Yu Shuchang, a reporter from Yanjing TV, also shouted excitedly at this time!

"Audience friends in front of the TV!"

"We can see Gu Yu riding Solgaleo and Fang Jianming and others down together!"

"The cheers at the scene are already one wave after another!"

The audience in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast began to cheer at this time!

"Gu Tianwang is awesome! Saved the whole world!"

"Solgaleo is so handsome! As expected of the sun god!"

"Fantastic! Riding down the sun god, there is no other person in the world except Gu Tianwang!"

"Originally, I thought the Frozen Bird was already very beautiful! But now with Solgaleo, there is no slag left!"


Sitting in front of the TV, watching Gu Yu ride Solgaleo down.

Lin Xuan's eyes were full of envy!

"Solgaleo is too handsome!"

"I really want to ride once, no, just touch it!"

While talking to himself, Lin Xuan picked up the phone.

Expedition team.

"Lin Xuan: @小Uncle, you are so awesome! Saved the world! Please accept my knee!"

"Lin Xuan: I don't know. Are you free recently? I want to visit and see Solgaleo by the way!"

"Yan Siyu: Conspiracy. jpg."

"Ning Qiyun: @Gu Yu, someone is plotting against your Solgaleo! 763"

"Su Qingyun: @Gu Yu, someone is plotting against your Solgaleo!"

"Lin Xuan: Uncle, don't listen to their nonsense. I just want to see Solgaleo. Of course, it would be better if I could touch it."

"Kong Xingyu: It's a stone hammer to plot against the rules!"


Gu Yu naturally couldn't understand the content of the group chat at this time.

Because now he is taking off his space suit.

A spacesuit inside the cabin weighs about 20 kilograms, and a spacesuit outside the cabin weighs more than 120 kilograms.

Since Gu Yu and the others are going to fight, they must be wearing space suits weighing more than 120 kilograms.

Such a weight, even a trainer with good physical fitness, is more difficult to wear for a long time.

Therefore, after landing, Gu Yu and the others all started to take off their space suits.

After the space suit was taken away by the staff of the Dragon Kingdom Spirit Alliance.

Lin Yan's voice also sounded again.

"Let us welcome the return of the heroes with warm applause!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yan took the lead and began to applaud.


The staff of the Elf Alliance, the reporters and photographers at the scene all began to applaud at this moment!


The two hundred fire-breathing dragons arranged in two rows also spewed flames up to the sky!

Under the leadership of Gu Yu, everyone walked through the passage made up of two hundred fire-breathing dragons and entered the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Spirit Alliance.

Normally, Fang Jianming should take the lead.

But according to Fang Jianming's words, it is.

"Gu Yu, you are the protagonist this time!"

"You are more suitable than me, and you are the first to walk into the headquarters!"

Gu Yu did not refuse, and took the lead into the headquarters of the alliance.

On the roof is a simple welcome ceremony.

If reporters want to interview, they must also go to the special hall for press conferences on the third floor of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance Building.

Because this time the press conference is more grand.

Lin Yan also specially asked someone to bring a set of formal clothes to Gu Yu.

At this time, the press conference hall on the third floor of the building was already crowded with reporters.

According to preliminary estimates, there are more than XNUMX reporters and photographers present.

As Gu Yu, Fang Jianming, Ye Hongyi and Lin Yan in formal suits walked into the press conference.


The sound of the camera's flash continued to sound like the sound of torrential rain!

Gu Yu saw a vast expanse of whiteness, and he couldn't see anything else at all.

Although it was not the first time that such a thing had happened, Gu Yu still felt very uncomfortable.

After Gu Yu sat down, the reporters began to ask questions one after another.

The first question was a long-haired female reporter.

"Gu Tianwang, as a hero who saves the world, do you have anything to say now?"

"As a human being, it is my duty to protect the world I live in!"

"I don't have much to say right now."

Gu Yu really doesn't have much to say now.

Rather than a press conference, he now wants to find a place to see the new changes in the script of his life.

At the same time, he also wanted to know what Lie Kongzai said.


As soon as the words fell, the applause of the scene sounded instantly!

"Gu Tianwang! You are truly a noble person!" The female reporter who asked Gu Yu also said excitedly.


Gu Yu always felt that there seemed to be a deviation in everyone's understanding.

He really didn't have much to say, but the reporters seemed to regard him as a noble person who didn't like a false name.

In this regard, Gu Yu did not explain much.

After the female reporter sat down, another reporter began to ask questions.

Finally, at 1:XNUMX in the afternoon, after answering questions from reporters for nearly two hours, Gu Yu, whose throat was smoking, finally left the press conference.

After the press conference, Gu Yu's second stop was the banquet.

As an impact to save the world.

Lin Yan had arranged a state banquet for Gu Yu, Fang Jianming and others.

Gu Yu naturally became the focus of everyone once again.

The people who took turns toasting directly formed a long line.

By the end of the drink, Gu Yu had forgotten how he got home.

4 month 3 day.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight illuminates the whole of Yanjing.

After the ordeal that destroyed the world, people have returned to a peaceful life.

Because, the meteorite was smashed by Solgaleo over Yanjing.

The resulting shock wave shattered the glass of many houses, and the meteorite fragments also penetrated the ceilings of many houses.

Some decoration companies have also become busier.

Gu Yu had just woken up from his sleep at this time.

Gu Yu, who woke up, first looked around.

Pokeballs placed on the table, Gengar floating on the table.

The wind speed dog beside the bed, the fairy elf beside the pillow.

Next to Jella Ye Mengyao!

How could Ye Mengyao sleep with me?

Gu Yu immediately began to recall.

After the state banquet yesterday, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Hongyi saw that Gu Yu was drunk, so he called Ye Mengyao and asked Ye Mengyao to take Gu Yu home.

After recalling the cause and effect, Gu Yu did not disturb the sleeping Ye Mengyao, but began to check the changes in the script of life.

【Ding!Solgaleo defeated Deoxys and gained 89 experience points! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for successfully changing his life script! 】

【Ding!The system reward item Darkrai's Origin Core! 】

[Darklay's origin core: The origin core left after Darkrai's death contains the power of Darkrai, which can be absorbed by evil spirits! 】

Nightmare God!


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