Who are you? !

my son? !

The leader of Lucario felt the waveguide coming from Lucario in front of him, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He remembered his son, and it should have been a few years since he was born.

How is the strength so strong? !

But the waveguide is simply impossible to camouflage!


Father, I am indeed your son!


Me and my trainer, and my companions, came to the Himalayan secret!


Don't worry about you and your clan, we are not enemies!

Lucario started to explain to his father.

The leader of Lucario turned to look at Solgaleo on the side and Gu Yu on him.


Solgaleo gave Lucario a face and reluctantly said hello.


The leader of Lucario responded, then looked up at Gu Yu.

"Hello! Lucario!"

Hearing Gu Yu's voice, the leader of Lucario also responded.




Thank you for taking care of my son!

And raised him so well!

Although Gu Yu could not understand the words of the leader of Lucario, he could guess that Lucario should be polite to him.

After finishing speaking, the leader of Lucario turned to look at the tribe.


Don't worry, it's not the enemy!


Get your food out and get ready to entertain your guests!

Just when Gu Yu was entertained by the Lucario family.

Lhasa city.


The plane that Dragon Champion Fang Jianming and Tian Wang Yuan Hanhai were on landed.

Chapter 259 The most searched first!National broadcast!Frozen birds are terrible!


The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Lin Yan was sitting at the headquarters, and the staff of the alliance were rapidly adjusting the angle of the satellites in the sky.


The figure of the frozen bird appeared on the big screen of the headquarters.

In the picture, a huge blue bird appears on the top of Mount Everest.

It is the beast frozen bird!

The frozen bird is a large bird sprite with beautiful blue feathers and wings that are said to be made of ice.

It has a crown of three dark blue prismatic feathers on its head and red eyes.

Its beak is short and gray, the same color as its long, slender legs.

It has a long, bunting-like tail that is longer than the body of the frozen bird and is the same color as the crest.

Lin Yan watched Frozen Bird appear on the screen, and a dignified expression appeared on his face.

It seems that the smoke of the war has begun to diffuse.

"Next, keep an eye out for frozen birds, 24 hours a day!"

"Once you discover the actions of the God Organization, report it to me or Yan Tianwang immediately!"

"Yes! King Lin!"

Nanga Bawa Peak.

Halfway up the mountain.

The bonfire has been lit.

Lucario sat by the bonfire with his father's clan and started talking.

Solgaleo, Minas, Wind Speed ​​Dog and other elves were also released by Gu Yu.

Several elves were also warmly received by the Lucario clan.

The leader of Lucario sent a lot of fruit.

After eating the energy cube prepared by Shuguo and Gu Yu.

Gu Yu and the elves were arranged by the leader Lucario to spend the night in the cave.

The wind speed dog was lying on the ground, and Gu Yu leaned on the wind speed dog.

Zeraola came to Gu Yu's left side, and Little Lugia was lying on Gu Yu's right side.

Lucario chose to rest with his parents.

12 month 2 day.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight cut through the night sky, illuminating the secret realm of the Himalayas.

Gu Yu was still sleeping.

Boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, which woke Gu Yu from his sleep.

"What happened?!" Gu Yu, who had just woken up, instantly realized that something big had happened.

Boom! ! 450!


Accompanied by the second explosion, a crisp and full of angry birdsong followed!

"God organized these guys to do it!"

"The date is different from what Candice said. Did you temporarily change the plan?"

Gu Yu, who realized what happened, immediately got up and went to Mount Everest.

Lhasa city.

Fang Jianming and Yuan Hanhai both had serious expressions.

They never thought that the organization of God would start it so quickly! .

After gathering all the personnel, Fang Jianming took the lead in releasing his own elf frozen bird.

"Let's go! This time, God must not let the gods organize this group of young people to spread wild in the Dragon Kingdom!"

Everyone nodded one after another, then rode on the flying elves with Fang Jianming and went straight to the secret realm of the Himalayas.

The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

On the big screen at the scene, the God Organization has begun to besiege the frozen bird.

Throw flames!

Big character explosion!

Hot air!

Dozens of fire-type elves, all released fire-type skills to attack the frozen bird.

In an instant, the entire sky turned red.

The snow on Mount Everest also began to melt rapidly.

Steel wings!

Bullet Punch!

Cannon Cannon!

The flying elves in mid-air also began to attack the frozen bird.

Although because of the satellite, everyone could not hear the sound.

But everyone can feel the intensity of this battle!

Many staff members were stunned in place, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Lin Yan, the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom, also had a solemn expression on his face at this time.

He is well aware of such an attack.

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