In the game, mythical beasts are indeed genderless.

But in this world, Reshiram is a female dragon.

Gu Yu immediately agreed: "Yes!"

Reshiram's voice sounded again: "The Brave of Bird! Now that you have promised me!"

"I'm going to sleep in another place now!"

"The battle of gods is about to start, and the wounds from the last battle of gods have basically been healed."

"But now I need to continue to sleep so that I can return to my best state!"

Gu Yu asked, "Reshiram! Where are you going to sleep?"

"Come with me! Bird's hero!"

After speaking, Reshiram flapped his wings and continued to move forward.

Gu Yu rode behind Solgaleo.

Although only Dragon Dance can accelerate Reshiram, his speed is also extremely fast.

Under normal conditions, it has twice the speed of sound.

Under full flight, three times the speed of sound is not a problem.

Saying that Reshiram's speed is relatively slow is also compared with Solgaleo, who is also a divine beast, and the giant pincer mantis and other elves who broke through the XNUMXth level after MEGA's evolution, in the state of high-speed movement, super-speed and other skills.

One person and two elves quickly came to Yun Province under the high-speed flight.

In the end, Reshiram chose to sleep in the secret realm of Tengchong.

The volcano in Tengchong Secret Realm is one of the largest volcanic groups in Longguo, with a total of 97 volcanoes.

After the elves came, this place became the largest gathering place of fire elves in the Dragon Kingdom.

Reshiram came to the largest volcano in the secret realm of Tengchong.

"The Brave of Birds!"

"Wait for you to complete my mission! Come and find me when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, under Gu Yu's gaze, Reshiram slowly entered the lava and began to fall asleep.

Defeat Yuan Hanhai!

"It's just a win or loss of a private confrontation, and Reshiram will definitely not be satisfied!"

"If that's the case, then there's only one way left"

While thinking about it, Gu Yu immediately said, "Solgaleo! Let's leave!"


Solgaleo let out a low growl.

In the next instant, one person and one elf disappeared in place.

Although Yuan Hanhai used MEGA Bandera to divert the public's attention.

But the Neon Elf League lost a champion, the elites were heavy, and the capital was also affected by the earthquake.

This kind of thing is simply not something that a MEGA Bangira can suppress.

6 pm.

The Neon Elf League Champion is dead!

Press MEGA Bangira to the top of the Longguo Internet Hot Search List!

Longguo netizens are directly happy!

"I don't know why, but I'm so happy to see Neon Country unlucky!"

"I'm also very happy! Why don't you spray more on Mount Fuji from the rubbish in Neon Country?!"

"Spray more Mount Fuji!"

"The barbecue stall in front of my house is very happy! Thank you for the GDP sent by Nihong Guo Laotie!"


Most of Longguo netizens are watching the drama and adding joy.

However, there are too many people in the Dragon Kingdom.

There will always be some fools.

'Do you have any sympathy', 'This is a terrorist attack', 'Longguo people's remarks are supporting terrorist attacks', 'Longguo people must apologize'

Same for these idiots.

What Longguo netizens do is to go back directly.

'I don't have the quality', 'This statement is purely personal behavior and has nothing to do with the Dragon Kingdom', 'I am happy!Leave me alone? '


The golden afterglow of the setting sun dyed the clouds in the sky red.

Bangira and Kabimon are practicing Fire Fist together in the courtyard in front of the villa.


While explaining to Bangira, Kirbymon began to demonstrate.

The claws were covered with red flames.

Then suddenly punched forward.


Bangira nodded, expressing her understanding.


Bangira roared, and the fire energy began to converge on the claws.

Just when the red flame was about to form.

The fire-type energy shattered directly like a punctured balloon.

"Sauce sauce!"

The monarch snake on the side began to express his dissatisfaction.

The two elves contacted the flame fist, although it did not cause damage to the courtyard of the villa.

But the fire energy keeps gathering and burning.

The temperature naturally rises unavoidably.

For the monarch snake with twice the weak fire.

Perhaps it was strange that she could be happy!


Hearing Monarch Snake's complaint, Bangira scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Sauce sauce!"

Seeing Bangira's actions, Monarch Snake signaled Bangira not to care.

Then shake the snake body to enter the house.

Just then, a voice sounded.


The monarch snake stopped and looked up into the air.

The same goes for Bangira and Kabimon.

Under the gaze of the three elves.

Pokkis descended from the sky carrying Gu Yu!

"Kapimon! Monarch snake! Bangira! Long time no see!"



"Sauce sauce!"

The three elves were also very happy to see Gu Yu.

He came to Gu Yu and surrounded Gu Yu.


Kirby put Gu Yu in his arms.

The monarch snake kept rubbing against Gu Yu's cheek with its snake head.

Bangira then also wanted to give Gu Yu a loving hug.

"Kapimon! You're too hard!"

"Bangira! Stop!"

With Gu Yu's timely stop, he finally survived.

After being put down by the Kirby beast, Gu Yu also began to release the elves.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, Lucario, Minas, Zeraora

After all the elves appeared, Gu Yu took out the God Ball with Chaomeng and said to the crowd, "Next, I'll introduce you to a new partner!"





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