"The World Tree Organization, looking for hundreds of trainers, wants to know which elf these two special MEGA evolution stones belong to."

"But without exception, all failed!"

"Through the analysis of scientific instruments, the World Tree Organization discovered the energy contained in these two special MEGA evolution stones."

"Far beyond the quasi-god MEGA evolution stone."

Candice's voice fell, and the entire conference room fell into dead silence in an instant!


Bishop Loki and others, take a breath!

They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes!

Far beyond the quasi-god MEGA evolution stone

What does this stand for!

Everyone knows it better!

The Mega Evolution Stone of the Divine Beast!

"¨'Can even mythical beasts evolve MEGA?!" Bishop Loki's voice was full of shock and disbelief.

"A quasi-god can evolve MEGA, but why can't a beast?"

While speaking, Candice also flashed a hint of shock in her eyes.

"No matter how powerful our God's Ball is, in the final analysis, it is only forced to subdue the beast."

"If the beast doesn't listen to the trainer's command, then the ball of the gods is actually useless!"

"But it will be different if there are MEGA evolution stones of divine beasts!"

Speaking of this, Candice's eyes also flashed a hint of desire, and then continued to speak.

"Whether it's trading with the beast, or using the MEGA evolution stone to gain the favor of the beast, it's a good deal."

"Although the lighthouse country made a good excuse this time, it even kept many countries in the dark."

"But according to the latest information I got."

"The lighthouse country is for the two mythical beast MEGA evolution stones in the hands of the World Tree!"

As Candice's voice fell, Bishop Loki and others were relieved, and the smile on the corner of his mouth reappeared.

"Next, let's talk about the issue of the Neon National God Organization. Everyone can say that it is their own opinion."

After Bishop Loki and the others left, Candice took out her phone and started editing the news for Gu Yu.

"Candice: The real goal of the Lighthouse Country is the MEGA Evolution Stones of the two divine beasts obtained by the World Tree Organization!"

"Candice: If you have a chance, you can try to grab it."


After returning to the villa, Gu Yu, who was feeding the elves, heard the ringing of the mobile phone and picked up the mobile phone subconsciously.

The MEGA evolution stone of the beast?

"If I remember correctly, only a few elves among the divine beasts can evolve MEGA."

Gu Yu immediately began to think.

Although there are special forms of primitive return and origin form among the divine beasts.

But MEGA evolution only five elves can.

Ryakuza, Latios, Lattias, Dianci, Mewtwo.

Lie Kongzai MEGA evolution does not require MEGA evolution stone, just need to learn the finishing touch skills.

Mewtwo is an artificial beast.

The naturally born MEGA evolution stone is very unlikely to be Mewtwo.

"So these two MEGA evolution stones must be Latios, Lattias, Dianxi, two of the three elves."

"However, no matter which elf it is, the value is huge!"

While thinking about it, Gu Yu also began to look forward to this time's elf counter-terrorism!

The World Tree Organization is in danger!

Time passes day by day.

Gu Yu was still training normally.

5 month 9 number.

After receiving the news that Zhejiang University once again entered the finals of the National Collegiate Elf League.

Gu Yu immediately booked a flight to Yanjing.

Ye Mengyao, as the ace of Zhejiang University, led Zhejiang University to the final.

Maybe even win the championship.

As a boyfriend, Gu Yu must go to the scene to cheer! .

Chapter 284 Gu Yu's Influence!Cheers resounded throughout the audience!

Frozen Bird Arena!

Located on the outskirts of Yanjing, it is the largest elves competition venue in the northern part of the Dragon Kingdom!

It can accommodate 14 viewers to watch at the same time.

It has held the King Challenge and Championships many times.

It was here that the Dragon Kingdom champion Fang Jianming defeated Yuan Hanhai and finally became the Dragon Kingdom champion.

Therefore, it was renamed the Frozen Bird Arena.

5 month 10 day.

The final day of the National Collegiate Elf League.

On the way to the Frozen Bird Arena, the traffic jam started early.

Seeing the endless traffic jam, Gu Yu, who was sitting in the taxi, immediately decided not to wait any longer.

After clearing the fare, Gu Yu got off the car and rode on the wind speed dog and went straight to the Frozen Bird Arena.

Since Gu Yu bought the ticket temporarily, he bought the ticket later.

It was 10pm when I got off the plane.

Gu Yu didn't join Ye Mengyao and the others, and found a hotel to make do with a night's sleep.

I originally wanted to meet Ye Mengyao and others at the Frozen Bird Arena today, but I didn't expect to encounter a big traffic jam when I left at 6:30.


The wind speed dog screamed, then turned into a phantom and flew towards the Frozen Bird Arena.

As for why you don't ride Pokkis

Because of the hurry to go, plus it is to be a cheerleader.

Gu Yu brought Lucario, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Nian Meilong, Minas, Monarch Snake and Fairy Elf.

Solgaleo, Mewtwo, and Little Lugia all stayed in the villa.

Pokkis was left by Gu Yu to help Chao Meng take care of Little Lugia together.

The speed of the wind speed dog was very fast, and in fifteen minutes, he brought Gu Yu to the Frozen Bird Arena.

At this time, it was only 7:35, and the race started at 10:XNUMX.

Most of the parking spaces in front of the arena are empty.

At present, the OB vans of the media have come the most, and the number has exceeded 2.

The front of the Frozen Bird Arena was even more crowded with reporters.

When Gu Yu came to the arena, some sharp-eyed reporter noticed Gu Yu and shouted 'Gu Yu is here'!

The sound of rumbling footsteps sounded instantly.

Gu Yu was surrounded by reporters as soon as the wind speed fell.

The long spear and the short cannon stretched out to Gu Yu.

"Gu Yu, are you here to participate in the National College Student Spirit League?"

"Zhejiang University has reached the finals again, what do you want to say now?"

"I heard that you and Ye Mengyao are boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't know if it's true?"


Gu Yu was speechless. From the questions he asked, he knew that these reporters were unprofessional at first glance.

The roster for the National Collegiate Elf League is due before April Madness begins.

No extra runners can be sent unless there is a major illness or an official forcible withdrawal from the competition.

"I'm here to be a cheerleader, not a competition!"

"Now please let it go!"

After briefly answering the reporter's question, Gu Yu squeezed through the dark crowd of reporters and came to the Frozen Bird Arena.

Fortunately, Gu Yu was a famous person, and the security guard knew that Gu Yu was a student of Zhejiang University.

Otherwise, Gu Yu, who is not a contestant or a staff member, would most likely not be able to enter the Frozen Bird Arena.

Under the leadership of the staff, Gu Yu came to the player lounge of Zhejiang University.

The lounge area of ​​the Frozen Bird Arena is very large, about 1 level.

Rows of wooden seats and a metal cabinet.

Gu Yu sat on the wooden seat, waiting for Ye Mengyao and others.

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