Xia Pengyu, who was watching the game, saw this scene, in addition to excitement, there was a trace of worry on his face.

"Gu Yu's strength is very strong. After Lucario MEGA evolves, even the beasts can be defeated!"

"But now Gu Yu is in the light, and No. XNUMX is in the dark."

"Especially after the secret realm of Salak Mountain, No. XNUMX's strength has increased again."

"If I don't remind Gu Yu, I'm afraid Gu Yu will suffer a big loss in the face of No. XNUMX!"

Thinking of the battle of Mount Everest, Gu Yu saved himself.

Xia Pengyu made a decision. After turning off the TV, he immediately set off for Yanjing.

Chapter 316 Advancement!Cheers resounded throughout the audience!The old principal's method of spiritual victory!

Frozen Bird Arena.

With the fall of the giant pincer mantis, the game seems to have no suspense.

After Yao Pengyun took back the giant pincer mantis, Gu Yu did not choose to let Pokkis continue to fight.

Then the two sent new sprites at the same time.

Wind speed dog!

Level 74 Kirby!

"Wind speed dog! Godly speed!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, the wind speed dog instantly disappeared in place!

"Kapimon! Be careful to be ready to fight back at all times!"


Kirbymon nodded and took a defensive stance.


With a sound, the wind speed dog suddenly appeared in front of the Kirby beast.

Aware of the bad Kirbymon, yellow lightning covered its claws.

Thunder Fist!

At the moment when the Kirby beast waved its claws, the wind speed dog has completed the shot.

Big character explosion!

A large golden flame spewed out of the wind speed dog and went straight to the Kirby beast.


With the sound of an explosion, golden flames spread out.

The Kirby beast was directly knocked into the air.

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground, and the dust splashed.


Yao Pengyun shouted anxiously when he saw this scene.

As soon as the words fell, Yao Pengyun suddenly shrank his pupils.

Because, he saw the wind speed dog appear in front of the Kirby beast!

"Wind speed dog! Broken rock!"

[Shattered Rock: Attack with fists.Sometimes lowers the opponent's defense. 】


Hearing Gu Yu's order, the wind speed dog screamed, and the front paws were instantly covered with white light.

The Kirby beast, which just got up from the ground, was hit by the wind speed dog again!


It was accompanied by Kirbymon's painful voice.

With a bang, the Kirby beast fell heavily to the ground.

Kirby beast is twice as weak as a fighting system, plus the previous big character explosion and the level gap between the two.

The direct wind speed dog is knocked down to the ground and cannot continue to fight!

【Ding!Wind Speed ​​Dog defeats Kirby and gains 23 experience points! 】

"The Kirby beast can't afford to fall to the ground! Please Yao Pengyun to replace the elves!"

As the referee's voice just fell, the applause in the Frozen Bird Arena sounded again!

But this time the applause was not as loud as before.

All the audience, including the audience in front of the TV, are waiting for Gu Yu's final victory!

After Yao Pengyun took back the Kirby beast, he looked at the Pokeball in his hand and sighed helplessly.

Then sent a moon Ibrahimovic.

[Moon Elf (Moon Eevee) (Evil)]

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV74 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Synchronization (infects your own poison, paralysis or burn status to the opponent.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (24), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: roaring loudly, hitting, slamming, dashing, tail wagging, biting, screaming, high-speed stars, coquetry, baton, help, eagerness, imitation, sand splashing, lightning flash, round pupil, strange light , Malicious Pursuit, Moonlight, Defensive Swap, Wave of Evil, Snarling Sound, Black Eyes, Treasures, Mount Tarzan, Destroying Death Light, Burrowing, Mental Inspiration, Snarling Sound, Gathering Qi, Sleeping, Snoring, Sleep Talking, Hold, Charming , Iron Tail, Rain Begging, Bite, Shadow Ball, Provocation, Loud Sound, Tit for Tit, Defense Swap, Wonder Space, Auxiliary Power, Hell Thrust, Loud Roar, Self Motivation]

【Carrying items: black glasses】

[Potential: King of Heaven]

"Moon Elf! Wave of Evil!"


The moon elf screamed, and a black shock wave went straight to the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog instantly disappeared in place, dodging the attack of the wave of evil.

Gu Yu's icy voice sounded again: "Wind Speed ​​Dog! Stare!"

The wind speed dog that appeared in front of the moon elf glared fiercely at the moon elf.

In an instant, the moon elf froze in place with trembling all over because of fear.


The wind speed dog screamed, and the golden flames gathered in his mouth.

Demonstrate flaming teeth and bite down towards the moon elf.

The Moon Elf, who was affected by the staring skill, could not dodge at all at this time.


The wind speed dog took a bite, the golden flame enveloped the moon elf, and the screams sounded immediately!

"Wind speed dog! Playful!"

[Playful: Play with the opponent and attack.Sometimes lowers the opponent's attack. 】

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, the pink fairy energy appeared on the wind speed dog's claws.

Attack the Moon Elf.

The Moon Elf, who is still in the mouth of the wind speed dog, has no power to parry.


As the moon elf fell from the wind speed dog, the battle also came to an end.

After the defense was lowered by the staring skill, it was naturally impossible for the Moon Elf who was twice as weak as the Fairy type to withstand the frolic of the wind speed dog.

【Ding!The wind speed dog defeated the moon elf and gained 21 experience points! 】

"The moon elves can't afford to fall to the ground! Please Yao Pengyun to replace the elves!"

The referee's voice fell, and the entire Frozen Bird Arena fell into a dead silence!

Everyone knows that there is only one last battle left until the applause and cheers start again!

After Yao Pengyun took back the moon elf, he immediately sent his last elf.

Level 73 Monarch Snake.

It's just that this monarch snake is not a naysayer, but a lush one.

[Blooming (When HP decreases, the power of grass-type moves will increase.)]

"Wind speed dog! Loud noise!"


Gu Yu's voice just fell, and a huge and harsh voice came from the mouth of the wind speed dog.

"Sauce sauce!"

The Monarch Snake's face was twisted in an instant, and he began to scream in pain!

The moment when the giant sound skill stopped.


The wind speed dog appeared one meter in front of the monarch snake.

Big character explosion!

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