Chapter 342 The Ace Appears!The king who was forced into a desperate situation!

in the arena.

The water of the underground river kept gushing out, and the bottom of the huge sum had become a small swimming pool.

Comatose, the Bite Land Shark, which had withdrawn from MEGA evolution, floated quietly on the water.

Zeraora stood in mid-air with a dark chest and a distorted face.

Obviously, under the counterattack of MEGA biting the land shark, Zeraora was also hit hard.

【Ding!Zeraora defeated MEGA's bite land shark and gained 84 experience points! 】

As the referee, Ye Hongyi looked at the defeated Vigorous Biting Lu Shark with a look of shock in his eyes!

"Is this the horror of divine beasts?!"

"Even when the attributes are restrained, they can still defeat the MEGA bite land shark!"

While thinking, Ye Hongyi announced the result of the game.

"Bite Lu Shark and fall to the ground! Please replace the elf from Yuan Hanhai!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole applause and cheers resounded through the sky!

"Zeraora is too strong! Such a powerful MEGA can defeat the land shark!"

"It's awesome! Zeraora is awesome!"

"As expected of the world's top battle! It's not a waste of my time to come to the Fragrant Mountain Secret Realm today!"


Everyone in the Dragon Temple looked at each other and saw the surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

"Although before the game started, I thought that No. XNUMX would win this duel!"

"But I didn't expect that No. XNUMX would actually suppress the audience!" Yan Hongfei's voice was full of surprise.

Lin Hongji nodded, his voice full of solemnity: "No. XNUMX was indeed forced into a corner by No. XNUMX!"

"But when the beast is in a desperate situation, it is the most dangerous time!"

"Because at this time, the beast will start desperately!"

Lin Hongji didn't go on, but everyone understood what he meant.

Beasts will go all out, won't Yuan Hanhai, a big living person, go all out? !

What's more, Yuan Hanhai's strongest ace, Bandera, has yet to appear!

Fang Jianming, who was riding on the back of the frozen bird, was also looking forward to it.

"Bite Lu Shark has fallen, the old man can only rely on Bangira now!"

"I haven't seen it for a long time, and the old man's Bangira is doing his best!"

Yan Nianyan on the side worried: "Once the MEGA evolves, will the surrounding audience be affected?"

As Yuan Hanhai's trump card, Bangira's strength is still higher than the fierce bite of the land shark.

Fang Jianming hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Probably not! I believe that the old man's Bangira should be able to control his own power."

The live commentary sitting in the helicopter made a heart-piercing cry!

"Zeraora defeated MEGA Bite Land Shark!!!"

"Four elves of the Yuan Hanhai Heavenly King have fallen!"

"There is only one step left before Gu Yu becomes the new Dragon King!!!"


Melbourne Mining Building.

Listening to the voice of the commentary coming from the TV, the curvature of Candice's mouth became even bigger!

"It's terrifying strength!"

"It's the first time I've seen Gu Yu being forced to such a degree."

"Although he defeated the opponent's four elves."

"But Bangira, Zeraora, and Pokkis were all hit hard. Gu Yu seemed to be crushed, but the elves suffered a lot!"

"Yuan Hanhai's ace is Bangira."

"I wonder if this Bangira's strength can force out Gu Yu's full strength?"

While thinking, Candice looked at the big screen of the TV.

on the field.

Seeing the unconscious Lie Bite Lu Shark, Yuan Hanhai's face was gloomy as if he could drip water!

He is very clear.

The current self was really pushed into a desperate situation by Gu Yu!

"I really didn't expect that one day I would be cornered by a 24-year-old young man!"

"But I haven't lost yet!"

Yuan Hanhai's eyes were full of determination, and then he withdrew Bangira.

Gu Yu also took back Zeraora who was seriously injured.

Then the two sent the elves at the same time.



"Bangira! MEGA Evolution!"

When Yuan Hanhai spoke, he directly activated the energy of the keystone in his hand.


Bangira shouted, and the MEGA Evolution Stone she carried was instantly activated.

At this moment, Gu Yu also activated the keystone energy in his hand.


Lucario roared and activated the MEGA evolution stone he was carrying.

The moment when the keystone and the MEGA evolution stone resonate.

Lucario and Bangira were surrounded by a burst of pink light, with a faint layer of colorful light on top of the pink light.

Wait until the pink glow dissipates.

MEGA Lucario and MEGA Bangira, appear in the eyes of all the audience!

【MEGA Bangira (Rock) (Evil)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV1+5 (God)]

[Characteristic: blowing sand (when playing, it will turn the weather into a sandstorm.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: impact, stare, falling stone, iron wall, tit-for-tat, thunder and lightning teeth, frozen teeth, flaming teeth, bite, ghost face, rock avalanche, stomping, harsh sound, wave of evil, crushing, earthquake, sharp stone attack, big Rumble, Sandstorm, Destruction Light, Ultimate Impact, Megaton Punch, Fire Punch, Frozen Punch, Thunder Punch, Megaton Punch, Tarzan Overhead, Jet Fire, Water Cannon, Surf, Freezing Beam, Blizzard, Kick Falling, XNUMX Volts, Thunder, Electromagnetic Waves, Digging, Gathering Qi, Big Characters Exploding, Sleeping, Snoring, Holding, Ghost Face, Reverse Scale, Sandstorm, Holding On, Sleeping, Iron Tail, Begging for Rain, Sunny Day, Crushing, Tide Spin, noisy, hard support, provocation, brute force, revenge, tile splitting, rock blockade, quicksand hell, turbid current, iron wall, dragon claw, dragon dance, rock critical strike, malicious pursuit, throwing, dragon wave, earth Power, Avalanche, Shadow Claw, Iron Head, Heavy Impact, Stomp, Loud Roar, XNUMX HP, Wild Swing, Wide-area Destruction, Outrage, Water Wave, Water Tail, Deception, Poison, Shadow Clone , Electric Shock Wave, Awakening Power, Rock Polishing, Dragon Tail, Shooting Down, Chi Bomb, Provocation]

[Carrying item: MEGA Evolution Stone (Bangira)]

[Potential: God]

Looking at MEGA Bangira's information, Gu Yu also had to say that he is indeed Yuan Hanhai's ace!


This is Gu Yu's evaluation of MEGA Bangira!

It is no exaggeration to say that this MEGA Bangira is the strongest elf Gu Yu has ever seen besides the divine beast!

From this terrifying skill pool, we can see Yuan Hanhai's cultivation of MEGA Bangira.

This MEGA Bangira, in addition to not flying.

Gu Yu really couldn't find any shortcomings!

In the next instant, the voices of Gu Yu and Yuan Hanhai sounded at the same time.

"Lucario! Get fit! Then cast the cannon!"

"Bangira! Dragon Dance!"


MEGA Lucario roared, his muscles instantly tensed, and his attack and defense increased.


MEGA Bangira stood on the side of the semi-circular giant pit, shaking his body and dancing extremely violently.

Unknown runes around the body continued to light up.

As more runes light up, the momentum of MEGA Bangira continues to rise.

And MEGA Lucario's attack has arrived!

A gleam of metallic radiance came straight to MEGA Bangira.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience and the audience around the world, MEGA Bangira transformed into a green phantom to evade the cannon.

With the blessing of the Dragon Dance, MEGA Bangira's speed has reached twice the speed of sound.

Easily dodged the cannon.


A huge explosion sounded, the flames and smoke rose up, and the sand and stones scattered.

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