In Z City, people with a little status know what the Belvedere Hotel is.

And as the boss of Liyuan Hotel, this Zhang is definitely the number one person in Z City.

After all, being able to open such a hotel with a lot of money in a place where fish and dragons are mixed is certainly not something that can be done with money alone.

It is rumored that this General Manager Zhang is very connected in the province….

Tao Kun was just among his classmates, he was so spirited and satisfied!

Unexpectedly, when I saw Mr. Zhang, he immediately greeted him like a grandson, with a flattering expression like a slave, and the style of painting changed so quickly, which was really surprising.

“You are?” Mr. Zhang actually didn’t know Tao Kun yet.

Tao Kun’s face flashed a trace of embarrassment, but he did not dare to have the slightest anger, and moved out of his old son and said, “My father is Tao Wen, from the Municipal Bureau of Culture.” ”

Mr. Zhang thought about it, and then remembered that the Cultural Affairs Bureau seemed to have a deputy director who was about to retire, surnamed Tao.

“Oh, it’s Xiao Tao!”

Nodded, President Zhang even gave face and said hello.

Immediately, Mr. Zhang’s face changed into a smile and quickly came to the table, leaving Tao Kun with a sad face.

“Mr. Chen, rare customers!”

Mr. Zhang smiled and enthusiastically grabbed Chen Fan’s hand and shook it vigorously.

From the hand of the waiter next to him, he took the wine glass, and Mr. Zhang said with a smile: “Greeting is not thoughtful, Mr. Chen has a lot of care, my old Zhang respects you a glass, dry it first!” ”

Mr. Zhang said, a glass of high-grade liquor, just drink it.

Chen Fan was helpless, so he also picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Face is given to each other, people praise you so much, if you ignore it, it will be too unqualified.

After toasting a glass of wine, Mr. Zhang said politely: “Mr. Chen, it is the honor of my small shop that you came here to eat, this box is not suitable for your identity, this is my mistake… How about I give you another one? ”

In the Liyuan Hotel, the boxes with numbers like 13 are relatively poor, and only those with numbers 6 and 8 are specially used by nobles.

“Don’t bother, it’s good here.” Chen Fan shook his head and refused.

The conversation between the two simply stunned everyone at this table!

What is this situation?

Tao Kun is such an arrogant person, in front of this Zhang Zhang, he is like a grandson, even his old son has been brought out, and the people Zhang always ignore it.

However, Mr. Zhang, who came so big, was so polite to Chen Fan? Even with a fawning smile on his face?

What is the origin of their old classmate, who has just lost his job?

A group of old classmates all feel that their brains are a little inadequate.

The male students were shocked, and the female students all looked at Chen Fan brightly, only to find out at this time that this very low-key old classmate just now seemed to have a very unusual temperament, even for a big person like Shangzhang, he was so light and breezy.

Li Jiahui looked at Chen Fan in surprise, and her beautiful eyes were meaningful.

I thought that Chen Fan was just engaged in medicinal materials and made some money, but it seems that this old classmate of hers is far from that simple.

And the most embarrassing and incredible thing in the audience belongs to Tao Kun.

Mr. Zhang’s origin, he knew better than everyone present, but he didn’t expect that such a figure would be so polite to Chen Fan? What is the identity of this old classmate?

Thinking that he had just looked coldly at Chen Fan, and was always talking to him, Tao Kun’s heart was shocked and afraid, and he broke out in cold sweat

“That’s okay, I won’t disturb Mr. Chen, you have dinner with friends, this is my business card, next time Mr. Chen wants to come, be sure to say hello in advance, I will arrange the best position for you.”

Mr. Zhang politely handed Chen Fan a business card, and then left the box.

In the box, it was also quiet.

And those who didn’t treat Chen Fan very much at the beginning and felt that Chen Fan had embarrassed their classmates, this will be hot on their faces.

People this is really awesome!

They mixed this little family background, just now actually embarrassed to show in front of others?

The first to speak to break the awkward atmosphere was the fat man next to Chen Fan.

“Ouch, bro, it’s okay to mix! Tell me, where to get rich now? “This guy is a bit heartless and lungless.

As the fat man began, the other students also toasted Chen Fan, wanting to make up for the relationship between classmates.

Only Tao Kun, a little embarrassed can’t get off the stage.

Just now, he and Chen Fan were almost-for-tat, at this time, if he confessed, turned his head and begged Chen Fan again, it would be too spineless, and he would be looked down upon, how would he raise his head in front of his classmates in the future?

Of course, although he didn’t admit it for the sake of face, he didn’t dare to provoke Chen Fan anymore.

“Students, have you eaten almost enough? I booked a private room in ‘Big Fortune’, let’s go to have fun, and we can’t go back early tonight. ”

The great wealth in Tao Kun’s mouth is a well-known nightclub venue in Z City.

Obviously, he lost such a big face here, and he couldn’t stay for a while, and he wanted to change the venue to regain face.


The first one was delivered, the small slap in the face ended, the cool point continued, kneeling for flower support.

Also, about the character of the protagonist, some people say that the protagonist is stupid? This one…… A little wronged, a young man who has just entered society, it is impossible to be shrewd like a ghost, without a teacher to understand all the world’s feelings, I just want to write a reasonable point. Besides, inexperience doesn’t mean stupid, right? As the protagonist’s experience increases, his strength increases, and his personality will become more and more domineering in the future! Please rest assured of this.

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