Looking at Solgaleo on the big screen, his eyes were full of shock and envy!

"Have such powerful divine beasts been subdued by Gu Tianwang?!"

Recalling the meeting with Gu Yu at the opening ceremony of Jinhui Taoist Hall in the past.

Lin Yan's face was full of emotion.

"Such a growth rate! It's really shocking!"

While talking to himself, Lin Yan thought of Yuan Hanhai again.

"Now it seems that the vision of the old man is really scary!"

"When Gu Yu first made his debut, he thought that Gu Yu could become his successor!"

in space.

Deoxys, whose expression was distorted after being hit by the Crushing Skill, endured the pain and used teleportation!

In the next instant, Deoxys disappeared from Solgaleo's mouth,

When he reappeared, he was already twenty kilometers in front of Solgaleo.

Regenerate yourself!

Deoxys in attack form wanted to recover from his injuries and continued to fight Solgaleo.

But will Gu Yu give him a chance?

"Solgaleo! Meteor Flash!"


As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, Solgaleo roared.

With a dazzling light all over his body, he went straight to Deoxys who was performing self-regeneration!

From a distance, it looks like a meteor is flying towards Deoxys!

A distance of twenty kilometers is a blink of an eye for a spirit like Solgaleo.

Deoxys, who performed self-regeneration, had no time to escape from Solgaleo who was attacking.

Boom! ! !

In the next instant, a dazzling white light enveloped the figures of Deoxys and Solgaleo!

The aftermath of the explosion pushed countless meteorites toward the earth again!

The huge power made Lie Kongzai and the two Deoxys stop fighting and looked at the center of the explosion at the same time!

The people standing on the ground looked up to the sky and suddenly found that there were two suns above the sky!

This scene shocked people all over the world in an instant!

"My God! Is this the true strength of the Sun God?! It seems that another sun appears!"

"It's hard to imagine such a spirit! It can be conquered by humans!"

"If this blow is on land, at least a city with a population of millions will be wiped out!"



Melbourne Mining Building.

Look at Solgaleo, who shines like the sun on the TV screen!

There was excitement, excitement, and a hint of fanaticism in Candice's eyes!

"Such terrifying strength!"

"As expected of the spirit known as the sun god!"

"This is the divine beast our god organization should pursue!!!"

Solgaleo's Meteor Flash skill makes it seem like there are two suns above the sky.

The people of future generations, to commemorate this day.

Name this day: Double the Same Day!

But the sun created by technology is not the real sun after all.

After a while, as the dazzling light slowly dissipated, Solgaleo and Deoxys once again appeared in the eyes of all the audience.

Deoxys, who was covered in pitch black, was held in Solgaleo's mouth.

If it weren't for the tentacles that looked like arms were still shaking slightly.

Maybe all the audience thought that Deoxys was in a coma!


In the next instant, Solgaleo and Deoxys disappeared directly from the spot.

When the two Deoxys saw this scene, they instantly realized that it was not good.

I want to rush over to save my comrade.


Lie Kongzai shouted and stood in front of the two Deoxys, not giving the two Deoxys a chance to save their companions!

Dragon Wave!

A purple shock wave spewed out of Liekong's mouth, heading straight for Deoxys in speed form.

Wide area destruction!

At the same time, the cyan tail turned into a streamer and swept towards Deoxys in attack form.

The two Deoxys were blocked, so they could only watch helplessly, Solgaleo brought Deoxy to Gu Yu.

The artificial satellites of all countries in the world also turned their directions at this moment, aiming at Gu Yu, Solgaleo, and Deoxys.

under the watchful eyes of audiences all over the world.

Gu Yu took out a pokeball with a coquettish red glow from his space suit!

Audiences all over the world held their breath in unison at this moment!

The beast was captured!

Not for the first time!

But this is the first time it has been broadcast live or has pictures!

Gu Yu came to Solgaleo and touched the forehead of Ochisis, which Solgaleo said, with the button of the ball of God.

In an instant, Deoxys' entire body was covered with red light, and then absorbed by the sphere of God.

The button in the center of the sphere of gods began to flicker on and off, the white light flashed three times, and with a 'push' sound, the sphere of gods returned to calm.

Successfully subdued Deoxys!

In fact, Gu Yu did not intend to subdue Deoxys.

After all, he has Solgaleo, Mewtwo, Zeraora, Lugia, and Reshiram can also conquer.

A divine beast like Deoxys, who was forcibly subdued, would not necessarily obey his orders.

But the current situation, if only to defeat Deoxys.

Who knows if Deoxys, who is good at self-regeneration, will suddenly wake up again.

The use of the sphere of gods as a vessel to temporarily seal Deoxys was a perfect fit.

However, such a move is different in the eyes of audiences all over the world!

Live to conquer the mythical beast Deoxys! ! !

The whole world fell into a dead silence in an instant, and countless audiences widened their eyes and their faces were full of disbelief!

Then the whole world was filled with shocking voices!

"Gu Yu! Another divine beast has been subdued!!!"

"It's incredible! The beast has been subdued like this?!"

"Why do I feel that there are as many divine beasts as Chinese cabbage! I can't even see a single divine beast's hair!"

"Mythical beast +1! I also want to start the journey of conquering mythical beasts like Gu Yu!"


European Union of Wizards headquarters.

As the ball of God on the big screen returned to calm, the entire headquarters of the European Elf League fell into a dead silence in an instant!

Countless staff members simply froze in place, their mouths wide open, and their eyes were full of disbelief!

Unlike ordinary people, those who deal with elves every day know the difficulty of conquering a divine beast the most!

After the dead silence lasted for a while, the entire headquarters of the European Elf Alliance was instantly filled with exclamations!

"God! Is this true?! The beast was conquered so easily!"

"This is the first time I have seen the whole process of the trainer subduing the divine beast!"

"Is this the strength of the strongest genius in the Dragon Country?! Why do I feel that he conquered the beast faster than I conquered the elves?!"


Mark Gobert, the European Elf League champion who has not left yet, saw this scene.

The expression on his face froze instantly, and his eyes were filled with shock!

Finally, he said with difficulty: "Is it so easy to conquer the divine beast?!"

As the proud son of the European Elf League, Mark Gobert has also attracted much attention along the way.


Looking at Gu Yu holding the Ball of God on the big screen, Mark Gobert felt that he was so ordinary!

"The way I feel now is what I used to feel, and my peers see how I feel!"

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