"Lin Xuan: Are you about to get your marriage certificate? When will you meet your parents?"


Looking at the group friends who have been chatting more and more crookedly, they have begun to make plans to see what gifts their parents bring.

Gu Yu decisively ended the water group and prepared dinner for the elves.

"Super dream! You help me ask if there is anything you want to eat today!"

"By the way, help me get ready!"

Chao Meng did not speak, just nodded.

As a trainer and breeder, Gu Yu is at the top level.

But there is a problem.

Gu Yu could not understand what the elf said.

For example, today, Kabuki was overtrained and wanted to add a meal, but Gu Yu probably didn't have a meal because he couldn't understand it.

With Super Dream, it is much more convenient.

"Bangira wants to add an custard apple to increase the energy of the ice system in the lower body, and practice freezing teeth for a while at night."

"Little Lugia wants you to change the taste. She wants something sweet, and adding some honey should be enough."

"Lucario said that today's training has consumed a lot, and he wants to eat more."


While Chao Meng was talking, he started to help Gu Yu prepare food.

With Mewtwo's help, the elves' dinner was quickly prepared.

Watching the super dream who finished the meal quickly, then sat in front of the computer and began to modify the training plan.

I looked again, and saw the elves who were gorging on their meals.

Gu Yu couldn't help but sigh: "This is too convoluted!"

"This is the scroll king elf, no, should it be said that the scroll king beast is terrible?"

After eating, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao started chatting habitually.

Ye Mengyao was not at Zhejiang University during this time.

In order to go further in 'Crazy April', Ye Mengyao went to special training not long after school started.

It's 'Madness April' now though.

However, due to the late draw of Zhejiang University this year, the first game will be played on April 4.

Therefore, Ye Mengyao will return to Zhejiang University tomorrow.

Through the conversation with Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu also learned about some of the inside story of the elf anti-terrorist operation this time.

"Ye Mengyao: Although the lighthouse country has bad intentions this time, I believe that with your strength, you can definitely overwhelm everyone!"

"Ye Mengyao: I'm going to bed first! Good night!"

Seeing Ye Mengyao's last message, Gu Yu's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness.

"I always feel that this time it will not be smooth sailing!"

"I still feel that training is more suitable for me than participating in this kind of anti-terrorist operation."

According to Ye Mengyao, this time the anti-terrorist operation will start in June.

lasts all June.

A month's time, although it is not to say that the elves have undergone earth-shaking changes.

But definitely a small improvement.

What's more, the date of the King Challenge is getting closer and closer.

Not to mention a month or a week is precious.

If he had a choice, Gu Yu would definitely not participate.

Immediately, Gu Yu shook his head helplessly and stopped thinking, lying on the bed and resting.

4 month 2 day.

Ye Mengyao returned.

4 month 3 day.

April Madness officially kicks off.

For such a low-level event, Gu Yu didn't care at all.

Continue to take the elves to train in the undeveloped area of ​​the Qiandao Lake secret realm.

Fast forward to May 4th.

After nearly a month of training, plus the previous month of training.

Little Lugia was upgraded to level 48 and learned six skills: Air Slash, Tide Spin, Hold, Steel Wing, Loud Sound and Seal.

Gengar upgrades to level 54 and learns the three skills of eating dreams, holding on, and splitting tiles.

The Kirby beast has been upgraded to level 61, and has learned three skills: licking, biting, and gradually breaking.

[Tongue licking: Use a long tongue to lick the opponent to attack.Occasionally paralyzes opponents. 】

[Destroy gradually: see the opportunity to attack steadily.Ignore the opponent's ability changes and deal damage directly. 】

Although Bangira's level has not been improved, she has learned three skills: Frozen Fang, Lightning Fang, and Taishan Pressing the Top.

The fairy elf has been upgraded to level 67, with three skills: desire, fake cry, and mental shock.

[Desire: While being cute and coquettish, you can approach your opponent to attack, and you can also grab the items your opponent is carrying. 】

[Fake cry: pretend to cry and cry.Make the opponent overwhelmed, thereby greatly reducing the opponent's special defense. 】

The Monarch Snake has been upgraded to level 67, and has learned three skills: Reverse Scale, Destruction of Death Light, and Perseverance.

Minas was upgraded to level 74 and learned three skills: Hailstorm, Hold, and Destroy Death Light.

[Hailstone: Hailstones continue to fall for a certain period of time, inflicting damage to all elves except ice-type elves. 】

The wind speed dog level has not been improved, and it has learned three skills: smell detection, destruction of death light, and awakening power.

[Smell Detection: Moves that have no effect on ghost-type spirits and opponents with a high evasion rate become able to hit after use. 】

Pokkis was upgraded to level 83, and learned two skills: grass knot and sun beam.

The level of Nianmeilong has not been improved, and he has learned three skills: Million-ton Punch, Mount Taishan, and Earthquake.

Zeraora's level has not been improved, and she has learned four skills: malicious pursuit, electric discharge, awakening power, and fast defense.

[Discharge: Attack all the elves around you with a dazzling electric shock.Sometimes paralyzed. 】

Solgaleo's level has not improved, and he has learned three skills: slap, slap, and hold.

The current Gu Yu, to a certain extent, is also following the same path as an ordinary trainer.

As the elf's strength becomes stronger, the elf's level increase gradually slows down.

It often takes a few months or even more than half a year to advance to one level.

Therefore, the focus has to be on learning skills.

Make more and more elves in the elves skill pool.

After all, the actual elf battle is definitely not won by simply relying on the level.

The number of skills, whether attributes are restrained, the gap in race value, the command of the trainer

Affecting the outcome of a battle 543 is multifaceted.

The more skills, the more types of opponents you can deal with.

And Solgaleo, the reason why he learned a little less skills is mainly because during the period of Chaomeng, it was really easy to learn!

【Super dream (super power)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV101 (God)]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, and greatly reduces the PP of the opponent's moves.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Immobilization, Mind Power, Mysterious Guardian, Instant Amnesia, Mental Blade, Mental Strong Mind, Power Swap, Defense Swap, Mental Smash, Self-Regeneration, Predicting the Future, High Speed, Magic, Meditation, Mind Hammer, Mental Field, Speed ​​Swap, Gravity, Mental Impact, High-Speed ​​Star, Wave Missile, Hold, Tile Split, Feature Swap, Mental Field, Wide Area Combat Strength, Sharp Stone Attack, Big Character Explosion, Earthquake, Frozen Beam, XNUMX Volts , Lightning Fist, Fire Fist, Frozen Fist, Shadow Clone, Kick Down, Iron Tail, Mind Shifting Object, Magic Space, Wonderful Space]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

How scary is the scroll king elf?

Almost two months to learn a full twenty skills!

While learning skills, he kept fighting with Solgaleo, Lucario, and Zeraora.

Although Chao Meng's level has not improved, his strength and combat experience have greatly improved compared to two months ago, not to mention the earth-shaking changes.


Pokekis, Minas, Little Lugia and other elves are playing in the clear lake water.


Little Lugia flew from mid-air to dive into the water, and then flew into the air again.

Cabbage lay in the lake, enjoying the coolness of the water.

After finishing today's training, Gu Yu took out a thirty centimeter long violet broken horn from his backpack.

To Pokkis: "Pokkis! Come here!".

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