The secrets of the Himalayas.

Gu Yu took Xia Pengyu and No. XNUMX and just left Mount Everest.


The explosion of the battle sounded instantly.

After Gu Yu, the big threat, left, the group headed by Archbishop Sen Luo launched a siege against Fang Jianming and others.

Fang Jianming is also worthy of being the champion of the Dragon Kingdom. He used his own power to block Archbishop Senluo, the leader of the World Tree, Kevin Gasol, and the leader of the Ganges Organization, Tama.

Of course, there is a reason why Frozen Bird and Gu Yu defeated the elves of several people.

But it can also be seen that the trainer standing on the top of the Dragon Kingdom is terrifying!

After the three of Gu Yu left, they came to find an ice cave.

The three came to the ice cave.

Xia Pengyu said with emotion: "This time, it's really thanks to you, otherwise I would have died without a place to die!"

No. XNUMX looked at Gu Yu who was wearing snow goggles, and his eyes were full of admiration!

"Boss No. XNUMX! I adore you so much!"

"Defeat the frozen beast one-on-one!"

"Shoot all the champions and king-level trainers on the scene with your own power!"

"It's really domineering!"

Gu Yu ignored No. XNUMX and said to Xia Pengyu, "No. XNUMX, let your Hudi take you and No. XNUMX to leave first!"

Satellites are able to shoot, but have no see-through capabilities.

The three of them are now in the cave, and satellites cannot photograph them.

After instantly moving to another place, remove the disguise.

Satellites can't track a few people.

A trace of doubt flashed in Xia Pengyu's eyes, and he asked, "No. XNUMX, are you leaving?"

Then Xia Pengyu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

"Number XNUMX, don't you want to be equal to Number XNUMX?!"

Considering that No. XNUMX did not know, the grievances between Gu Yu and Yuan Hanhai.

Xia Pengyu temporarily changed his tune.

Gu Yu knew that Xia Pengyu had misunderstood what he meant.

He wanted to settle his grievances with Yuan Hanhai, and he would not choose to kill him now.

Killing Yuan Hanhai now and making him a hero might be a good result for Yuan Hanhai.

And to avenge a person, the best way is not necessarily to end his life.

Such as destroying his life's efforts!

For many people, this pain is more terrifying than death!

"I'm not waiting for the number one, it's my own business that's not finished, you all go first!"

Hearing Gu Yu's answer, Xia Pengyu felt relieved.

After releasing Hu Di, he spoke again: "The eighth, be careful yourself in the secret realm of the Himalayas!"

No. XNUMX also waved goodbye: "Boss No. XNUMX! Goodbye, I recently moved my home to the magic capital, come and play with me if you have time!"


Hu Di and the two disappeared into the ice cave in an instant.

Seeing the two leave, Gu Yu also released Solgaleo.

"Solgaleo, do you remember Candice?"


Solgaleo nodded.

"Go protect her, if she is in danger, save her, and try not to expose yourself."

Candice has now taken the seat of the Archbishop of the God Organization.

Archbishop Sen Luo is too old, and if he is injured in this battle, he may not be able to return to Australia.

Although the divine organization will inevitably decline, what does this have to do with Gu Yu?

All he wants is the resource support of the divine organization!

As long as Candice is not dead, the resources of the God Organization will naturally flow into his hands.


Solgaleo let out a low growl to show his understanding.

Then cast teleportation and instantly disappear in place.




The explosion of the fierce battle continued to sound in the secret realm of the Himalayas.

Solgaleo appeared three hours later.

After confirming that Candice had left safely, Gu Yu also asked Solgaleo to teleport to take him away.

The battle for Mount Everest is over!

In this battle, after saving Xia Pengyu, Gu Yu defeated the mythical beast Frozen Bird.

Dragon Kingdom champion Fang Jianming faced off against three champion trainers alone.

And wounded Archbishop Senra of the God Organization.

Yuan Hanhai killed four Heavenly King-level trainers.

This battle has left a lot of legendary stories that people are talking about!

12 month 3 day.

The whole world is in a frenzy!

Because, on this day, the official Dragon Kingdom Alliance announced many conversations in battle.

Dragon Temple!

Number eight!

These two names are the most frequently mentioned.

Dragon Temple masters the special evolution method of elves!

It even went straight to the top of the Longguo Internet Hot Search List, which sparked heated discussions among countless netizens!

"This Dragon Temple is a bit mysterious! Just listen to the popular science, saying that each of them has a code name and a dragon-type quasi-god elf!"

"It feels like an adventurous organization to pursue the mythical beasts Reshiram and Zekrom!"

"I don't know who this No. XNUMX is. I only heard that the official said that it is from the Dragon Kingdom. I wonder if the No. XNUMX boss can explain how Lucario evolved?"


At this time, Gu Yu was on his way to the airport.



Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, and realizing that it was the Dragon Chat APP, Gu Yu immediately opened the chat group of the Dragon Temple.

"No. XNUMX: @No. XNUMX, big guy! You're crazy now!"

"No. XNUMX: @No. XNUMX, the whole world is talking about Dragon Temple and No. XNUMX! This is the first time the Dragon Temple is so beautiful!"

"No. XNUMX: The prestige and domineering of the boss of No. XNUMX, you haven't seen it with your own eyes!"

"No. XNUMX: 'Of course, you can also make a move together!' The audience was instantly shocked!"

"No. XNUMX: Facing the champion Fang Jianming, the boss of No. XNUMX said 'God organization?! They are also worthy?!', did you not see how ugly the face of Sen Luo is!"

"No. XNUMX: Awesome! Just listening to this sentence, I feel the domineering overflowing the screen!"

"No. XNUMX: Too strong! As expected of the big guy who can defeat Frozen Bird!"

"No. XNUMX: @No. XNUMX, boss No. XNUMX, can you share how to make Lucario evolve briefly?"

"No. XNUMX: Big Boss No. XNUMX! I want to know too!"

"No. XNUMX: Boss No. XNUMX! I want to know too!"


Looking at the group of friends who changed the repeater in seconds, Gu Yu didn't know what to say.

"Sure enough! Even a king-level trainer will become a sand sculpture netizen as long as he surfs the Internet?"

Just when Gu Yu was about to reply.

"Number XNUMX: Number XNUMX! I also want to know about the short-term evolution!"

"Number XNUMX: The Alliance has begun to use all its power to find you and know the secret of Lucario's evolution!"

"No. XNUMX: The value of this evolution is too great, you can't keep it alone."

"No. XNUMX: My opinion is that you tell the secret of evolution, and I, as a middleman, exchange some benefits for you with the alliance."

Seeing Yuan Hanhai's words, Gu Yu had no surprise on his face.

The value of MEGA evolution is too great!

Enough to make ordinary elves fight against divine beasts!

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