Even the first-level gods like Lugia and Ho-oh can't compare.

Groudon couldn't fly, so he couldn't go to the sky to fight MEGA Ryakuza.

The big white treasure jade that Palkia evolved into the original form is in Gu Yu's hands.

If you don't think about forming a team, there are really not many elves who can sit hard with MEGA Liekong one-on-one.

With doubts in his heart, Gu Yu took Ye Mengyao to the Frozen Bird Arena after a simple breakfast.

When the two of them rode the wind speed dog just outside the arena gate.

Before the two could get off the wind speed dog, they were surrounded by reporters who had been waiting for a long time, and the long guns and short guns were aimed at Gu Yu.

"Gu Yu! Your opponent is the previous champion, do you have the confidence to defeat him?"

"At the same time, Yan Hongfei and you graduated from a high school, is that true?"

"It is said that your Kabi beast is the descendant of Yan Hongfei's ace, isn't it?"


"Sorry! I don't want to answer these questions before the game starts."

Gu Yu was originally a little irritable because of the possible battle of gods and the upcoming match.

Now, naturally, I will not accept interviews with these media.

After taking Ye Mengyao through the reporters, the two of them walked into the Frozen Bird Arena.

When they parted, Ye Mengyao did not forget to encourage Gu Yu.

"Gu Yu! I know you can do it!"

"Come on! Defeat Yan Hongfei!"

Gu Yu nodded, signaling Ye Mengyao to feel at ease.

Proceed to the player lounge.

When Gu Yu walked into the lounge, he saw Yan Hongfei sitting leisurely on a chair.

The two face each other!

The atmosphere in the lounge suddenly became a little dignified.

Yan Hongfei took the initiative and said, "Gu Yu, I didn't expect Suzhou City Elf No. XNUMX High School to be able to give birth to a genius like you!"

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Yan Hongfei took the initiative to speak, but Gu Yu naturally couldn't ignore it.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to play against seniors in the King of Heaven Challenge."

After speaking, Gu Yu took out the Poke Ball from his waist.

With a flash of red light, Kirbymon appeared in the lounge.

Seeing this, Yan Hongfei also released his own Kirby beast.

Fortunately, the player lounge in the Frozen Bird Arena is relatively large, otherwise there might not be enough room for two Kirby beasts.

When the two Kirby beast mother and son met, they hugged excitedly in an instant.


How has your son been all these years?


Mom, I'm having a great time!


The warm atmosphere created by the mother and son of the two Kirby beasts dispelled the solemn atmosphere in the lounge.

Yan Hongfei also chatted with Gu Yu.

"Gu Yu, have we met there before?"

"I always feel that I have an inexplicable familiarity with you!"

The two had indeed met in the Himalayas.

It's just that Gu Yu was carrying snow goggles and other items at that time, and Yan Hongfei didn't see Gu Yu's true face.

When the two were in the water group, they also had more than one conversation.

But at this time, there were more than two people in the lounge.

Gu Yu naturally could not admit that he was the number eight of the Dragon Temple.

"I've been famous since my freshman year!"

"Senior should have seen me on TV or posters!"

Yan Hongfei nodded: "It is indeed possible, after all, you are so famous!"

For a time, the two opponents who were about to confront each other seemed very harmonious.

But such a harmonious atmosphere did not last long.

"Please come on Gu Yu and Yan Hongfei!"

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the two looked at each other and saw the fighting intent in each other's eyes.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

The Uranus Challenge is brutal!

If you fail, you can only wait until four years later.

But how many four years can there be in life?

Yan Hongfei didn't want to lose, and Gu Yu didn't want to lose either!

After the two of them took back Kirbymon, they walked out of the player lounge at the same time.

Element Heart saw the two leave, and then got up.

"MEGA Bangira, Zeraora, and Yan Hongfei's cards, I'm really looking forward to this game!"

Everyone in the player lounge also showed anticipation.

Then leave with the elemental heart.

at the guest seat.

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, Yuan Hanhai showed a hint of pride in his eyes.

"Gu Yu! I know you want to beat me!"

"But you must first have a chance to beat me in front of everyone!"

"Even if you're past the seventh, there's still the fourth."


At this moment, applause and cheers sounded in the Frozen Bird Arena, interrupting Yuan Hanhai's thoughts.

Gu Yu and Yan Hongfei are here!

Ye Mengyao, who was sitting in the row behind Yuan Hanhai, looked at Gu Yu who appeared on the stage with worry in her eyes.


Melbourne Mining Building.

Looking at Gu Yu who was appearing on the big screen, Candice put down the wine glass in her hand, and there was a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"Faced with the previous champion of the Heavenly King Challenge, I wonder how much strength Gu Yu will show?"

"I wonder if this Yan Hongfei can force Solgaleo out?"

on the field.

After the referee confirms that the two are seated, the venue draw will begin immediately.

"Gu Yu! Yan Hongfei! The two players are already in place! Now start drawing lots to choose the venue!"

Green grass field!


As the results on the big screen came out, the steel floor of the Frozen Bird Arena suddenly cracked.

A tens of thousands of square meters of grass-covered playing field slowly rises.

Gu Yu turned to look at the guest seat at this time.

Yuan Hanhai also looked at Gu Yu at this time.

The two looked at each other.

They all saw the killing intent in each other's eyes.

After looking at each other, Gu Yu turned around and touched the Poke Ball at his waist.

"It's not that easy to get my information!"

"Although I may feel sorry for No. XNUMX, but Yuan Hanhai is to blame for this matter!"

In the first row of the auditorium, Xia Pengyu also came to the scene at this time.

Beside him, sat a beautiful woman who looked to be in her early 30s, tall, wearing a long white dress, and exuding a mature atmosphere.

"Mr. Xia, do you think Qiyan Hongfei can win over your students this time?"

"Chairman Jing, I think it's better for us to watch the game!" Xia Pengyu replied.

The glamorous woman is No. XNUMX of the Dragon Temple!

Chairman of Leshan Leshui Co., Ltd.!

Jing Chuxue!

Except for No. XNUMX Wanqianfeng, No. XNUMX Su Tianhe, and No. XNUMX Lin Hongji, everyone in the Dragon Temple has gathered in the Frozen Bird Arena!

When the two were talking, the venue was already in place, and the referee's voice sounded at the same time.

"The venue is in place! The game officially begins!"

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