
The Kirby beast roared loudly, and its claws were covered with white cold air.

Split tiles!

Frozen Fist!

Just as the two elves were about to hit each other with their attacks, Ye Mengyao's voice sounded again.

"Bite the land shark fiercely! Use it to hold on!"

[Stand up: Even if you are attacked, you will leave at least 1HP.It is easy to fail if used continuously. 】



The next moment, the screams of the two elves sounded at the same time.

"Bite the land shark fiercely! Cast the tile split again!"

"Kapimon! Keep attacking!"

Ye Mengyao and Xiao Wanhe's voices sounded one after another.

Split tiles!

Frozen Fist!

With two screams, the skills of the two elves hit each other again.

Bite the land shark directly into an ice sculpture!

With a bang, Kirby's huge body fell heavily to the ground.

Kirby beasts are twice as weak as fighting, and they have a higher level of fierce bite land sharks, and their characteristics are also rough skin.

[Rough skin (When attacked, use rough skin to injure an opponent that touches you.)]

It was naturally impossible to continue the fight after being hit by the tiles in a row.

After the referee checked the injuries of the two elves, the result of the game was announced immediately.

"The Kirby beast falls to the ground! The winner! Ye Mengyao!"

"Congratulations! Zhejiang University has won the team competition and the singles competition! It won the championship of the National University Spirit League!!!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, countless streamers fell from the sky of the Frozen Bird Arena.

The scene was instantly boiling, applause and cheers sounded like thunder, and the audience kept shouting Ye Mengyao's name!

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"


The commentary on the scene even screamed in a heart-wrenching way!

"Ye Mengyao's wonderful performance with one wearing three!"

"It's a perfect ending for this session of the National Collegiate Elf League!"

"Audience friends! Let's cheer for Ye Mengyao's performance!"

The audience watching the game online, when they heard the commentary, directly paralyzed the live broadcast room with the barrage!

"One wear and three! The fierce bite of the Lu shark is awesome!"

"Zhejiang University has won the championship again! Even without Gu Yu, Zhejiang University is still the champion!"

"Goddess Mengyao is so beautiful! So sassy! I announce that starting today, I am a fan of Goddess Mengyao!"

"Wake up! Ye Mengyao has already owned a famous flower! His boyfriend is Gu Yu!"

"I envy Gu Yu even more now! Conquering the divine beast, winning all kinds of championships is soft, and his girlfriend is so beautiful!"

"Envy +1, I also want to live like Gu Yu!"


at the guest seat.

Seeing Ye Mengyao winning the championship, Ren Manyun got up and clapped continuously, and shouted excitedly at the same time!

"Championship! Yaoyao has won the championship!"

"Husband! Did you see that?! Yaoyao won the championship!"

Ye Hongyi's face was also full of smiles, and while looking at Ye Mengyao on the field, he kept applauding.

Hearing Ren Manyun's words, he replied, "I saw it! As expected of my daughter!"

Yan Hongjing, the head of the Yan family, applauded with admiration in his eyes.

"It's really a tiger father without a dog daughter!"

"The king's daughter is truly outstanding!"

"Unfortunately, there is a Gu Yu in this era."

With the last sentence, Yan Hongjing was muttering to himself in his heart, and at the same time, his eyes were already looking at Gu Yu, who was applauding constantly on the sidelines.

Lin Lei, the owner of the Canglong Gym, also felt emotional at this time.

"As expected of the king's daughter!"

"At this age, you can wear three clothes and win the championship of the National College Elf League!"

"I'm afraid that my Dragon Kingdom will have another female king!"

on the field.

After receiving the cheers and applause from the audience, Ye Mengyao quickly walked to the arena!

At this time, Zhejiang people had already stood up, their faces were full of excitement and excitement, and they shouted loudly to celebrate winning the championship!

"Champions! We are the champions!"

"It's awesome! Wear three and win the championship!"

"A year later! The champion returns to Zhejiang University again!"


Ye Mengyao threw herself into Gu Yu's arms and gave Gu Yu a hug.

"Gu Yu! I did it!"

"I led Zhejiang University to win the championship!"

Ye Mengyao's voice was full of excitement and excitement.

"I saw!"

"You're the best!"

Gu Yu responded while hugging Ye Mengyao.

Xia Pengyu, the teacher who led the team, saw this scene, and his face was full of smiles.

Champion of the National Collegiate Elf League.

For a trainer like Xia Pengyu, the gold content is indeed limited.

But you can also enjoy the joy of being a champion!

Ye Hongyi, who was sitting in the guest seat, watched his daughter plunge into Gu Yu's arms.

Although I had expected it for a long time, I didn't know why there was still a bitterness in my heart.

It's as if growing a big cabbage from a young age has been arched!

Then, Ye Hongyi said, "Let's go! It's time to go to the awards!"

Chapter 286 Award Ceremony!Champion Rewards!Calamity beast!

on the field.

When Ye Mengyao and others celebrated their victory, the floor cracked again.

The geotechnical site slowly descended and was replaced with a steel floor again.

The staff walked onto the field from the passage.

At the same time as the podium was built, Ye Mengyao and others were presented with the champion T-shirt and the champion baseball cap printed with the quasi-god Duolong Baruto.

Although Gu Yu did not participate in the competition, the staff also gave Gu Yu the winning T-shirt and baseball cap.

Everyone knows that as long as Gu Yu participates.

The National Collegiate Elf League Championship will not be won by other schools.

Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu, who had just put on the champion T-shirt, were also surrounded by reporters.

"Can Gu Yu tell me about your current mood?"

"How far has your relationship with Ye Mengyao player developed?"

"Many people say that if you participate in the National Collegiate Elf League, you can get an unprecedented four consecutive championships. What do you think about this?"


Facing the reporters' questions, Gu Yu didn't want to overwhelm the guest.

Immediately said: "Today's protagonist is not me, you are still interviewing, the champion for a while!"

Seeing Gu Yu, he really refused to answer, and the reporters had to turn their attention to Ye Mengyao.

"Player Ye Mengyao, how do you feel after winning the championship?"

"This is the second time to win the championship. Compared with the first time, what do you think is the difference?"

"Can you elaborate on how far your relationship with Gu Yu has developed?"

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