"Come on! Hu Di!"


Hu Di, who has the strength to be a champion after MEGA's evolution, heard Xia Pengyu's words and cast teleportation.

Appears beside Reshiram who just defeated the dragon.

Spiritual strength!

An invisible thought force went straight to Reshiram.


Accompanied by Reshiram's voice.

A huge white shield appeared before Reshiram.


A dull sound rang out, and the mental strength was blocked.

At this moment, the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis moved at a high speed and came straight towards Reshiram.

Split tiles!

The claws of the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis were covered with white light, and with a swipe, the right claws directly split the white shield formed by the defending skill.

The left claw then slashed towards Reshiram.


With the sound of Reshiram's whining, MEGA's left claw successfully hit Reshiram.

This is, in this battle.

Reshiram is injured for the first time!


Reshiram's angry voice sounded, and he directly used his exclusive skill, Qingyan!

[Blue flame: Wrap the opponent with beautiful and fierce blue flame to attack.Occasionally leaves opponents in a state of burns. 】

The blue flame radiated a dazzling light, covering the entire sky.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hanhai was instantly pale.

"Hurry up and find a place to hide!"

In fact, without Yuan Hanhai's reminder, everyone started looking for hiding places.

"Carry out digging!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Wonderful frog flower! Block it with guard!"


In the next instant, a group of blue flames, like a blue fire rain, completely enveloped the entire Mount Fuji!


The roar continued to sound, and the entire Mount Fuji instantly turned into a blue purgatory!

The earth is burning, the lava is burning, the trees are burning

The blue flame devoured everything!

The secret realm of Mount Fuji, no, it should be said that the temperature including Tokyo City has begun to rise rapidly!

Gently wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Mount Fuji in the distance.

Gu Yu said with emotion: "As expected of a first-level god, even Reshiram, who has a good temper, becomes so terrifying once provoked!"

"However, Yuan Hanhai and the others shouldn't die so easily!"

If it was an ordinary trainer, Gu Yu thought that ten lives would not be enough.

But Yuan Hanhai and others were different.

This kind of trainer standing at the top of the world, but also MEGA evolution.

It would be a joke if it was so easy to die.

Watching the blue flames on Mt. Fuji slowly go out.


Reshiram screamed, it seemed to be a police report, and it seemed to be the excitement after venting his anger!

Then, under Gu Yu's gaze, Reshiram flapped his wings and left Mount Fuji.

"Solgaleo! Catch up!"

Seeing this scene, a light flashed in Gu Yu's eyes, and he immediately ordered.


Solgaleo let out a low roar and cast teleportation directly.

In the next instant, one person and one elf disappeared into the secret realm of Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji.

By the time the blue flames were all extinguished, the entire Mount Fuji had become pitch black.


At this time, the ground on the mountainside suddenly cracked, and then an electric shock monster with half of its body scorched black emerged from the ground, and then Xia Pengyu followed closely.


Xia Pengyu knelt on the ground and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Although at the last moment, he avoided the attack of Reshiram's blue flame skill by using the digging skill of the electric monster.

But the air underground, after all, can't compare with the ground.

Xia Pengyu almost suffocated underground.


Accompanied by the sound of cracking on the ground, it continued to sound.

Yuan Hanhai, Su Tianhe and others drilled out of the ground one after another.

Yuan Hanhai took a deep breath of fresh air and glanced around.

Finding that Reshiram was gone, a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

"Alas! Forget it! And Zekrom!"

"However, I also underestimated Reshiram's strength this time!"

Su Tianhe, Xia Pengyu and others nodded solemnly when they heard Yuan Hanhai's words.

Just then, a voice sounded.

"You guys are the culprits that made the secret realm of Mount Fuji become like this!"

"Don't kill you with your own hands! It's not enough to vent my anger!"

When everyone heard the sound, they found a man wearing a black kimono and riding a crow head, flying towards them with dozens of trainers.

Neon Elf League!

Everyone in the Dragon Temple instantly knew the origin of this group of people!

Yuan Hanhai snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"A group of barbarians! Can't beat Reshiram! It's not difficult to kill a group of barbarians!".

Chapter 278 The Neon Elf Alliance was wiped out!See you at Reshiram!

Su Tianhe, Xia Pengyu and others nodded.

The battle with Reshiram takes place mostly in mid-air.

A spirit that cannot fly, it is difficult to even intervene.

Therefore, although the elves of the Dragon Temple were hit hard, they still had the strength to fight.

Yuan Hanhai took out a Poke Ball from his waist, and opened his mouth to the man in a black kimono in midair.

"Jiro Kuroyama, stay here forever today!"

Kuroyama Jiro!

Neon League Champions.

In terms of diplomatic status, it is equivalent to Fang Jianming, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom.

But it is not difficult to see from Yuan Hanhai's words.

Compared with Fang Jianming, his strength is not even a star.

Hearing Yuan Hanhai's words, Montenegro Jiro was stunned for a moment, and then felt inexplicably familiar.

"Who are you?!"

"I must have seen it before!"

"who are you?!"

"Go to heaven and ask God!"

Accompanied by Yuan Hanhai, a voice full of killing intent sounded.

A fierce bite land shark appeared in everyone's eyes.

Everyone in the Dragon Temple has a code name and a dragon-type quasi-god elf.

This is the outside world's perception of the Dragon Temple!

As the founder of the Dragon Temple, Yuan Hanhai could not have the quasi-god of the dragon system.

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