
Solgaleo nodded.


Solgaleo and Gu Yu disappeared instantly.

Then appeared by the swimming pool of Villa 23.

Gu Yu released the elves from the Poké Ball and immediately began to prepare dinner for the elves.

Ding Dong!

Hearing the doorbell rang, Gu Yu walked to the gate to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Gu Yu saw Ye Mengyao who was smiling.

"Gu Yu, I have good news to tell you!"

"What good news?" Gu Yu asked curiously.

"My fangtooth shark has finally evolved!"

With that said, Ye Mengyao took out the Poke Ball.

With a flash of red light, a 2.1-meter-tall Bite Lu shark appeared in front of Gu Yu.


Lie Bite Lu Shark roared and started to say hello to Gu Yu.

"Hello! Bite Lu Shark fiercely!"

As he said that, the message of biting Lu Shark appeared in Gu Yu's eyes.

[Bite Land Shark (Dragon) (Ground)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV56 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Rough skin (when attacked, the opponent who touches himself with rough skin is injured)]

[Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Attack Speed, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Crash, Dragon Breath, Sand Splashing, Heavy Treading, High Speed ​​Star, Mount Taishan, Stand-in, Bite, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Digging, Double Chopping, Rock Crash, Ghost Face, Reverse Scale, Sandstorm, Iron Tail, Quicksand Inferno, Dragon Wave, Earth Force, Sharp Stone Attack, Invisible Rock, Iron Head, Hold On, Jet Fire, Shadow Claw, Slam, Mud Shot, Stomp, Sword Dance, Destructive Death Light, Poison Strike, Big Character Blast , high-speed star, hold, hard support, tile split, rock blockade, flame tooth, shadow claw, tide whirl, wild swing, wide area destruction, scale shot, meteor group]

[Carrying item: Dragon's Tooth]

[Potential: Champion]

This year, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao are already third year students.

But now the fangtooth land shark has evolved into a fierce biting land shark.

You know, this is because Ye Mengyao has Ye Hongyi and the Ye family behind her.

There is no shortage of resources such as dragon blood fruit.

From this, it is conceivable that the normal dragon-type elves have a speed of 490.

Just as Gu Yu was about to speak, a voice rang out at this moment.


Bangira's voice is a little small, and after evolution, various trainings are added.

Now Bangira is obviously hungry!

Seeing Bangira, Ye Mengyao was stunned for a moment, then her eyes were full of shock, and at the same time there was a hint of disbelief!

"Gu Yu, your Shakira has evolved?!"

Gu Yu nodded: "Shakira, like your fangtooth land shark, evolved to its final form today."

Hearing Gu Yu's answer, Ye Mengyao's voice was full of emotion.

"Gu Yu, the speed at which your elf grows stronger is really fast and a bit outrageous!"

Young Kiras was hatched by Ye Mengyao watching.

It was only a few days and only a year away from the birth of Young Kiras.

Young Kiras has evolved into Bangira.

The round land shark took almost three years.

"Luck! It's all luck!"

Gu Yu can't always say that he really relied on resources to smash it out, right?

Dianci's fractured diamond, Zekrom's horn crown, Reggisru's energy core

Any item can easily be sold for more than XNUMX million yuan.

And many things are priceless.

It belongs to the rare props that use one less piece.

Ye Mengyao stared at Gu Yu for a closer look, and said with emotion, "You are indeed the son of God!"

"I have parents! Don't talk nonsense about this!"

While chatting, the two began to prepare dinner for the elves.

At this time, Shen Yuezhu also returned with Ye Mengyao's Chenglong and Water Arrow Turtle.

Today, Shen Yuezhu helped Ye Mengyao's two elves, and they trained all afternoon.

When the elves are cooking.


Gu Yu's cell phone rang, and seeing that it was Xia Pengyu, Gu Yu answered the phone.

"Gu Yu, where are you now?"

"I have dinner with Mengyao and the others at home."

"What you want has arrived, you can take time to get it!"

Hearing Xia Pengyu's words, Gu Yu's face showed a trace of expectation.

"it is good!"

"Then I will go to your office tomorrow morning to get it!".

Chapter 268 Evolution!Gengar!Union Thank You!

12 month 5 day.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight illuminated the entire Zhejiang University.

In Villa 23.

Gu Yu was still sleeping.

To the left of the pillow is a huddled fairy elf.

Below the Fairy Elf is Zeraora.

The wind speed dog was lying beside Gu Yu's bed.

Ghost Stone, as usual, floated above the table to rest.

The room on the second floor of the villa has been cleaned up by Gu Yu.

It is now Solgaleo and Lucario's room.

The first floor of the villa.

Pokkis took little Lugia to rest on the sofa.

In the courtyard in front of the villa.

In addition to Kirby and Monarch Snake, a third elf has moved in.


The addition of Bangira made the small courtyard even more crowded.

In the pool behind the villa.

The good sisters, Minas and Nianmeilong, are resting in the pool.

Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful!


The alarm sound of the mobile phone woke Gu Yu from his sleep.

Fairies, Zeraora and other elves also woke up from their sleep.

"good morning everyone!"





The elves also responded to Gu Yu.

After a simple wash, Gu Yu began to prepare breakfast for the elves.

Looking at the elves doing the cooking, Gu Yu immediately began to revise the elves' diet formula.

"Bangira's energy cube is still left over from the Shakira period."

"Wait to order some power cubes for Bangira."

"Bangira is practicing flaming teeth recently, and the recipe adds chocolate to increase the elf's fire energy."

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