Although the pouring rain blocked part of Gu Yu's vision, it could not block the perception of the waveguide.

The self-exploding Magneto was able to evade Bangira's Dragon Wave. In addition to its quick response, Bangira's aiming position was a little lower.

Reality is not a game.

Elves are not omnipotent.

The downpour had an effect on Bangira's line of sight.

The effect of this is to deal with ordinary elves, and it does not have any effect.

But the Explosive Magneto is different.

Explosive Magneto can fly!

The speed cannot reach the speed of sound because of skills such as high-speed movement and supernatural speed.

But under the influence of the downpour, as long as Bangira's line of sight is affected, it is more convenient to avoid the attack.

"This tactic is quite good"! "Gu Yu commented.

Li Xiuming's voice sounded again: "Magnetic explosion! Cannon light cannon!"

"Blow up!"

The sound of the self-exploding magnetite just fell, and the energy of the steel system converged in front of him.

In the next instant, a flash of metallic radiance went straight to Bangira.

Bangira opened his bloody mouth and spit out a purple shock wave.

Cannon Cannon!

Dragon Wave!

The two attacks passed by in mid-air, heading straight for their respective targets.

The huge body of the self-exploding Magneto once again raised its height to avoid Bangira's Dragon Wave.


The explosion sounded, and the cannon hit Bangira, and the flames and thick smoke covered Bangira's body.

But under the heavy rain, the flames and smoke were quickly dissipated.

A huge white shield appeared in front of Bangira, helping Bangira to block the cannon.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Li Xiuming's face.

"Exploding Magneto! Gravity!"

As soon as the voice fell, the rock and soil site covered with water suddenly sank.

Bangira suddenly felt a huge pressure, and it became very difficult to move!

"Nice tactics!"

"Li Xiuming is indeed the president of Shuimu University!"

"Through a series of tactics, we successfully made Bangira controlled by gravity skills!"

"Under this huge pressure, Bangira's actions have become very difficult. I don't know how Gu Yu will deal with such an unfavorable situation next?" The voice of the on-site commentator sounded.

The first row of the audience.

Yan Hongfei looked at Bangira, who was controlled by the gravity skill, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Li Xiuming really deserves to be the president of Shuimu University!"

"The tactic of gravity is indeed a good tactic. I don't know how Gu Yu will solve it?"

"The distance between the two elves is too far, plus the rain cover, the skills such as staring and ghost face should not work."

at the guest seat.

Ye Chengfeng nodded and praised: "That old guy Li Xiuming really has a hand, Bangira is dangerous!"

Hearing her grandfather's words, Ye Mengyao's face became even more worried!

On the field, Li Xiuming's voice sounded again.

"Exploding Magneto! Cannon Cannon!"

Bangira is twice as weak as steel, and if it is hit by the cannon, it will definitely take a heavy hit.

Gu Yu's cold voice also sounded again: "Bangira! Use the power of the earth to crack the surface of the arena!"

Although Bangira was suppressed by gravity and his movement was affected, it did not mean that his strength was also weakened.


Bangira roared, raised her right leg with all her strength, and stomped heavily on the ground.


The ground of the geotechnical site split into a huge crack in an instant.

Then the crack continued to expand, just when it expanded to a meter.

A flash of metallic radiance is about to fall.

Boom! !

In the next instant, a huge explosion sounded, and the flames and thick smoke obscured Bangira's figure.

"The thick smoke obscured the situation in the arena!"

"I don't know if Bangira was hit?!" Now the commentator yelled.

The Frozen Bird Arena and the audience in front of the TV all looked at the center of the arena with a curious expression.


The fire and smoke were quickly dissipated under the downpour.

There was a large pit that was three meters deep and had a crack nearly two meters wide in the middle.

Bangira's figure has disappeared!

An audience row.

When Xia Pengyu saw this scene, a trace of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

"It's interesting now!"

"Bangira must be using his burrowing skills to hide under the arena now."

"Unless the Exploding Magneto can use gravity to shatter the entire arena, it's up to who can hold their breath in this game!"

Jing Chuxue and Yan Hongfei nodded in agreement.

On the field, Li Xiuming's voice sounded again.

"Since you don't want to come out! Let me destroy the entire arena!"

"Exploding Magneto! Start firing cannons toward the rocky field!"

"Blow up!"

Accompanied by the sound of the self-exploding Magneto.

A gleam of metallic brilliance




A huge explosion sounded constantly on the rocky ground.

The flames, mixed with thick smoke, continued to rise above the rocky ground.

The whole arena was shaking constantly.

With the sound of a dense explosion, the ground of the geotechnical site was blasted down a thick layer.


As the last explosion sounded, Bangira's huge body appeared in everyone's eyes again.

Looking at the rain that had gradually stopped, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Although reality is not a game, the rain-seeking skill of the Exploding Magneto can last for a long time.

But under a large number of attacks, whether it is physical or energy, it will inevitably consume a lot.

In this case, the rain-seeking skill will definitely be affected!

"¨'It's time!"

"Bangira! Stare! Dragon Wave!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, Li Xiuming instantly realized that something was wrong, and then his brows were wrinkled.

But it's too late!

Without the downpour to block, Bangira glared fiercely, and the self-exploding Magneto instantly felt a sense of fear spread throughout her body.

The huge body was trembling constantly, stunned in mid-air, unable to move.


In the next instant, a purple shock wave directly hit the self-exploding magnetic monster.

"Blow up!!!"

The scream of the self-exploding magnetite sounded, and the huge body fell to the ground.

"Bangira! One hundred thousand horsepower!"


Bangira roared and rammed towards the self-exploding Magneto that fell to the ground.

One hundred thousand horsepower is a ground-based skill, and the self-exploding magnet is four times weaker on the ground.

If you are hit by the XNUMX-horsepower skill, you can immediately declare the game over!

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