"Gengar! (ノ ̄▽ ̄)"

Geng Gui also shouted excitedly, happy for Gu Yu to become the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although Chao Meng did not speak, the smile on his face was enough to explain everything!

"Gu Yu has become the new Dragon King!"

"However, the battle of gods should start soon!"

While thinking about it, Chao Meng raised his head.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the roof, looking at a divine beast above the sky.

in front of the TV.

Seeing that Gu Yu became the new Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, Lin Xuan picked up his phone and started to congratulate.

Expedition team.

"Lin Xuan: Uncle is awesome! @Gu Yu!"

"Ning Qiyun: @Gu Yu! It's Gu Tianwang from today!"

"Yan Siyu: @Gu Yu! Gu Tianwang is awesome!"

"Yan Siyu: Think about Gu Tianwang's 24-year-old, and then look at my 24-year-old! Uncomfortable.jpg."

"Su Qingyun: Stop talking! Do you think I'm not uncomfortable?!"

"Kong Xingyu: Compared with Gu Tianwang, I seem like a waste!"

"Ning Qiyun: Waste +1"

"Yan Siyu: Waste +1."


Just when Ye Hongyi announced that Gu Yu became the new Queen of the Dragon Kingdom!

Gu Tianwang!

In one minute, it will be directly ranked No. XNUMX on the Longguo Internet Hot Search List!

Numerous netizens enthusiastically began to discuss!

"Gu Tianwang is awesome! The 24-year-old Tianwang is unprecedented!"

"For the first time, I feel that the identity of Zhejiang University alumni is such an honor!"

"What is an alumni of Zhejiang University, my family and Gu Tianwang are still in the same community?!"

"Envy upstairs! I also want to be in the same community with Gu Tianwang!"


In less than five minutes, the server was directly paralyzed because of too many speeches!

on the field.

Lucario had released MEGA and returned to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu looked at Lucario with a smile on his face.

"Nice job! Lucario!"


Lucario also happily responded to Gu Yu.

While waving to the audience, Gu Yu touched Lucario's head!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hanhai's expression did not change.

When he sent the Pang Yan monster, he had already chosen to admit defeat.

But the unwillingness in his eyes flashed past.

"Gu Yu! I lost this time!"

"But I won't lose forever!"

"Wait until I get Zekrom"

While thinking about it, Yuan Hanhai forced a smile and walked towards Gu Yu.

Although he was defeated by Gu Yu.

But Gu Yu, as his obvious 'successor', he must go to congratulate him.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for successfully changing his life script! 】

Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Gu Yu just wanted to check the changes in the script of life.


With the sound of birdsong, Fang Jianming, who was riding a frozen bird, landed beside Gu Yu with Yan Nianyan and Lin Yan.

Ye Hongyi then rode down on the Lu Shark.

Then Yuan Hanhai, who had just been defeated by Gu Yu, also came to Gu Yu.

In an instant, the applause and cheers of the Fragrant Hills Mystery stopped abruptly!

All the audience knew what was going to happen next, and their faces were full of anticipation!

5.8 Fragrant Hills Secret Realm is not a professional competition venue after all.

It was only a temporary venue for the game because of fear of affecting the audience.

There are no ribbons falling from the sky, no podiums built, and no trophies.

Yuan Hanhai looked at Gu Yu in front of him. Although he forced a smile on his face, his eyes were still full of complexity.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Hanhai suppressed the emotions in his heart and spoke slowly.

"My eyesight is really good!"

"I said back then that you can take over from me!"

"Now you really have become the new Dragon King!"

"It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves!"

"Gu Yu! Congratulations!"

Although both of them wished to put each other to death in their hearts.

But on the surface, he had to pretend to be intimate.

Gu Yu also cooperated with Yuan Hanhai and continued to perform.

"I would like to thank Yuan Tianwang for his help!"

"Without Heavenly King Yuan's help, there would be no Gu Yu today!"


He recalled the various resources he had given to Gu Yu, as well as the elf egg of the young Kiras.

Yuan Hanhai's reluctant smile froze again, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

If Gu Yu was not allowed to join the Dragon Temple at that time

At this moment, Fang Jianming's voice sounded.

Chapter 347 Changes in the script of life!Sit in the flash!

"Congratulations! Gu Yu!"

"From now on! You are the new Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom!"

As Fang Jianming's voice fell, the secret realm of Fragrant Mountain, which had fallen into dead silence, was once again filled with applause and cheers like a volcanic eruption!

"Gu Tianwang! Awesome!"

"The youngest king!"

"Unprecedented! The 24-year-old Dragon King!"


Hearing the cheers from the audience, various memories flashed in Gu Yu's eyes.

From the acquisition of the little Kabi beast, the sale of the best fire stone to buy Ibrahimovic's elf egg, the capture of the Kady dog ​​in the Huangpu Jianghu secret realm, and the vine snake in the Qiandao Lake secret realm

Today, he has finally become a trainer standing on the top of the Dragon Country!

Although he became the King of the Dragon Kingdom, he lacked some sense of ritual.

But the various ceremonies that followed kept Gu Yu very busy!

To celebrate Gu Yu becoming the new Dragon King.

The Dragon Kingdom Alliance directly held a state banquet in Yanjing.

All the contestants of the Heavenly King Challenge, as well as the Heavenly Kings and champions from various countries who came to watch the competition are invited!

At the banquet, Gu Yu became a well-deserved protagonist.

Yan Hongfei, Lin Hongji and other Dragon Kingdom trainers took turns toasting to Gu Yu.

Larry Lister, Mark Gobert and other national champions also took turns to clink glasses with Gu Yu and exchange contact information.

Gu Yu, who usually doesn't drink a drop of alcohol, has a rare experience today of what it means to be unconscious!

When Gu Yu woke up the next day, he was already on the big bed in the Ye family's guest room.

Looking at Zeraora sleeping beside him and the fairy elf beside the pillow.

Gu Yu picked up the phone and started to read the news.

How does it feel to wake up and be praised by the world? !

Gu Yu felt it anyway!

Just click on the news and it's about Gu 20yu!

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