Chapter 338 The Heavenly King Who Was Counted Again!The praise of the champion!


At the same time as the sound of the wind speed dog sounded, it appeared under the desert dragonfly that used the sandstorm skill, and cast flames.

Opening the mouth of the blood basin, the golden flame turned into a sea of ​​flames, heading straight for the desert dragonfly.

Without the need of Yuan Hanhai's order, the desert dragonfly immediately vibrated its wings to avoid the flames of the wind speed dog.

"Desert Dragonfly! Air Slash!"


The desert dragonfly screamed and waved its claws.

A six-meter-long air blade went straight to the wind speed dog.

Move at high speed!

The wind speed dog turned into a phantom, avoiding the air slash of the desert dragonfly.

Then backhand hit back with a big character explosion.

The red big-shaped flame spit out from the bloody mouth of the wind speed dog, and went straight to the desert dragonfly.

After the desert dragonfly avoided the large-character explosion, it cast the wave of the dragon to blast the wind speed dog.

Move at high speed!

The wind speed dog turned into a phantom to escape.

The on-site commentator sat in the helicopter, looked at the scene on the plain, and shouted: "The two sides have entered a tug-of-war, but the situation is in favor of the Yuan Hanhai Heavenly King!"

"In sandstorm skills, except for rock, ground and steel elves, they will all suffer a certain degree of damage."

"In addition to the distance between the two elves, it is enough to give the desert dragonfly time to avoid the skills of the wind speed dog."

"At present, the wind speed dog really can't deal with the desert dragonfly. I wonder if Gu Yu will replace the elves?"


Xia Pengyu frowned, he knew very well that once the game continued, it would definitely be detrimental to Gu Yu.

"Gu Yu is in trouble!"

Lin Hongji nodded and said, "As expected of No. XNUMX, even after being trapped by No. XNUMX, he will be able to fight back quickly."

"In the current situation, No. XNUMX has two problems for No. XNUMX."

"If it is replaced by Pokkis, it is indeed possible to fight the desert dragonfly."

"But don't forget that Pokkis can also be hurt in a sandstorm."

"Even if Pokkis can restrain the Desert Dragonfly, Pokkis is only at the championship level, and he will most likely be defeated by the Desert Dragonfly in the end."

Jing Chuxue, Wan Qianfeng and others nodded.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone at the scene, Gu Yu retracted the wind speed dog and sent Pokkis.

"Desert Dragonfly! Dragon Dance!"

Yuan Hanhai seized the opportunity and directly ordered the desert dragonfly to perform the Dragon Dance.


The desert dragonfly let out a loud cry, swaying its body in the yellow sand in the sky, and danced an extremely intense dance.

Unknown runes around the body continued to light up.

As more runes light up, the momentum on the desert dragonfly keeps rising.


Pokkis shouted excitedly as soon as he came out.

"Pokkis! Bo missiles!"

Gu Yu's voice just fell, and the blue waveguide energy gathered in front of Pokkis.

In the blink of an eye, a wave missile the size of a human head formed, heading straight for the desert dragonfly.

Halfway through the flight of the wave missile, the desert dragonfly finished the dragon dance.


Pokkis screamed, used his speed, and disappeared in place.

"Desert Dragonfly! Hold on!"

As soon as Yuan Hanhai's voice fell, a huge white shield appeared in front of the desert dragonfly.


A huge explosion sounded, and the wave missile was blocked by the hold skill.

At this moment, a white figure appeared in front of the desert dragonfly.

It's Pokkis!

Split tiles!

Pokkis' wings were covered with white light, and he slashed toward the desert dragonfly.

With a swipe, the white shield was like tofu, and it was directly split from top to bottom by Pokkis.

Just when it was about to hit the desert dragonfly.

Crimson flames appeared on the claws of the desert dragonfly, and met Pokkis's split tiles.


The flame fist and the tile-splitting skills help each other, making a huge noise.

The two elves fell into a stalemate in an instant, the desert dragonfly opened its bloody mouth, and the big character explosion was about to hit Pokkis.

Spiritual strength!

An invisible thought force instantly knocked the desert dragonfly away.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Dragon Temple in mid-air was stunned for a moment, and then they all showed surprise.

"how is this possible?〃"! "

"This is a XNUMX-level desert dragonfly that has performed the Dragon Dance."

"When Flaming Fist and Splitting Tiles are fighting against each other, how can a champion Pokkis be at a stalemate with the Desert Dragonfly?"

Su Tianhe's voice was full of surprise.

The duel just now, don't look at the loss of the desert dragonfly.

But there is a premise that the two sides are deadlocked.

If there is no stalemate between the two sides, Pokkis will fall into the disadvantage of a face-to-face, or even be knocked into the air, and naturally it is impossible to use mental strength.

The difference between the champion-level Pokkis and the Desert Dragonfly is more than ten levels, plus the blessing of the Dragon Dance skill.

If they are really close to each other, I am afraid that they will fall into the disadvantage of a face-to-face.

Pokkis's ability to stalemate with the desert dragonfly can only mean one thing.

This Pokkis is a leader!

"No. XNUMX has been calculated again!" Yan Hongfei said with emotion.

Lin Hongji nodded and said, "The battle of trainers is, to some extent, a battle of information."

"Numbers XNUMX and XNUMX are the hands of the show part to play against the opponent."

"No matter what elves the two send out, the other party will have expectations."

"In this case, hiding some of the cards in the hand will become the key to determining the outcome!"

"Number One is in danger!"

Xia Pengyu's originally wrinkled brows have been stretched out, and looking at the game below, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I thought to myself: "Number XNUMX, it's probably going to be a surprise now, right? Or not just an accident!"

Yuan Hanhai, who was on the field, turned black when he saw the desert dragonfly being knocked into the air.

"It was calculated by Gu Yu again!"

"This Porkiss is not a champion at all, but a leader!"

Affected by racial value, attribute restraint, and skills.

A tenth-level gap is nothing.

Dragon-type skills don't work on Pokkis, and ground-type skills can't hit Pokkis.

Even if the Desert Dragonfly is level XNUMX, it will not be a match for Pokkis when most of Pokkis' skills are ineffective.

If it is a champion-level Pokkis, Yuan Hanhai feels that it can be suppressed by the level.

But now

With a bang, the desert dragonfly was hit to the ground by a strong mental thought from mid-air, smashing the sandy ground into a big hole, and countless yellow sand mixed with soil and stones splashed.

"Pokkis! Amazing speed! Then cast the fairy wind!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, Pokkis disappeared in mid-air.

In the next instant, he appeared in front of the desert dragonfly who just got up from the big pit.


Pokkis' voice sounded, flapping his wings.

The pink fairy wind went straight to the desert dragonfly.

The desert dragonfly just got up and didn't have time to dodge.


A shrill scream resounded throughout the battlefield!

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