? If I want to teach others how to fight, I’m afraid I can’t. ”

This is Chen Fan’s bottom line, and he will definitely not teach others kung fu indiscriminately.

“You don’t need to be a teacher, or even you need to go to work every day, the main task of the head coach is to contact you in time when someone comes to kick the gym, of course, to deal with the people who kick the gym, you must not fall into the prestige of the club.”

The meaning of this is that you can’t lose.

Chen Fan nodded and said, “That’s good, I agree.” ”

Chu Xueqi immediately became happy when she saw Chen Fan talking so well (in fact, Chen Fan himself needed combat experience). And Wei Juan’s face was also a little sullen.

This young man, who promised so quickly, was too frizzy, and he was really a liar, and he tried not to kneel to Chu Xueqi.

However, these are all thoughts in Wei Juan’s heart, and naturally they will not be revealed on the surface:

“Mr. Chen, do you have any requirements regarding treatment?”

Chen Fan said lightly, “Come according to your rules there.” ”

He is short of money, but he can also know that a club coach, even if the salary is high, is of little use to him, he accepts this job, or in order to have opponents to fight him and provide him with martial arts experience.

“My rule there, the head coach is paid 50,000 yuan at the end of the month, and every time someone else comes to challenge, the bonus is 20,000 yuan for winning a game, do you see?”

The basic salary is 50,000, and you can get 20,000 yuan once you win, and it is not the kind of life and death fight of underground boxing matches, which is already very good.

“Just do it!”

Seeing that Chen Fan promised so cheerfully, Wei Juan said again: “However, there is still a procedure to go through before officially going to work.” ”

“What program?”

“Accept the challenge of the club coach!”

This procedure was deliberately added by Wei Juan, and she always felt that the young man in front of her was more like a little white face who plotted against Chu Xueqi than a master.

Hearing this procedure, Chen Fan was more happy in his heart, his forehand itched, challenged, come as much as you want, it is best to come to a master who can compete with him… Of course, this requirement is obviously a bit high, in modern society, where are the characters who practice internal strength? At least Chen Fan had never heard of it.

“No problem.” Chen Fan agreed happily.

Wei Juan was even more upset in her heart, and secretly said: “Stinky boy, let you pretend first, and wait for you to feel better.”

“I wonder if Mr. Chen has time in the afternoon? If you have time in the afternoon, why not start the onboarding process in the afternoon? ”


Seeing that Chen Fan was still pretending, Wei Juan simply called the club in front of the two and informed the coach in the club. I hope to scare Chen Fan off, but Chen Fan still doesn’t care.


Seeing that the two had discussed things, Chu Xueqi was even more happy, and said to Chen Fan with a smile: “Thank you Brother Chen.” ”

She thought that Chen Fan had promised so cheerfully, it was to save her face.

Chen Fan waved his hand: “You’re welcome. ”

The three began to order, and then ate lunch.

In the process of eating, Wei Juan has been inquiring on the side, and Chen Fan’s kung fu has been confused by Chen Fan’s vague words, which makes Wei Juan even more suspicious of Chen Fan.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.” Chen Fan stood up and said.

When Chen Fan left, Wei Juan immediately pulled Chu Xueqi and asked, “Xueqi, where did you find this person?” ”

Seeing that Wei Juan’s face was a little wrong, Chu Xueqi asked, “Cousin, what’s wrong?” Is there anything wrong with Brother Chen? ”

“What do you say? The skin on this kid’s hands is better than you, how can there be kung fu in his body? ”


Chu Xueqi suddenly laughed: “Cousin, it turns out that you don’t believe me?” Let me show you a video first…”

Taking out the mobile phone, Chu Xueqi showed the video she saved to Wei Juan.

The video is exactly half a month ago, Chen Fan in order to save the little girl, slammed a car with a palm!


After reading the word count, more than 100,000 words? Many people are on the shelves with 90,000 words, I am still relatively generous, right? Let’s get some flowers, haha….

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