The frozen bird in mid-air suddenly fell to the ground.

MEGA Lucario is close behind!

Firelight and thick smoke drowned out the figures of the two elves again.




Only the sound of explosions and the trembling Mount Everest.

Telling everyone how fierce this battle is!

Fang Jianming, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, looked at the battlefield surrounded by firelight and thick smoke, his eyes full of anticipation.

"The evolved Lucario should not be a divine beast!"

"In addition to the battle between the beasts, in a one-on-one situation, no trainer or elves can defeat the real beasts!"

"If this Lucario really does it, then this is an unprecedented record!"

Unprecedented record!

Hearing Fang Jianming's words, the eyes of many Heavenly King-level trainers on the side showed shock!

Only divine beasts that break through the XNUMXth level can be regarded as real divine beasts.

Ordinary elves, even quasi-gods, have a level cap of level 1.

In this case, naturally it does not occur.

A level 1 common elf, single-handedly defeats a divine beast with a level higher than level XNUMX.

But the beast is not without defeat.

When the divine organization captured the divine beast before, it relied on the combined efforts of many people to besiege and beat the divine beast to a coma more than once.

But sieges are not one-on-one!

As long as MEGA Lucario can defeat the Frozen Bird, it will be the first case since the arrival of the elves!

Boom! ! !

Another huge crash sounded.

Click! ! !

Countless cracks spread rapidly from the mountainside of Mount Everest to the entire mountain, and at the same time produced violent shaking.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Mount Everest seemed to be a piece of cracked porcelain.

Countless rocks mixed with huge ice cubes are constantly rolling down from the top of Mount Everest.

There seems to be a risk of collapse at any time!



With the roar of the two elves, it came from Mount Everest.

The two elves also launched the final battle!

The ultimate shock!

[Ultimate Impact: Use all of your strength to attack your opponent.You will not be able to move the next turn. 】

A dazzling white light emerged from the surface of the frozen bird, and countless ordinary energies wrapped the frozen bird.

Through the crack on the mountain, you can see a frozen bird like a white meteor, crashing into MEGA Lucario!

Ironshoe light!

[Iron hoof light: The steel condensed from the whole body will be transformed into a beam of light, and it will be launched violently.You will also be hurt. 】

The energy of the steel system converges between the claws of MEGA Lucario.

Then a man-height radiance radiating metallic brilliance went straight to the Frozen Bird that performed the ultimate impact!

Boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded from Mount Everest, and the flames generated by the explosion were mixed with rocks, ice cubes, and snowflakes, and sputtered all around!

The entire Mount Everest, as if it was cut in half by a sword, the entire mountain became crumbling.

It seems that there is a possibility of a complete collapse at any time!

The air waves generated by the explosion blew Gu Yu's clothes loudly.

After a while, everything was quiet.

When the fire and smoke from the explosion dissipated, the entire battlefield appeared in everyone's eyes.

On the mountainside originally covered with snow and ice, there was a huge deep pit of tens of thousands of square meters and a depth of nearly XNUMX meters.

In the deep pit is a piece of charred black, and there are dense ravines of various sizes.

On one side of the deep pit, there is a huge black hole.


This hole was where the two elves had their final battle just now!

Everyone watching the battle on the spot stared at the pitch-black hole, and the voices of discussion kept ringing!

"This battle is too fierce! From the sky to the ground, and then to the mountains!"

"Mount Everest is already crumbling! If this continues, the entire Mount Everest will be destroyed!"

"I don't know who can win the final victory? I feel like a frozen bird. After all, this is a divine beast!"

"It's hard to say! Lucario's evolved strength is simply unbelievable!"


The viewers who are watching the live broadcast online directly use the bullet screen to paralyze one server after another!

"It's awesome! I really don't know what to say other than being awesome!"

"The evolved Lucario is too strong! Mount Everest is about to explode!"

"Handsome and strong 470! I also want to conquer a Lucario like this!"

"Why are there so many people daydreaming recently? Do you think such an elves can be easily conquered?!"


The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

At this time, it was dead silent, and all the staff, including the three heavenly kings, were staring at the big screen!

They are all looking forward to it!

Looking forward to the outcome of this battle!

Mount Everest.

Archbishop Senluo's eyes were fixed on the pitch-black hole, and his old face was full of solemnity.

His hand involuntarily touched the Poké Ball at his waist.

Seems ready to go any time.

"No matter which elf wins, both will lose in the end!"

"The opportunity to capture the frozen bird will come!"

While thinking about it, Archbishop Senluo looked at Fang Jianming and the others not far away.

Because Fang Jianming and others did not deliberately conceal their whereabouts, they have been noticed by Archbishop Senluo and others.

Fang Jianming also reminded at this time: "Sen Luo guys, it is estimated that they will start!"

"Everyone get ready!"

Hearing Fang Jianming's order, Yuan Hanhai and the other Heavenly King-level trainers showed solemn expressions on their faces.

For a time, gunpowder smoke spreads again above Mount Everest!

A new battle is about to break out!

Yuan Hanhai, who was standing beside Gu Yu, stared at the dark entrance of the hole with a worried look in his eyes.

"Number XNUMX, can your Lucario defeat the Frozen Bird?!"

"You'll know the result right away!"

Gu Yu's low voice just fell, and a footstep sounded.


The footsteps were not loud, but at this time they were extremely loud!

Fang Jianming, Archbishop Senluo, Candice, Yuan Hanhai and others all looked at the pitch-black hole.

After a while, the scarred MEGA Lucario appeared in everyone's eyes.

And everyone's eyes are focused on MEGA Lucario's right paw.

On MEGA Lucario's right paw, he was holding a long blue tail that looked like a bunting flag!

The owner of the blue tail is the frozen bird! !

The whole world is in an instant sensation! ! ! .

Chapter 263 Domineering!Shock the audience! ! !Incredible king!

When the scarred MEGA Lucario came out of the dark hole holding the tail of the frozen bird.

The whole world was a sensation, and one server after another started to go down.

In a short time, the servers of hundreds of websites were collectively paralyzed!

And the number is still increasing, all because of the crazy barrage of the audience!

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