It is also one of the secondary gods created by the 'Pillar King' Regichkas.

The vast majority of Reggie Elage's body is made of electrical energy, and he lives by consuming electrical energy.

Gu Yu was not surprised by these two items.

After all, the props of the first-level gods are too precious, and even if the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance has them, they will not give it to Gu Yu easily.

"With Reggie Elech's broken energy core, the time for Zeraora to become a divine beast can be greatly shortened."

"After Minas absorbs Polkenyon's fragments, it will not be a problem to succeed at the championship level."

While thinking about it, Gu Yu put all four props in his backpack.

Although the elf anti-terrorist operation is over, Gu Yu's affairs are not over yet.

An operation with such great success.

Now, of course, the time has come to discuss merit and deeds.

Originally, this matter had little to do with Gu Yu.

Under normal circumstances, such heavenly kings as Yuan Hanhai and James will definitely attract the spotlight of most of the media.

But can't stand it, Kevin Gasol put these kings once.

As a result, the heavenly kings like Yuan Hanhai and James were just playing soy sauce in the early stage.

Gu Yu, who killed Kevin Gasol and Midgart, became the biggest contributor to this elf counter-terrorism operation.

Naturally, there is no escape from the media spotlight.

Because of this battle, coupled with the confrontation between Mewtwo and Sidoran.

Make the whole city of Venice a mess.

In the end, the press conference site had to be temporarily set up in the open air.

Looking at the press conference scene where there are ruins hundreds of meters apart.

A trace of emotion flashed in Gu Yu's eyes.

"In the end, it's the innocent people who get hurt!" "

While thinking about it, Gu Yu shook his head helplessly.

Some things cannot be transferred by his will.

Take this elf counter-terrorism operation, for example.

Perhaps nothing would have happened without the lighthouse state taking the lead.

Now the countries of the world are famous.

He got the biggest benefit this time.

But the city of Venice is rebuilt, I don't know how many years it will take.

When Gu Yu came to the press conference scene.

Thousands of media have come.

I don't know who shouted "Gu Yu is here" and then the color of countless flashing lights sounded!

In an instant, Gu Yu's eyes were so shaken that he could barely open!

As soon as Gu Yu sat down, the reporters' questions sounded instantly.

"Gu Yu! Can you talk about your killing of Kevin Gasol?"

"As the biggest contributor to the Elf's anti-terrorist operation, do you have anything to say?"

"Can you elaborate on your conflict with Wallis Ed's question?"


Fortunately, the staff at the scene responded quickly and began to maintain order, otherwise this press conference would have turned into a vegetable market!

"Quiet! All reporters quiet!"

"The interviews come one by one!"

Fifteen minutes later, the scene was quiet again.

Gu Yu also began to answer the reporters' questions.

"I am very happy to be able to participate in the Elf anti-terrorist operation and maintain the peace and justice of the world!"

"As for me and Wallis Eddard, it's purely a misunderstanding."

"The sound of the fight was so loud that I didn't hear Kevin Gasol say surrender."


At 12 o'clock, after Gu Yu answered the reporters' questions, he felt like his throat was smoking!


Gu Yu felt much better after drinking a bottle of mineral water in one breath.

"I'm really not suitable for this kind of scene, so let's participate less next time!"

While thinking about it, Gu Yu was about to leave Venice and head to the secret realm of the Alps.

After asking Lin Xuan to help tell Yuan Hanhai, Gu Yu rode on Pokkis and left Venice.

After walking about 2 kilometers.

Gu Yu let Pokkis land in a dense forest.

After a while, Mewtwo and Solgaleo holding a quaint slate appeared in front of Gu Yu.

Due to the crowded eyes, after defeating Sidoran, Mewtwo asked Solgaleo to take her and leave by teleportation.

After Gu Yu left Venice, he appeared in front of Gu Yu.

"The power in this slate is terrifying!"

"I tried to absorb it and found that this slate is different from ordinary props."

"After I absorbed the power, the slate actually absorbed the super energy from the outside world to restore the absorbed energy."

While talking, Chao Meng handed the magical stone tablet in his hand to Gu Yu.

After taking the magical slate, feel the powerful force in the slate.

Gu Yu said with emotion: "It is indeed the slate of Arceus!"

From a certain point of view, the magical slate is equivalent to a treasure or prop that can be reused indefinitely.

After the elves absorb the energy, the magical slate only needs to recover slowly and can be used again.

"If you don't object, I will absorb some of the energy of the slate first."

Hearing Chaomeng's words, Gu Yu nodded.

Then hand the Magic Tablet to Mewtwo.

After Mewtwo took the magical slate, an invisible force poured out from the magical slate.

Influx into Mewtwo's body.

【Ding!Mewtwo absorbs the magical slate and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Mewtwo has been upgraded to level 102! 】

【Ding!Mewtwo has been upgraded to level 103! 】


【Ding!Mewtwo has been upgraded to level 105! 】

As the system beeps stopped, Mewtwo also stopped absorbing the energy of the magical slate.

"As expected of the slate of the God of Creation!"

"I just absorbed some of the strength and I have already improved a lot."

"If I absorbed all the energy of the slate, I would not be weaker than Reshiram!"

"However, too fast skyrocketing power will make me uncontrollable!"

Chao Meng's voice sounded in Gu Yu's mind.

And Gu Yu's eyes also showed Chao Meng's information.

【Super dream (super power)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV105 (God)]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, and greatly reduces the PP of the opponent's moves.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Immobilization, Mind Power, Mysterious Guardian, Instant Amnesia, Mental Blade, Mental Strong Mind, Power Swap, Defense Swap, Mental Smash, Self-Regeneration, Predicting the Future, High Speed ​​Movement, Magic, Meditation, Mind Hammer, Mental Field, Speed ​​Swap, Gravity, Mental Shock, High Speed ​​Star, Wave Missile, Hold, Tile Cleave, Feature Swap, Mental Field, Wide Area Combat Strength, Sharp Stone Attack, Big Character Explosion, Earthquake, Frozen Beam, XNUMX Volts , Thunder Fist, Fire Fist, Frozen Fist, Shadow Clone, Kick Down, Iron Tail, Mind Shifting Object, Magic Space, Wonderful Space, White Mist, Kick Down, Hold On, Shadow Ball, Ultimate Impact]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

At this moment, Mewtwo handed the magical tablet to Solgaleo.


Solgaleo roared excitedly, and then bit down on the magical slate.

The system notification sound beside Gu Yu's ear sounded again.

【Ding!Solgaleo absorbs the magical tablet and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Solgaleo has been upgraded to level 103! 】

【Ding!Solgaleo has been upgraded to level 104! 】


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