"Two months is enough to accomplish a lot of things for the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, which is backed by the country!"

"Now that this video is released, it shows that the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance has collected the keystones and MEGA evolution stones that have been collected."

"However, if according to Yuan Hanhai, thirty-one types are found, but only three are released."

Gu Yu felt familiar with this scene.

It seems that the news from Turkey and Australia was suppressed like this.

Press the news with bigger news!

Gu Yu guessed that the current video might have been inspired by Yuan Hanhai.

Until next time, the 503 Alliance will reveal a batch of elves that can evolve with MEGA.

The eyes of the entire Dragon Kingdom and the world were attracted, and naturally few people paid attention to what happened next in the secret realm of Mount Fuji.

Not surprisingly, this is a precursor to Yuan Hanhai's impending action.

2 month 17 day.

Gu Yu brought Shen Yuezhu back to the villa.

Immediately, Gu Yu was ready to set off for the Neon Country.

He himself is too famous, and he will definitely be noticed by the Neon Elf Alliance if he takes the normal route.

Therefore, Gu Yu chose to enter directly by air.

After explaining everything to Shen Yuezhu.

Gu Yu brought Solgaleo, Zeraora, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Nyomilong, Pokkis, Lucario, Minas and Little Lugia.

Ride on Solgaleo and embark on a journey to the Neon Country.

It is only 7 kilometers from Modu to Japan.

Although Gu Yu is not in the magic capital now, the overall distance will not exceed 2 kilometers.

For Solgaleo, who can fly at ten times the speed of sound, this is really nothing.

At 1 p.m. that day, Gu Yu found the city of Tokyo in Neon Country.

After finding the person in charge of the response arranged by Candice.

Overnight at the Hilton Hotel next to Shenghai Building in Tokyo.

Standing by the window, looking at the twenty-two-story high, splendid Shenghai Building.

I glanced again, only three streets away from the headquarters of the Neon Elf Alliance.

Gu Yu said to himself: "It seems that the situation may not be the same as what No. XNUMX said."

"It's too close!"


Not the same as being a fool!

The more dangerous the place the safer.

But from a certain point of view, the more dangerous the place, the easier it is to be exposed.

No. XNUMX knew that the base of the God Organization was in the capital of the Neon Kingdom.

Therefore, there are only two possibilities.

The first is that the Neon Elf Alliance is indeed lacking in strength.

Second, the Neon Elf Alliance is very clear that the base of the God Organization is here.

"Neon Country is nothing but an island country after all."

"No. XNUMX, as a native of the Dragon Kingdom, has the idea of ​​​​a kingdom of heaven, and it is normal to look down on the Neon Kingdom subconsciously."

"But a country cannot be all fools."

"Maybe the Neon Elf Alliance is also one of the collaborators of the God Organization!"

The more Gu Yu thought about it, the more he felt that it should be the latter.

However, Gu Yu also knew that as long as Yuan Hanhai and the others made a move.

The attention of the Neon Elf Alliance will definitely be attracted to the past.

Even if the two sides really cooperate, Gu Yu doesn't have to worry, the Neon Elf Alliance will help the gods organize to deal with him together.

Time passes day by day.

Gu Yu was in the Hilton Hotel, waiting for the upcoming battle.

3 month 1 day.

A piece of news that once again shocked the world!

Dragon Kingdom Alliance, released a video about the evolution of the quasi-god Bangira MEGA!

three minutes!

It only takes three minutes!

Bangira MEGA Evolution has become the No. XNUMX search list in Longguo Internet!

You know, although the MGEA evolution of the elves has been disclosed one after another before.

But whether it's Lucario, the Charizard or the Turtle

These sprites are just ordinary sprites.

It can only be said that it is very rare!

Quasi-God and Quasi-God are two different concepts!

Countless netizens also believe that there is no suspense in the battle for the strongest quasi-god.

"It's awesome! Except for being awesome! I don't even know what to say!"

"I declare! In the future, Bangira will be the strongest quasi-god!"

"Lucario's MEGA evolution can smash and freeze birds, but after Benjira's MEGA evolution, he can't smash Groudon?"

"Don't say it! I want to watch Yuan Tianwang's MEGA Bangira vs. Divine Beast!"

"Upstairs! What you said is exactly what I think now! I want to see it too!"


Seeing the heated discussion among netizens, Gu Yu came to the window and then looked at Mount Fuji not far away.

Mt. Fuji Mystery

Before the arrival of the elves, Mount Fuji was a famous scenic spot in the Neon Kingdom.

After the elves come, it becomes a secret realm, or in the official term of the Neon Kingdom, it is a restricted area.

The secret area of ​​Mount Fuji, with a total area of ​​about 2 square kilometers.

The highest mountain in the secret realm, Mount Fuji is close to 4 meters.

There are various environments such as volcanoes, rivers, and snow in the secret realm.

As a result, a large number of elves inhabit it.

Today, on Mount Fuji, there are five uninvited guests.

"let's start!"

Following Yuan Hanhai's order, the five began to wake up Laisilam, who was sleeping in the volcano!

The five immediately released their fire elves.

Duck-billed flame dragon, fire-breathing dragon and other elves entered the lava of Mount Fuji.

After a while, the entire Mount Fuji began to shake slightly.


Then a low, slightly angry voice came out from the lava.


The entire Mount Fuji began to shake violently!

The originally calm lava on the top of the mountain boiled instantly.

Countless lava exploded, like a tide, and began to spew around.

This is a precursor to a volcanic eruption! !

If it is an ordinary person, in the face of such a natural disaster, basically they can only close their eyes and wait to die.

However, Yuan Hanhai and others are trainers standing on the top of the world.

How could it be killed by a volcanic eruption?

The five released their own spirits and flew into the air.

Boom! ! !

A column of molten fire tens of meters high spewed out from Mount Fuji!

The secret place of Mount Fuji began to shake violently.


The ground is constantly cracking, and cracks several meters wide are constantly emerging on the ground!

Thick smoke from the volcanic eruption obscured the sky.





Countless elves living in the secret realm of Mount Fuji, seeing the eruption of the volcano, also began to flee.

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