Yuan Hanhai who was ready to go, Kirilenko, the king of the white bear kingdom, and others appeared in the eyes of the world audience.

"The time has come! Let's go!"

Following Yuan Hanhai's order, all the combatants released the flying elves.

Although the audience couldn't hear Yuan Hanhai's words, they couldn't help but look forward to seeing everyone set off.

The satellite followed everyone all the way, and soon came to a building in the Nordic city of The Hague.

Chapter 290 The Changed King!The world is watching!Gu Yu vs Midgard!

The building is about twenty-four stories high, and it doesn't look much different from an ordinary office building from the outside.

George Perris, one of the four heavenly kings of the European Elf League, riding on the blue bird on the Tanabata Festival, shouted at the building in English.

"The tree of the world! You are surrounded!"

"Surrender is your only option!"

"Give you ten minutes-time to think!"

"In ten minutes, we will officially start the attack."

Seeing that the attack stopped again, the hosts of various TV stations probably guessed what George Perris just said.

"King George should have been trying to persuade him to surrender."

"Give the World Tree Organization one last chance!"

Hearing the host's explanation, Kevin Gasol, who was watching the live broadcast at the Venice base, showed a disdainful smile on his face.

"I'm more and more looking forward to this group of guys seeing that there is only an empty shell left in the Nordic base!"

"Ha ha!!"


At this moment, an explosion sounded, and the room where Kevin Gasol was located shook.

Kevin Gasol's expression changed instantly, he got up from his seat, walked out of the room and asked his subordinates.

"what's going on?!"


Then there was another explosion.

At this time, his subordinates hurriedly reported: "Boss! The other party is calling!"


Kevin Gasol suddenly shrank his pupils!

"Giving them a base for nothing is not enough!"

"The Lighthouse Country won't give us a way to live! I don't blame me for killing people!"

"Notice! Everyone will go out to meet the enemy!"

"I want to see what the lighthouse country has to do to destroy our world tree!"


City of The Hague.

Ten minutes later, no one came out to surrender.

The crowd immediately started the attack.


Huge explosions continued to sound, and then the flames mixed with thick smoke enveloped the entire building.

Even if there is a beheading operation in Elf Time, trainers rarely participate.

Human bodies are still too fragile compared to elves.

Even in bulletproof vests and helmets.

In the face of the attack of the elves, it is also difficult to improve the probability of survival.


Moments later, the twenty-fourth-floor building collapsed suddenly.

"Qixi Blue Bird! Dragon's Wave!"

Seeing the building collapsed, George Perris continued to order the attack.


Qixi Blue Bird screamed, and the purple shock wave spit out from its mouth, and went straight to the ground of the building that had turned into ruins.


The air waves generated by the explosion blew the clothes of everyone.

The underground of the building was also revealed in the eyes of the audience and the audience all over the world.

Rows of black tables and chairs with monitors and glass instruments on a red wooden floor

But the whole basement was empty!

Seeing this scene, the host who was in charge of the commentary began to cheer excitedly!

"This is a great victory!"

"Faced with the elf anti-terrorist action, organizations as strong as the World Tree can only leave their old nest and flee in despair!"

The hosts started to brag, and the audience in front of the TV clapped and applauded!

"It's awesome! This time the action is awesome! A world-famous force like the World Tree can only run away from the wind!"

"The tree of the world is really rubbish, I thought they were awesome!"

"I was looking forward to one! I thought there would be a big melee of the King of Champions! The result is this?"

"The tree of the world runs faster than the mice who often come to my house to steal food!"


Ye Hongyi, who was sitting in front of the TV, saw this scene, and his face changed instantly.

"Not good! We predicted the actions of the World Tree wrong!"

"Before the operation started, everyone believed that the World Tree should not have such a great courage to abandon one of the only two bases!"

"But now it looks like everything went horribly wrong!"

"The World Tree has the courage to abandon the bases in northern Europe, but will they abandon all the bases?"

Thinking of this, Ye Hongyi suddenly shrank his pupils, then took out his mobile phone, turned to Gu Yu's phone number, and called.

On the other side, Yuan Hanhai, George Perris, and the others all turned ugly.

Everyone looked at each other and saw each other's ugly faces and surprised eyes.

Not good!

Everyone originally wanted to arrange for talented trainers from various countries to deal with the weaker Venice base.

But now it seems that the base in Venice is the most dangerous one!

"Support the city of Venice!" George Perris immediately ordered.

Young talented trainers, each loss is a huge loss for each country.

The crowd immediately rode the elves and quickly headed towards the city of Venice.

Blue Sea Building.

From the outside, just like the name of the building, it is an XNUMX-story building with a whole body of blue.

At exactly 8 o'clock.

Talented trainers from all over the world launched an attack on the Blue Sea Building on time.

"Double Axe Fighting Dragon! Dragon's Wave!"

"Fire-breathing dragon! Big characters burst into flames!"

"Egg tree! Seed bomb!"


The trainers participating in the anti-terrorist operation launched an attack.

With the sound of rumbling explosions, the sky filled with fire and billowing smoke drowned the Blue Sea Building!

Countless World Tree trainers rushed out of the building and fought fiercely with the anti-terrorist trainers.

On the battlefield, the most eye-catching is a young man riding on the back of a blood-winged dragon.

The young man was wearing a gray suit, blond hair, and gold-rimmed glasses.

If you only look at the appearance, it gives the impression of a well-mannered gentleman.

It is a huge contrast with the blood-winged dragon under him.

Lin Xuan, who was watching the battle, saw this scene and said to himself, "This is Wallis Ed, the genius of the Lighthouse Kingdom, right?"

Although Lin Xuan's words were interrogative, his tone was very positive.

Yan Siyu nodded: "That's right! He is Wallis Ed!"

"His legend, it can be said that many people can't do it in a lifetime!"

"My father is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Lighthouse Kingdom. At the age of eighteen, he got a baby dragon."

"On the eve of the start of the junior year, I broke into the S-level secret realm of the Rocky Mountains of the Lighthouse Country alone, and brought out the quasi-spiritual treasure."

"When I was a junior, I was already the strongest college student trainer in the entire Lighthouse Nation!"

"When I graduated from the senior year, it was said that I was already a Heavenly King-level trainer."

"The Lighthouse Country Champion Larry Lister, praised Wallis Ed for being the Lighthouse Country Champion in the future!"

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