When Chao Meng revealed his identity, everyone was more concerned about Chao Meng!

After all, Sidorlan is only one.

But Mewtwo can be copied!

The god organization has research materials, plus access to the genes of some other god beasts.

It is completely possible to create Chao Meng No. XNUMX!

Moments later, Sidoran's huge body surfaced.

Seeing the unconscious Sidoran, the whole world instantly boiled over!

Then, one after another, the live broadcast rooms all over the world were paralyzed!

"Fuck! I won! The unknown mythical beast really defeated Sidorlane!"

"Brilliant! This is the second beast that has been defeated recently!"

"Does anyone know what this divine beast is called?! It's so handsome!"



Melbourne Mining Building.

Seeing Sidoran lying motionless in the water, Candice's face was full of excitement!

"Such strength!"

"As expected of the god 5.8 beast that Bishop Heiyuan spent half his life creating!"

"It doesn't look like this plan is useless, maybe I can try to restart"

The many Heavenly Kings and Heavenly King-level trainers who were watching the battle in Venice looked at Sidoran who was in a coma.

Their eyes widened, their eyes full of shock!

Although everyone was fighting, it was obvious that Mewtwo was suppressing Sidoran.

But Sidoran is a divine beast after all!

And suppression does not equal defeat.

When Sidoran was defeated, everyone couldn't help but be shocked!

The artificial beast defeated the real beast!

What this means, everyone present is clear!

"A man-made divine beast made of fantasy genes is so powerful!"

"What if you use the genes of Lugia, Ho-oh, Groudon and other divine beasts?"

While thinking about Yuan Hanhai, a fiery color appeared in his eyes.

Then Yuan Hanhai started sending messages to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

James and others also followed suit and sent the news of Venice back to their respective countries.

15 minute later.

As Long Guo took the lead in releasing the information of Chaomeng, the whole world was in an uproar!

The huge impact brought by the artificial beast!

Like an earthquake of magnitude XNUMX, it is constantly destroying the cognition of human beings all over the world! .

Chapter 302 The influence of artificial beasts!Bleeding Lighthouse Spirit Alliance!

"Now urgently plug and unplug a news!"

"I just learned that the name of the unknown silver beast that defeated Sidoran is called Chao Meng."

"It's an artificial beast created by the god organization with fantasy genes!"

With similar words, it is spread from different live broadcast rooms or TVs around the world.

The whole world was in an uproar!



Everyone knows for the first time.

Divine beasts can also be created by humans!

The impact this has brought on people is enormous!

Servers all over the world began to be paralyzed at the same time, and topics related to Mewtwo and artificial beasts quickly entered the world's hot search list!

The artificial beast of the god organization!

It's called Super Dream!

Can artificial beasts be copied?

People all over the world started a crazy discussion!

"Super Dream turned out to be a man-made divine beast! The divine organization is really too powerful!"

"Artificial mythical beast! This is the first time I want to praise God's organization for doing a good job! I wonder if one man-made beast can be achieved?"

"Compared to having a divine beast in one hand, I just want to know if I can make an elves according to my needs, no, it's a requirement?"

"The appraisal is completed, the upstairs is pure LSP, but so do I, I want a cute elf with blond beast ears!"


The headquarters of the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance.

The attitude of the entire headquarters staff at this time can be said to be strange.

Some people froze in their seats, some people repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the news, and some people started a heated discussion.

"How on earth did the God Organization create the Chaos Dream?"

"No matter how many times I watch 20, I feel incredible!"

"Does Chaomeng mean beyond the dream? There are very few dream shots, but in terms of the strength shown in this battle, Chaomeng is indeed terrifyingly strong!"

"It's incredible! I didn't expect humans to be able to create divine beasts!"


For the average person, even knowing that Mewtwo is a man-made divine beast is at best shock and surprise.

But for the elf union, those who specialize in elf affairs.

The huge impact brought by the artificial beast!

Like a magnitude XNUMX earthquake, it constantly destroys their cognition and worldview!

From the very beginning, they were indoctrinated with a concept.

The beast is invincible!

And now humans have created an invincible beast!

This is for some people.

It is equivalent to crushing your decades of knowledge about the world and starting to completely reshape it!

Such a huge impact will naturally make many people unacceptable!

Lighthouse Nation champion Larry Riester also gave orders.

"List the information about Mewtwo as the highest level of secrets!"

"From now on, collect research materials on the creation of Chaos Dream by the God Organization!"

"List out a preliminary project for a mythical beast manufacturing plan!"

After giving three orders in one breath, Larry List also got up and left.

The impact of Mewtwo is extremely huge, and he also needs to deal with the follow-up matters.


The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

As the matter of man-made divine beasts is very important, except for Yuan Hanhai.

The Dragon Kingdom champion Fang Jianming, Ye Hongyi, Lin Yan and Yan Nianyan have gathered in the conference room of the Dragon Kingdom Elves Alliance.

Fang Jianming read Chaomeng's information, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"The artificial beast has defeated Sidoran!"

"The God Organization is worthy of being the largest evil organization in the world. Such a level of technology has surpassed 99% of the countries!"

"Tell me what you think about this matter!"

With that said, Fang Jianming put down the information in his hand.

Ye Hongyi was the first to speak: "We are going to look for information on this, and see if we can get some useful information from the God Organization."

"The power of Mewtwo is very powerful, and if we can, I think we can start some experiments too!"

Lin Yan shook his head and objected: "It took decades of hard work by the God Organization to develop an artificial divine beast like Chaomeng."

"How much capital and how much manpower do we have to invest in order to develop the second Mewtwo?"

Ye Hongyi immediately retorted: "This is not something we can decide. Once the lighthouse country and the white bear country really invest in capital and human research."

"If we don't study it, what should we do when their artificial beasts come out?"

Ye Hongyi's words reveal the cruelty of the world.

I don't have to have it.

It is the opponent who has it, I must have it!

The scene in the conference room was a little quiet for a while, then Fang Jianming spoke again.

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