Fairy Elf is level 83, Minas is level 83, and Bangira is level 81.

The wind speed dog is level 93, Pokkis is level 92, and Nianmeilong is level 93.

Lucario is level 96, Zeraora is level 101, and Solgaleo is level 106.

As for the monarch snake and the carby beast

These two elves are destined to paddle this time.

They are all heavenly kings, champions and even divine beasts. Such a level is not something that can be quickly improved with simple training.

The so-called training is to let a few elves adjust their state and prepare for the next game.

March 3, 18 p.m.

After two days of fierce battles, the top sixteen of the Tianwang Challenge also came to an end.

The Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance also announced the matchup list for the quarter-finals.

Gu Yu's opponent was named Li Xiuming.

Just looking at the name makes this trainer unremarkable.

But it's different if you read his post together!

Li Xiuming, President of Shuimu University!

Shuimu University and Yenching University are generally regarded as the two best universities in Longguo.

As far as fame is concerned, it is still above Zhejiang University, Jilin University, and Modu University.

Being able to become the president of Shuimu University, Li Xiuming's strength naturally goes without saying.

And Li Xiuming's ace elf is the quasi-god giant gold monster!

After learning that the opponent this time was the giant golden monster, Gu Yu's eyes also showed a trace of expectation.

"Li Xiuming is really a good opponent, but I don't know if his giant gold monster can evolve MEGA?"

The quasi-gods known so far are: Fast Dragon, Bangira, Giant Golden Monster, Violent Dragon, Fierce Bite Land Shark, Three-Headed Evil Dragon, Sticky Dragon, Rod-tailed Scaled Dragon, and Duolong Baruto.

Only the giant golden monster and Duolong Baruto, Gu Yu had never really fought.

The other quasi-god, Gu Yu either had it, or had a confrontation.

The giant gold monster is the gathering place of ethnic groups that have been found all over the world.

One in Africa and one in South America.

Occasionally one or two appear in the Dragon Kingdom, but no group with more than ten individuals has been found.

This also caused the rarity of giant gold monsters in the Dragon Kingdom.

Even Gu Yu was the first to meet a trainer with a giant gold monster.

3 month 19 day.

In the early morning, dark clouds covered the sky.

The raindrops kept falling.

It makes the whole Yanjing city look very depressed!

But even so, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the Yanjing people for the Tianwang Challenge.

At 7 o'clock, the road to the Tianwang Challenge had already started to get stuck in traffic.

The Hongqi sedan that Gu Yu was riding in was also blocked on the road.

Gu Yu, who was waiting for the bus, started playing with his mobile phone while holding the fairy elf.


The fairy elf seemed to enjoy Gu Yu's touch.

While making a cry of enjoyment, the tentacles that were like ribbons swayed.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering traffic jams, Gu Yu would definitely ride the wind speed dog forward.

But it's raining

Gu Yu didn't want to become a jerk.

Anyway, the game started at 9:30, and now there is no need to enter, just wait in the car slowly.

Finally, after being stuck in traffic for 1 hour.

At 8:20, Gu Yu successfully arrived at the Frozen Bird Arena.

As soon as he got out of the car, Gu Yu saw that the reporters surrounded an old man with silver hair in a dark blue suit.

"Principal Li, can you tell us how you feel about this confrontation with Gu Yu?"

"Besides seeing the terrifying strength of MEGA Lucario, do you have the confidence to defeat Gu Yu?"

"Can your giant gold monster MEGA evolve?"


Hearing the voices of the reporters, Gu Yu instantly knew that the old man in front of him was Li Xiuming, the president of Shuimu University.

At this time, I don't know which reporter came and said 'Gu Yu is here'.

In an instant, the reporters surrounded Gu Yu as if they smelled bloody sharks.

"Gu Yu! Do you have the confidence to defeat Principal Li Xiuming?"

"In the face of MEGA's evolved quasi-god, do you have the confidence to defeat the opponent?"

"Can you talk about Elemental Heart's retirement?"


Like the previous few times, Gu Yu directly chose to ignore the reporters' questions.

Leave one sentence: "I don't want to affect my state because of the pre-match interview."

He took Ye Mengyao through the siege of reporters and walked into the Frozen Bird Arena.

As soon as he came in, Gu Yu saw Li Xiuming, the president of Shuimu University, who was waiting for Gu Yu.

"It's really a hero out of a boy!"

Li Xiuming spoke first, and his voice was full of emotion.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Gu Yu responded, "Senior Li praised it!"

Li Xiuming shook his head, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.


"It would be great if you were a student of Shuimu University, that old guy from Wanqianfeng really took advantage of it!"

Then Li Xiuming's words changed, and confident words came out of his mouth.

"Gu Yu, you are graduating soon!"

"If this time, you didn't become the king of the Dragon Kingdom, would you be interested in coming to Shuimu University to be the vice president and bring some students?"

Vice President of Mizuki University!

The vice president of the top university in Longguo.

This kind of position is enough to make everyone flock to it!

But for Gu Yu, what he cares more about is the subtext in Li Xiuming's voice.

"Does Senior Li think I will lose without a doubt?"

Li Xiuming nodded, his voice full of confidence in his own strength.

"Your MEGA Lucario is very powerful."

"But what I want to tell you is that my giant gold monster can also evolve MEGA."

"And the level after evolution has exceeded level XNUMX. What does this mean, you should be clear even if I don't say it!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Mengyao 5.8 next to Gu Yu frowned instantly, and a worried look appeared on her face.

Breaking through the XNUMX-level MEGA giant monster!

How strong is the MEGA giant monster?

Race value reaches 7!

Just looking at the racial value, it has already surpassed the first-level gods Lugia and Ho-oh.

And the racial value of Lucario after MEGA evolved is only 625!

Although racial value is not the only factor in victory.

There are also levels, attribute restraint, skills

But it can also be seen that the MEGA giant is terrifying!

No wonder Li Xiuming has such confidence!

Contrary to Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu's eyes showed fighting intent.

"Vice President of Shuimu University is a good position!"

"But my goal is also the Dragon King!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Senior Li!"

"Then let me see your strength! Gu Yu!"

After speaking, Li Xiuming walked towards the players' lounge.

After saying goodbye to Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu also walked towards the players' lounge.

The two came to the player lounge one after the other.

At 9:20 sharp.

The radio sounded.

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