
In the early morning, Chen Fan, who was awakened by the urge to urinate, got up in a daze to go to the toilet, but was tripped by a foreign object under his feet and fell to eat.

“Shhh! Daddy is dying…”

Chen Fan rubbed his knees and got up, his eyes looked towards the culprit, but he found that he was next to him, and I don’t know when a trash can appeared.

This garbage can is about 60 centimeters high and 40 centimeters wide, which is not big, but it is definitely not the type of garbage can used at home, so Chen Fan is sure that this garbage can is not his own.

“Groove? What’s the situation? Who got a trash can and threw it here? ”

Chen Fan was suddenly shocked, and immediately rushed to the bedside to look for his mobile phone and wallet, because this house was rented by him and the keys were all here, so he suspected that someone had entered his room.

Seeing that the mobile phone and wallet were there, Chen Fan’s gaze swept around the room again, and found that nothing was missing, which was relieved, but then, he became puzzled.

How did this trash can come about?

Someone put it in his room?

Pry open his door and take nothing, just to put a trash can? Isn’t this a disease of the brain?


Just when Chen Fan was puzzled, there was a sudden noise in the trash can, which startled Chen Fan.

Chen Fan thought that there were living things in the garbage can, so he quickly grabbed the broom next to the wall and carefully went to check, but saw a small glass bottle in the garbage can, and there were more than a dozen round particles in the bottle, which seemed to be some kind of pill.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan was even more confused, carefully observed the trash can, and after confirming that there were no other abnormalities, Chen Fan picked up the glass bottle driven by curiosity.

It’s just that Chen Fan’s hand just touched the glass bottle, and a piece of information suddenly popped up in his mind:

“Dingyan Pill (defective product): The ultimate elixir from the (Mortal Immortal Cultivation) world, taking one pill can make people maintain a young appearance and stay youthful forever. However, this product is a failed work discarded by an alchemist, the efficacy is greatly reduced, taking one pill can make people fifteen years younger, there is no eternal effect of youth, and the first time each person takes it is effective. ”

Chen Fan froze!

What’s the situation?

How did you know this information? It was the first time he heard the name “Dingyan Dan”, how could he even know the efficacy of Dingyandan? You can even tell if it’s a defective product! To hell with it….

The weirdest thing is that the information just introduced that this Dingyan Dan is from the world of (Mortal Immortal Cultivation)? That’s a novel! That’s!

Moreover, although this small bottle of pill in his hand is not genuine, this effect is too against the sky, right? Fifteen years younger? Lying groove, this is what many people dream of? What modern technology cannot do, a small pill can do? If this bottle of medicine in your hand is real and effective, if it spreads, I am afraid that it will be robbed by all mankind, right? Every capsule can be sold for a sky-high price!

Chen Fan was shocked, and quickly carefully observed this bottle of elixir, and then he found that the material of the small bottle was not glass, but it was just a little similar, nor was it plastic, it was a transparent material that Chen Fan had never seen. In addition, the packaging on the bottle is also very rough, which does not at all resemble the items produced by modern industry. The bottle body does not have any labels and instructions, and the mouth of the bottle is sealed by a wooden stopper, not a cap.

There are currently more than a dozen brown pills in the bottle, each pill is probably not much larger than a soybean, some are irregular shapes, and obviously not the pills produced by modern production lines.

Overall, this bottle and the elixir inside are all handmade, which looks a little retro.

The main problem now is how to prove whether this Dingyan Pill is true or false, it is not difficult to prove this, just find someone to try, but Chen Fan does not know the ingredients of this pill, what if it is poisonous? What if something goes wrong if it is given to someone else?

Of course, Chen Fan’s heart did not believe that this bottle of pill was really a Dingyan Pill with miraculous effects, and the fictional thing in the novel ran to the real world? I don’t believe it!

At this time, the mobile phone alarm sounded, indicating that Chen Fan was not early, and he should go to work.

Chen Fan didn’t think about it anymore, put the bottle into his pocket casually, went to the toilet to brush his teeth and wash his face, by the way, flushed the inventory in his stomach into the toilet, and after cleaning up, Chen Fan left home with the medicine bottle and went to the company.


Innovative advertising production company is a well-known advertising company in Z City, and Chen Fan’s current identity is an intern of this company.

Coming to the company, Chen Fan obviously felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the office today, the lazy atmosphere of the usual morning was gone, and every colleague’s face was full of gossip excitement.

“Sister Zhang, what’s wrong? Did something happen? After Chen Fan sat down, he asked the middle-aged woman next to him in a low voice.

“Xiao Chen, I told you, don’t say I said it! Our strong woman, when she was eating with customers in a hotel last night, found that her husband opened a room with other women, and the strong woman fought with her husband in the hotel in front of many people, obediently, that scene… You use your mobile phone to search for local news in our Z city, and there are videos circulating on the Internet. ”

This middle-aged woman was obviously a broken mouth, and as soon as Chen Fan asked, she added oil and vinegar to explain the matter. And the “strong woman” in her mouth is the general manager who single-handedly founded this advertising company, named Jiang Ping.

After listening to it, Chen Fan searched with his mobile phone, and indeed easily found the video taken by others, and the woman in the video who looked like a mad woman was the manager Jiang of the company he had seen several times.

For this kind of thing, Chen Fan is not interested, and the video of catching Xiao San is often exposed on the Internet, and Chen Fan has long been surprised.

When Chen Fan put away his mobile phone, that Sister Zhang was still gossiping in an excited whisper: “I really didn’t expect that Manager Jiang, usually Sven, is so powerful when splashing, sure enough, the nickname of a strong woman is not called in vain…”

“Chen Fan, send this plan to Manager Jiang’s office.”

At this time, a man’s voice suddenly came from behind him, and then a document was thrown on Chen Fan’s desk.

Chen Fan was stunned, and quickly said, “Brother Wang, why did I send it?” ”

He is not stupid, Manager Jiang at this time is similar to a mine, who goes is unlucky.

Brother Wang in Chen Fan’s mouth, a middle-aged man around thirty years old and Chen Fan’s boss, said lightly when he heard this: “Let you send you, send it!” ”

“Brother Wang, I didn’t do this plan, let me send it, okay? What if Manager Jiang doesn’t understand something and needs to find someone to explain? Chen Fan said with anger.

This surnamed Wang is not a thing, and if good things are not given to him, bad things will be thrown on his head.

“Don’t worry, the situation you said will not come up… Well, don’t talk nonsense, Manager Jiang is still waiting to use, send it quickly. ”

After speaking, this surnamed Wang did not give Chen Fan a chance to speak, and directly ignored Chen Fan.

Chen Fan’s stomach was angry, but he couldn’t send it, he was in the workplace, he was so helpless, so he had to take the document depressedly, got up and walked to the general manager’s office, and some colleagues looked at Chen Fan sympathetically.

Coming to the door of the general manager’s office, Chen Fan took a deep breath, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

There was a gentle voice inside, just listening to the voice, it would definitely make people think that the owner of the voice was a gentle person, but in fact, Manager Jiang did things resolutely and had a lot of prestige in the company.

Chen Fan pushed open the door and walked in.

“General manager, this is the plan you want!”

Placing the documents on Manager Jiang’s desk, Chen Fan stood uneasily.

Manager Jiang opened the plan, and after not long to look at it, his brows furrowed, and he saw Chen Fan’s heart burst out, for fear that the strong woman on the other side would suddenly break out and scold him.

The expected outbreak did not appear, and Manager Jiang just said lightly: “I am not satisfied, take it back and redo it.” ”

“Okay, General Manager!”

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the documents on the table, and at the same time quickly glanced at Manager Jiang.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Chen Fan has dealt with Manager Jiang, and he feels that this strong woman is not as fierce as rumored, at least she will not be angry with people casually, and the impression of Manager Jiang in his heart is also better.

When Chen Fan was about to flash people, an A4 piece of paper in the folder, probably because Chen Fan did not hold it tightly, flew out and fell to the ground. Chen Fan quickly bent down to pick it up, and at the moment when Chen Fan squatted down, he went out in the morning, the medicine bottle in his trouser pocket, rolled out of his pocket, fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and then rolled towards the desk table.

Chen Fan was taken aback and wanted to snatch back the bottle, but it was too late, and the bottle rolled to Manager Jiang’s feet.

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