Solgaleo was defeated by Deoxys with a small probability.

But if it does happen, the battlefield situation will have a new change.

At that time, if the crisis of the meteorite rain is not resolved, Fang Jianming can only cry in a world that has turned into ruins!

Therefore, Fang Jianming directly agreed with Ye Hongyi's words.

in space.


Lie Kongza let out a loud roar, and then confronted Deoxys in speed form and defensive form.

These two Deoxys are level 103, and their skills are similar to those of the one who fought Solgaleo.

Dragon Wave!

A purple shock wave went straight to Deoxys in defensive form.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared out of thin air, helping Deoxys to block Solgaleo's attack.


At the moment when the firelight and thick smoke of the explosion set off, the aftermath generated continuously pushed the meteorite towards the earth.

One of the one-kilometer-high meteorites is about to fall towards the earth! .

Chapter 354 Online Teaching!How to conquer the beasts in the global live broadcast!


With the sound of Zeraora's voice, the plasma lightning fist suddenly swung out!

The golden lightning turned into two lightning beams dozens of meters long, heading straight for the falling meteorite.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the one-kilometer-long meteorite shattered instantly, turning into countless tiny meteorite fragments and scattered.

Some small meteorite fragments fell towards the earth.

But these meteorites are too small, and when they fall, they will be incinerated by the flames generated by friction with the atmosphere.

After smashing a meteorite, Zeraora did not stop.

It turned into a golden flash and shuttled through the dark universe.



Plasma lightning fists were continuously swiped, and pieces of meteorites were smashed into countless pieces by Zeraora.

Seeing this scene, countless audiences began to cheer!

"Great! Meteorites are constantly being shattered! We are saved!"

"Zeraora is awesome!"

"Solgaleo and Zeraora are our saviors!"


European Union of Wizards headquarters.

Looking at the crushed meteorite, countless staff members breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiles reappeared on their faces.

You know, not long ago, a meteorite fell into the English Channel, setting off a huge tsunami.

Seeing that another meteorite is about to fall, the staff will naturally be apprehensive!

"Great! Our world should be saved!"

"According to the current situation, it only takes one hour for Zeraora to smash the meteorites that may fly to the earth into pieces!"

"Come on, Zeraora! You're the best!"


Hearing the cheers from the crowd, Mark Gobert's eyes also showed excitement, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile!

"As long as there is no change in this hour!"

"The world will be saved!"

"However, Gu Yu is really an incredible trainer!"

"The mythical beasts Zeraora and Solgaleo were both subdued by 747 Gu Yu!"

Saying that, a look of shock appeared on Mark Gobert's face.

in space.

The battle of the five mythical beasts continues.


Solgaleo roared loudly, and the steel energy in his mouth gathered.

A gleam of metallic radiance went straight to Deoxys in attack form that was knocked away.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared in front of Deoxys in attack form.

There is no defensive form Deoxys to help resist the attack, and the attacking Deoxys can only defend himself.


A huge explosion sounded, and the white shield blocked the attack of the cannon.

In the next instant, a huge white figure appeared in front of Deoxys in attack form.

Spirit teeth!

[Spiritual Tooth: Use mental power to bite the opponent and attack.It can also destroy light walls and reflective walls, etc. 】

With a click, the white shield, like tofu, was directly crushed by Solgaleo.


Deoxys in attack form disappeared in place just as the Spirit Fang was about to hit.


Solgaleo then disappeared in place.

In the blink of an eye, two divine beasts appeared next to a huge meteorite.

Fire fist!

The tip of the tentacle, which was like a whip, was covered in red flames and slammed towards Solgaleo who was following him.

Metal claws!

Solgaleo's claws were covered with metallic brilliance, and he met the flame fist.


A huge crashing sound echoed in the dark universe!

The next moment, the two elves attacked again.

Evil-type energy gathered in front of Deoxys in attack form.

The wave of evil!

A black shock wave went straight to Solgaleo.

Mental shock!

Substantial psychic power blasted towards Deoxys.



With the sound of two huge explosions, Deoxys was shot up again like a cannonball!


Solgaleo let out a loud roar, and instantly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Deoxys who had just stabilized his body.

Metal explosion!

[Metal Explosion: Before making a move, vigorously return the damage of the last move to the opponent. 】

The steel energy gathered on Solgaleo's right claw and condensed into a huge ball of light.

Directly shot at Deoxys in attacking form.

hold on!

In front of Deoxys in attack form, a huge white shield appeared.

Solgaleo was originally twice as weak and evil, but now he is returning it to Deoxys.

Plus the difference in strength between the two elves.

Naturally, it is not something that can be blocked by a defensive skill.

Boom! ! !

The deafening explosion echoed in the dark universe, and the fire and smoke drowned Deoxys in attack form!

The aftermath of the explosion pushed a large swathe of meteorites in the direction of the earth again.

After the flames of the explosion dissipated, Deoxys in attack form reappeared in the eyes of all the audience.

Deoxys in attack form can be said to be very miserable.

His right arm and right leg were all shattered by Solgaleo's attack.

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