【Frozen Bird (Ice) (Flight)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV106 (God)]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, greatly reducing the PP of his moves.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Wind, White Mist, Fine Snow, Reflective Wall, Boulders, Primal Power, Freeze Drying, Feather Perched, Frozen Beam, Hail, Storm, Eye of the Heart, Blizzard, Absolute Zero, Flying, Frozen Beam, Blizzard , Destruction of Death Light, High Speed ​​Star, Sleep, Frozen Wind, Steel Wing, Mystic Guardian, Sleep Talk, Snoring, Hail, Weather Ball, Divine Bird Slam, Ultimate Blast, Ice Pick, Avalanche, Storm, Rain, Hold on, Clear Thick Fog, Aurora Screen, Ice Breath, Water Fluctuation, Tailwind, Hold, Swallow Return, Wings]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

Although this frozen bird is a divine beast, like a wild elf, it has not been trained, and the skills it has mastered are still relatively small compared to its level.

But in terms of strength, this frozen bird should have seen the strongest elf under the first-level god Gu Yu!

Regilock's level is not as good as this frozen bird, and he can't fly and is not fast enough.

The flame bird is sleeping, and its level is not as good as the frozen bird.

Being watched by the frozen bird, Xia Pengyu instantly felt cold and sweating.

And Gu Yu's low voice sounded again.

"Pokkis! Lucario! Fight in another place!"


Pokkis shouted and took Gu Yu directly towards the foot of Mount Everest.


Lucario shouted and jumped off the fast dragon's back.

Quickly start moving downhill with the help of raised rocks or ice crystals on the peak.

Lucario's speed is fast enough.

But being fast and being able to fly are two different things.

In mid-air, close to the top of Mount Everest, fighting a frozen bird is obviously not a good choice.

"Quick Dragon! Keep up with them!" Xia Pengyu hurriedly ordered Quick Dragon to follow.


The fast dragon shouted, and then cast a high-speed movement, followed by Pokkis.

Seeing this, Frozen Bird also moved at high speed and started chasing Gu Yu from behind.


Upon seeing this, Archbishop Sen Luo immediately ordered.

Bishop Loki, Candice and others followed closely behind, catching up with Frozen Bird, Gu Yu and others.

Soon everyone came to the mountainside of Mount Everest.

Xia Pengyu looked at Archbishop Senluo, Candice and the others who were far apart.

He whispered to Gu Yu who was beside him.

"Number eight, let's leave first!"

"These people are obviously trying to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"


The cry of the frozen bird sounded, and the red eyes stared at Gu Yu and Lucario in front of him.

The smell of gunpowder was already spreading in the air.

The battle is about to begin!

Gu Yu glanced at Archbishop Senluo and the others not far away, and then looked at the frozen bird in front of him.

"It's just that I want to leave. It seems that this frozen bird holding a grudge doesn't want me to leave!"

"However, this frozen bird seems to have forgotten one thing!"


Xia Pengyu looked at Gu Yu with a confused expression.

He really didn't understand the meaning of Gu Yu's words.

And Gu Yu immediately answered Xia Pengyu.

"A down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken!"

"How much stronger can the injured Frozen Bird be than the down-and-out Phoenix?"

While speaking, Gu Yu activated the energy of the keystone in his hand.

Pink energy emanates from the keystone.


Lucario shouted, and the energy of the MEGA Evolution Stone was also activated.

The moment when the keystone and the MEGA evolution stone resonate.

Lucario was surrounded by a burst of pink light, and there was a faint colorful glow on top of the pink light.


Aware of the bad frozen bird, it directly casts high-speed movement.

The next moment, the frozen bird disappeared in place.

Steel wings!

Frozen bird wings are covered in metallic color.

Like two sharp blades, they attack Lucario, who is evolving in MEGA!

clang! ! !

The sound like the collision of swords sounded, echoing on Mount Everest.

With a click, cracks appeared under Lucario's feet, and the ground began to shake.


Lucario successfully blocked Frozen Bird's steel wings!

Then under the gaze of Archbishop Senro and others and the audience watching the live broadcast.

The pink light on Lucario's body dissipated.

Cream-colored hair, growing again, like a suit of armor.

The claws and soles of the feet turned red, and short spines grew on the soles of the feet.

The majestic MEGA Lucario!

Appeared in the eyes of the audience and all the audience!

The entire Dragon Kingdom fell into a dead silence in an instant! ! !Of.

Chapter 261 Shock the world! ! ! MEGA Lucario vs. Frozen Bird!

Archbishop Senluo, Bishop Loki and others, after seeing MEGA Lucario, the expressions on their faces instantly froze.

With his mouth wide open, looking at MEGA Lucario is full of shock and disbelief!

The battlefield on the mountainside.

MEGA Lucario casts an iron wall, and his left arm is covered in metallic color.

Blocked Frozen Bird's Steel Wing skill.


With the sound of MEGA Lucario's voice, he started attacking directly.

Spiritual strength!

An invisible spiritual force went straight to the frozen bird.

The distance between the two elves was less than one meter, and this distance was unavoidable for the frozen bird.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the Frozen Bird was hit by MEGA Lucario again like a cannonball!

Boom! ! !

A huge sound echoed above Mount Everest, the ice layer was directly penetrated, and the ice crystals splashed with gravel!

Frozen Bird strikes MEGA Lucario into Mount Everest again!

Archbishop Senluo, Bishop Loki, and others also came to their senses at this time, and the voices of discussion sounded on Mount Everest in an instant!

"Am I right?! Lucario has evolved again?!"

"You read that right! I also saw that Lucario has evolved again!"

"What the hell is going on?! Lucario can continue to evolve?!"

"Lucario's evolved strength is simply unbelievable! One blow will knock the frozen bird flying!"


Fang Jianming, Yuan Hanhai and the others came riding on the frozen bird.

See this scene where Lucario MEGA evolves and knocks down the frozen bird.

In an instant, he was dumbfounded.

Fang Jianming's eyes widened in disbelief, and his voice was full of surprise and amazement.

"This is the first time I know that Lucario can continue to evolve!"

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