Lucario's right foot, covered in red flames, kicked directly at the Geometric Snowflake Boss.

Geometric Snowflake Boss didn't have time to dodge!


With the screams of the geometric snowflake leader, he was directly kicked by Lucario.

With a bang, the geometric snowflake leader slammed hard on the ice.



Seeing the leader being kicked away, Geometric Snowflakes also shot at Lucario and Gu Yu.


Freezing Beam!

Frozen Wind!

Many skills flew towards one person and two elves.

"Solgaleo! Hold on!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, a huge white shield suddenly appeared in front of Solgaleo.


All attacks were blocked by Solgaleo, and there were not even cracks on the surface of the white shield.

It was just an ice-based skill. When hitting the white shield, a thick layer of ice was instantly formed, blocking Gu Yu's sight.

In Gu Yu's ears, the system's prompt sound kept ringing.

【Ding!Lucario defeated the Geometric Snowflake Boss and gained 2 experience points! 】

【Ding!Lucario defeats the geometric snowflake and gains 5 experience points! 】

【Ding!Lucario defeats the geometric snowflake and gains 4 experience points! 】


After 3 minutes, the system prompt sound in Gu Yu's ear also stopped.

"Solgaleo! Let's go!"


Solgaleo let out a loud roar and directly used his mental strength.


An invisible thought force directly shattered the ice layer in front of him.

Then the geometric snowflakes all over the ground and the figure of Lucario came into Gu Yu's eyes.

Riding Solgaleo, he came to the black geometric snow leader.

Then Gu Yu took a keystone the size of a baby's fist from the head of the geometric snowflake who fell to the ground.

"When the MEGA evolution appears in the eyes of the world, the value of the keystone will probably be more expensive than a secret treasure!" Gu Yu said to himself, looking at the keystone in his hand.

After putting away the keystone, Gu Yu turned to look at his feet.

There was a thick layer of ice under Gu Yu's feet.

Through the solid ice, a huge grey-blue figure could be vaguely seen sleeping in it.

Just when he was on Solgaleo's back, Gu Yu felt a huge energy under the ice.

"Sure enough, it's you! Kyurem!" Seeing his mission goal, Gu Yu's face showed a hint of joy.

Then just wait here for 5 minutes, then go to the Longling Rift to find Regichkas.

The wind speed dog can become a beast!

Kyurem is a gray-blue elf standing on two legs.

It looks a bit like a tyrannosaurus in appearance.

It has an ice-blue spiny nose, no pupils in the light green eyes, and yellow crown horns on its head.

Kyurem's face and jaw are also ice blue, resembling a broken ice cone, stretching upwards to form 2 ice horns.

The body is gray, and the two hands and arms each have two fingers, which are very small. They are connected to two ice cube wings. The ends of the wings are flush sections, and each has two ice thorns.

[Kyurem (Dragon) (Ice) (Sleeping)]

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV110 (God)]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, and greatly reduces the PP of the opponent's moves.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Dragon Breath, Primal Power, Battle Cry, Freeze Drying, Splitting, Reckless, Dragon Wave, Frozen Beam, Loud Sound, Ghost Face, Blizzard, Seal, Reverse Scale, Frozen World, Absolute Zero, Flying, Frozen Beam, Blizzard, Destruction of Death Light, Strong Mind, Light Wall, Reflecting Wall, High Speed ​​Star, Sleep, Rock Crash, Stand-in, Snoring, Hold, Ghost Face, Frozen Wind, Hold On, Steel Wing, Sleep Talk, Mysterious Guardian, Seek Rain, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Hailstone, Hard Support, Help, Seal, Loud Sound, Weather Ball, Rock Blockade, Ice Pick, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Tit for Tit, Tit for Tit, Chi Bomb, Earth Force, Ultimate Impact, Shadow Claw, Mind Hammer, Cannon Light Cannon, Iron Head, Sharp Stone Attack, Round Singing, Wild Swing, Pounce, Wide Area Destruction, Meteor Swarm, Scale Shot, Wings]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

PP stands for Move Points, which indicates the number of times a move can be used.

Reality is not a game, and there is no limit to the number of times the elves can use their skills.

Hence, the effect of oppression in reality.

The opponent will feel a huge pressure because of the pressure.

After all, elves are alive, they can be afraid, they can be happy, and they can also run away.

This effect seems a bit tasteless, but if the opponent is a weak-willed elves.

This feature will become extremely useful!

Just when Gu Yu was observing Kyurem.

Kyurem seemed to sense something.

Kyurem, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes!

Shallow Onion's eyes met Gu Yu's! .

Chapter 258 The War of the Divine Beasts!The incredible leader of Lucario!

The moment when one person and one elf meet each other's eyes.


Kyurem's roar came from the ice below.


Solgaleo took Gu Yu and Lucario and disappeared in place in an instant, appearing in the sky at a height of one thousand meters.

Then Gu Yu saw a scene that could be called the destruction of the world!

Boom! ! !

With the roar of Kyurem, the entire Ice Tower Forest shook violently!

Countless ice towers collapsed, and then a terrifying aura like an abyss purgatory rose up, covering the entire ice tower forest!

Countless elves living in the Ice Tower Forest started to flee while screaming in horror!





At this moment, a voice sounded in Gu Yu's mind.

"Interesting human beings actually conquered Solgaleo!"

"Huh?! There is actually a little Lugia in the Poké Ball. Are you sent by Lugia?"

"I have never fought with Lugia, and Lugia has no reason to find humans to test me now."

"So, human beings, who sent you?"

Gu Yu did not answer, because now the task has been completed.

It was really because of answering Kyurem's question that Regichkas didn't help the wind speed dog transform.

Gu Yu really cried at that time!

After a brief silence, Kyurem's voice sounded again.

"Forget it! With Solgaleo around, I'm still sleeping, it's a little difficult to capture you."

"Since you don't want to talk, I won't ask!"

"Anyway, there is not much time until the war starts again."

"You who conquered the divine beast are destined to join this war!"

"As the price of disturbing my sleep, at that time, I, who woke up from my sleep, will find you in person!"

As the last sentence fell, Kyurem's voice completely disappeared from Gu Yu's mind.

The war is on again!

Looking at the messy ice tower forest below, a dignified expression appeared on Gu Yu's face.

"This task really caused me a lot of trouble!"

"If the battle of the beasts starts again, I'm afraid the whole world will fall into the flames of war!"

"But what is the reason for this war?"

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