Hearing the ringing of the phone, Gu Yu took out the phone from his pocket.

Xia Pengyu?

What is he calling me for?

With doubts, Gu Yu picked up the phone.

Then Xia Pengyu's voice came from the phone.

"Gu Yu, where are you now?"

"I'm at Ye's house. Teacher Xia, what's the matter with you?"

"In this way, I will give you a position, let's talk face to face." 20

Hearing the solemnity in Xia Pengyu's voice, Gu Yu agreed immediately.

Because Pokkis was injured, Gu Yu rode on the wind speed dog and left.

Twenty minutes later.

Gu Yu saw Xia Pengyu sitting on a bench in a sparsely populated park on the outskirts of Yanjing.

When Xia Pengyu saw Gu Yu coming, he motioned for Gu Yu to sit down and spoke with a serious face.

"Gu Yu, I know you want to beat No. XNUMX!"

"But this time, you really have to be careful!"

"No. XNUMX really subdued Zekrom?" Gu Yu asked.

Xia Pengyu nodded, then shook his head again.

"Both Zekrom and Reshiram raised questions with Number One."

"Back to the pass line out of Zekrom at No. XNUMX but didn't fully satisfy Zekrom."

"But Zekrom said the war of gods could resume at any time."

"If you don't find a suitable hero before the battle of gods starts, you will choose No. XNUMX!"

Hearing Xia Pengyu's words, Gu Yu was not surprised.

After all, once the war of gods begins, it will not be an era of peace.

In peacetime, Zekrom and Reshiram can leave directly if they are not satisfied with the answer.

But the battle of gods is about to start, and every helper is extremely important at this time.

Just look at Xerneas!

Without the protection of Latios and Lattias, whether Xerneas could sleep peacefully or not would be two different things.

"The current situation of Zekrom should not be considered as being subdued by No. XNUMX, so why does Teacher Xia ask me to be careful?"

Xia Pengyu replied: "Although Zekrom was not subdued by No. XNUMX, he gave No. XNUMX a lot of benefits."

"One of them is to increase the strength of No. 1 Desert Dragonfly and Bite Land Shark to Level XNUMX!"

"Originally, only Banjira was a level 1 elf on the number XNUMX!"

"Although there is no elves that break through the XNUMXth level, they are still not divine beasts."

"But now there are three extreme elves on No. XNUMX, and Bite Land Shark and Bangira can even evolve with MEGA!"

"Even the current Dragon Country champion Fang Jianming, I don't think he will be the No. XNUMX opponent!"

Extreme Spirit!

This is the common name for a level 1 elves.

It means the limit of non-divine beasts!

"Three extreme elves!"

"Zekrom really gave me some trouble!"

There was a trace of solemnity in Gu Yu's voice.

Of course it's just a trace.

Elf battles are restrained by race values, skills, and attributes.

The gap of level 5 belongs to the range of normal battles.

The gap of 10 can also be a battle.

As he spoke, Xia Pengyu had a solemn look on his face.

"In addition to the improvement of No. XNUMX's strength, you should also be careful of No. XNUMX and No. XNUMX!"

Four and Seven

Gu Yu immediately began to ask.

"Dragon God Temple, apart from Teacher Xia and No. XNUMX, although I have some guesses about the identities of the others, they are only guesses."

"Can Teacher Xia tell me?"

Xia Pengyu then frowned and began to think.

The reason why he asked this question was that Gu Yu felt that Xia Pengyu would probably tell him.

Being able to come here and reveal the details of No. XNUMX to Gu Yu means that Xia Pengyu is not so loyal to No. XNUMX!

After a while, Xia Pengyu nodded slowly.

"Number two, you should have seen it too!"

"Is it Principal Wanqianfeng?" Although Gu Yu's voice was questioning, his tone was very positive.

No. XNUMX excavates various secret realms and ruins all year round.

Such a character must have an official status, and his status will not be low!

And Wanqianfeng is not at Zhejiang University all the year round.

You must know that in the information Ye Mengyao gave to Gu Yu, it was clearly written that Xia Pengyu might be a member of a secret organization and a big power.

As long as Wan Qianfeng is not a fool, as an official of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, it is impossible not to guard against Xia Pengyu.

And Xia Pengyu can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people in Zhejiang University.

Is Wan Qianfeng a fool?


Then it means that Wan Qianfeng and Xia Pengyu are in the same group!

Otherwise, how could Wanqianfeng be assured of handing over Zhejiang University to Xia Pengyu?

A look of surprise appeared in Xia Pengyu's eyes. He didn't expect Gu Yu to guess the identity of No. XNUMX.

"Yes, the number two is Principal Wan!"

After confirming Gu Yu's answer, Xia Pengyu explained to Gu Yu why he went to Zhejiang University.

"Principal Wan and No. XNUMX are the same generation of trainers."

"Wandering around the major ruins and secret realms all the year round, it is inevitable that some clues will be caught by the alliance."

"The reason why I joined Zhejiang University was because the Dragon Kingdom Elves Alliance had noticed Principal Wan at that time and thought that he might have betrayed the Dragon Kingdom Elves Alliance."

"The Heavenly King who was in charge of investigating Principal Wan at that time was the Heavenly King Ye Chengfeng."

"King Ye Chengfeng is a person who loves face. In order to solve this matter, No. XNUMX used the excuse of discussing and discussing, and in front of everyone's eyes, he used Bandera to complete the three-pass attack on King Ye Chengfeng."

"Let Heavenly King Ye Chengfeng not be able to come down the stage immediately, and since Heavenly King Ye Chengfeng was not too young at that time, he chose to retire directly."

"King Ye Chengfeng is going to retire, so he will naturally relax the investigation of Principal Wan."

"And the second step of No. XNUMX's plan is coming, let me join Zhejiang University!"

"My joining, coupled with my somewhat sensitive identity, has made the alliance's attention to Principal Wan dispensable."

"After King Ye Chengfeng stepped down, the investigation of Principal Wan fell into the hands of No. XNUMX"

Xia Pengyu did not continue, but Gu Yu already knew the outcome of the matter.

It's nothing more than that of turning big things into small things.

In the end, Wan Qianfeng washed away the suspicion.

"Everyone has weaknesses! But No. XNUMX can perfectly grasp the weaknesses of the opponents, so as to defeat the opponents to achieve their goals."

"I don't know what is my weakness in No. XNUMX's eyes?"

While thinking about it, a trace of curiosity flashed in Gu Yu's eyes.

At this time, Xia Pengyu said again: "The identity of No. XNUMX is Su Tianhe, the first grass-type trainer in the Dragon Country."

Su Tianhe!

Su Qingyun's grandfather!

The owner of the grass-based Aoki Gym!

Gu Yu was not surprised by this matter.

When chatting with Su Qingyun before, Su Qingyun said that Su Tianhe went abroad at that time.

At that time, in terms of time, it was also possible to go to the secret realm of Mount Kilimanza to find the origin ore on No. XNUMX.

Gu Yu had long guessed that Su Tianhe was No. XNUMX, but now it was confirmed from Xia Pengyu's mouth, proving that Gu Yu's conjecture was true.

"One, two and three are all from the same era."

"Dragon Temple was first proposed by No. XNUMX, and No. XNUMX and No. XNUMX were the first members."

"To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the founder of the Dragon Temple."

"From No. XNUMX onwards, they belonged to the trainers trained by the three, or the trainers they helped train."

"Right! 630 No. XNUMX has something to do with you."

"He is Yan Hongfei, the champion of the last Tianwang Challenge!"

Yan Hongfei!

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