"Of course, or do you think I'm here for you?"

Chao Meng said, killing intent in his eyes.

"Don't waste time! To pay or not to pay?"

Seedolan looked at Mewtwo who continued to press on, and immediately made up his mind!


What responded to Mewtwo was a roar from Sidorlane.

Big character explosion!

Sidoran opened his bloody mouth, and the red flames went straight to Mewtwo.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hanhai and the others' expressions changed instantly, and they released their elves to evacuate the battlefield!

All of them know very well that the confrontation between the gods and beasts is terrifying!

Boom! ! !

With the sound of the explosion, red flames rose into the sky, and the entire city of Venice began to shake violently!

Seeing Gu Yu flying into the air on Pokkis.

Chaomeng is no longer holding hands.


The red flames separated from the middle, and the figure of Chao Meng appeared in the eyes of all the audience once again.

Due to the use of the hold ability, the large-character explosion did not cause any damage to Mewtwo.


Sidolan roared and started to attack again.

The body was covered with red flames, and his feet were raised and stomped heavily towards the ground.


The ground began to shake violently, and then countless fire-type energies poured into the ground from Siddolin's body.

The temperature in the air rose rapidly, and the earth instantly turned red!

Then countless lava flew from the ground and turned into a red storm, trapping Chao Meng in it!

It is the exclusive skill of Sidoran's divine beast!

Lava Storm!

[Lava Storm: Trap the opponent in the flaming flames and attack within a certain period of time. 】

Watch Mewtwo who has been trapped in a lava storm.

Sidolan let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"In the end, it's just an artificial beast. Although it has strength, I don't know enough about the beast. It's not difficult for me to defeat Chao Meng!"

boom! ! !

In the next instant, an invisible shock wave pierced through the lava storm and remained unabated.

Like a sharp blade that splits the heavens and the earth, it came straight to Sidoran.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared before Sidorraine.

bump! ! !

The deafening sound of the collision echoed in the city of Venice.

Lin Xuan, Ning Qiyun, Yan Siyu and the others instantly showed pain and covered their ears involuntarily!

Countless elves let out a roar of pain!

And this is just the initial confrontation between the two divine beasts!

Chao Meng floated in mid-air, looking at Sidoran and said: "It seems that your exclusive skills are not very good, it is far worse than my spiritual breakthrough!"

Mind Break!

Super Dream's exclusive skills!

[Spiritual Break: Materialize the magical thought wave to attack the opponent.Inflicts physical damage. 】

As soon as the voice fell, Chao Meng exerted gravity again!


The ground began to sink again, and a huge pressure went straight to Sidoran!

Under the tremendous pressure, Sidoran just felt like a huge boulder was pressing down on him.

But Sidoran is a divine beast after all!


Sidoran roared loudly, displaying a wave of evil.

A black shock wave went straight to Mewtwo in mid-air.

Mewtwo is twice as weak as evil. If he is hit by the wave of evil, he will definitely suffer serious injuries.

Move at high speed!

Mewtwo instantly turned into a silver phantom, dodging the evil waves of Sidoran.

Then the power of the blue waveguide converged between Mewtwo's claws.

In the blink of an eye, a wave missile the size of a human head emerged, and then headed straight for Sidolane.


Sidoran roared loudly, and once again displayed his hold skills.

A huge white shield appeared out of nowhere.


The wave missile was blocked, but the next moment Mewtwo turned into a silver phantom and appeared in front of Siddallane.

Mind Break!

The huge thought power turned into a substantial thought wave.

A huge and invisible shock wave went straight to Sidoran!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the huge white shield was directly penetrated!


Accompanied by Sidoran's painful screams, the invisible shock wave that was directly transformed by the materialized thought wave was instantly knocked into the air!Of.

Chapter 301 Winner!Mew-two!The magic slate is here!

bump! ! !

Siddallane's huge body was like a cannonball, smashing into countless blocking buildings.

After shattering a city's buildings, Sidorlane finally regained strength on the outskirts of Venice.

Seed from above, Sidorlane looked like a sharp blade that pierced through everything.

Directly cut a Venice city!

This brought a huge shock to the audience who watched the battle of the beasts through satellite live broadcast!

"One blow! It was one blow to Sidoran and he was sent flying!"

"Is this a divine beast? One blow pierces through a city!"

"It's terrible! If there is no MEGA evolution, the beast is really invincible!"


And Mewtwo's attack isn't over yet.

After knocking Sidoran, Mewtwo performed high-speed movement again.

Transformed into a silver phantom to the outskirts of Venice.

Then Mewtwo's feet landed gently, displaying the earthquake skill!

Boom! ! !

The grass-covered land cracked in an instant!

At the same time as the violent shaking, cracks appeared and began to spread around.

With the help of the magical slate's power, Sidoran turned his attributes into a fire element and a super energy element, but it was still twice as weak as the ground element.


Sidoran roared loudly, and instead of choosing to defend, he directly cast the wave of evil!

A black shock wave went straight to Chaomeng.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared out of thin air in front of Mewtwo.


The wave of evil was blocked by a white shield.

Chao Meng behind the white shield raised his right leg and stomped heavily.


The ground that was like a cobweb cracked again, and a two-meter-wide crack spread to the feet of Sidoran in the blink of an eye!

not good!

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