【Ding!Ghost Stone evolves into Gengar! 】

At the moment when the system prompt sounded, a dazzling white light bloomed from Ghost Stone.

Ghost Stone's form begins to change!

The silhouette of the ghost stone in the white light continues to expand, eventually approaching 1,7 meters.

When the white light dissipated, the big purple fat Geng Gui appeared in front of Gu Yu!


The evolved Gengar, shouting happily.

Floating to Gu Yu's side, sticking out his tongue to lick Gu Yu's cheek.

At this time, Geng Gui's message also appeared in Gu Yu's eyes.

【Gengar (Ghost) (Poison)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV50 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Floating (floats from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves.)]

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Strange Light, Tongue Licking, Hypnosis, Black Eyes, Retaliation, Curse, Shadow Ball, Poison Strike, Dark Shadow, Venom Blast, Misfortune Comes Alone, Raid, Shadow Fist, Spiritual Strong Mind, Sludge Bomb, Poison Strike , Ghost Face, Hold, Fire Fist, Shadow Ball, Thunder Fist, Sludge Bomb, Hold, Resentment, Curse, Same Life, Shadow Claw Farmer]

[Carrying item: Amulet of Curse]

[Potential: Champion]

Relying on the effects of ghost potion and cocoon breaking evolution, Gengar became a quasi-king-level elf!


At this moment, Bangira's slightly hostile voice sounded in the courtyard.

Gu Yu took Geng Gui and walked quickly through the villa, and then a woman exuding infinite charm entered Gu Yu's line of sight! .

Chapter 269 The Archbishop's Gift! MEGA Bangira!

Zhejiang University.

In front of Villa 23.

Bangira looked at Candice outside the door with a wary expression.

His eyes were fixed on Candice's shadow.

From Candice's shadow, Bangira sensed danger!

Candice looked at Bangira with a smile, and there was a hint of shock in her eyes!

"What a keen insight!"

"I can't find the Gengar in my shadow before I'm a king!"

"The last time I came here, even Shakira didn't evolve, but now it has evolved into Bangira!"

At this moment, Candice also saw Gu Yu walking out of the villa, and the corner of her mouth curved even more.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon! Gu Yu!"

In the battle of Mount Everest, although the two did not talk, they also met face to face.

Less than a week later, the two met again.

"Yeah! Teacher Candice! See you again so soon!"

Knowing that Candice was here to give her props and resources, Gu Yu, who was in a good mood, also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Bangira! She is not the enemy!"


Hearing Gu Yu's words, Bangira nodded, and then made way for Candice.

Passing through the courtyard in front of the villa, Candice walked into the villa with a black suitcase.

The guest of honor is seated separately.


Before Candice spoke, Gengar's voice came from Candice's shadow.

Then another big purple fat man appeared in the house.

When the two Gengars saw their own kin, they immediately began a friendly conversation.




Gu Yu didn't care about the behavior of the two Gengars, but turned to look at Candice.

"Bring what I want!"

"Of course!"

Saying that, Candice opened the black suitcase.

The contents inside appeared in front of Gu Yu's eyes instantly.

A cyan fragment the size of a bowling ball.

A metal fragment the size of a human head 493.

And more than ten gems of different colors.

Candice's voice sounded again.

"Originally, this time it should bring you more."

"However, I have just officially become the archbishop of the God Organization, and I need to raise my strength to the championship level as soon as possible."

"So it has consumed a lot of precious props, and I can only send these to you at present."

"After a while, I will find some more props from bases all over the world, and then send them over to you." Candice explained to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu nodded, expressing understanding.

In the world of trainers, after all, it depends on strength.

As the archbishop of the God Organization, Candice prioritizes improving her strength to protect herself, which is normal.

Seeing Gu Yu nodding, Candice breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She was worried that Gu Yu would be dissatisfied because of it.

Immediately, he began to introduce to Gu Yu: "This piece of blue minced meat comes from Lie Kongzai. It contains the energy of flight and dragon, which can be absorbed by elves of these two attributes!"

[Shards of Lie Kongzai: The fragments of Lie Kongzai that were shattered due to the war, contain dragon-type and flight-type energy, and can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】

First-class god!

Lie empty seat!

Lie Kongzai is a flying dragon, and most of his body is green.

It has red-edged, rudder-like flanks at the shoulders and under the body.

There are also similar-looking fins on the tip of the tail.

Lie Kongzai's body is surrounded by a yellow ring pattern, and there is also such a yellow ring on the top of his head.

It has two limbs with three-clawed wrists.

The head has two long, flat horn-like structures with two smaller horns below it.

Because, in the animation, MEGA's evolved flashing Lie Kongzai once fought seven first-level gods with one enemy and seven fierce battles.

Therefore, many netizens believe that Lie Kongzai is the strongest beast under the 'creation god' Arceus.

Of course, this strongest is debatable.

Ultimate Necrozma, Promise Tina

These terrifying elves are qualified to compete for the strongest.

But you can also see the power of Lie Kongzai from here!

The value of the props left by the elves naturally goes without saying!

"The other piece is the fragment of Sidoran, which contains fire and steel energy, which can be absorbed by elves of these two attributes."

[Shards of Sidoran: The fragments of Sidoran that shattered due to the war contain fire and steel energy, which can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】

The Sidolane is a reddish-brown elf.

The shape is similar to that of a turtle.The torso has a mixture of brown and orange spots, and the legs have structures resembling metal anklets.

There are four claws on each foot, arranged in a cross.

The dark side of the body is gray, the face is covered by a gray protective structure, and the eyes are orange-red.

Sidolane is a second-level god among the divine beasts!

Although not as good as a first-level god, his strength is also outstanding among second-level gods.

Candice said again: "The rest are more than a dozen evolutionary stones of various kinds. If you need more funds, I am sending them to you."

Gu Yu nodded and thought to himself.

"These dozen evolution stones are worth at least 1.5 million. If you don't buy props, you won't have to worry about money in the short term."

"But Bangira, Solgaleo, and Little Lugia are currently not carrying any props."

On the surface, Gu Yu said calmly: "If you need more funds, I will ask you for it."

Candice stared at Gu Yu with charming eyes, with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Then, should you show me the secret of your Lucario's brief evolution?"

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