An invisible mind force directly hit Zeraora.


Zeraola let out a scream, and was directly knocked into the air by Lucario.

After landing, Zeraora wanted to continue fighting.

At this moment, Gu Yu's voice sounded from the side.

"Okay! Zeraora, stop!"


Zeraora, who suffered a little loss, was obviously a little unhappy, but still obeyed Gu Yu's order and stopped the attack.

Then Gu Yu took out from his backpack, and a fist-sized red iron block came to Lucario.

"Through these two months of observation, I think you have perfectly absorbed the power of Gopalon's horns."

"It's your time to become stronger again! Lucario!"

While speaking, Gu Yu handed Regigislu's energy core to Lucario.


Lucario nodded solemnly and took Regigislu's energy core.

In an instant, a metallic light burst out from Regigislu's energy core, wrapping Lucario!

【Ding!Lucario absorbs Reggisru's energy core and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Lucario has been upgraded to level 82! 】

【Ding!Lucario has been upgraded to level 83! 】


【Ding!Lucario has been upgraded to level 91! 】

After absorbing the sword point of the King of Swords, the sharp horn of Gopaluon, and the energy core of Regigislu.

Lucario has finally become Gu Yu's second elf over level 90! .

Chapter 255 The fourth champion elf!The Four Heavenly Kings Gather!Set off!

【Ding!Lucario's comprehension skills are doubled back! 】

[Double Return: The damage received from the opponent's physical attack will be doubled back to the same opponent. 】

【Ding!Lucario comprehends the skill Iron Hoof Ray! 】

[Iron hoof light: The steel light gathered from the whole body is used as a beam of light, which is fiercely emitted.You will also be hurt. 】

The system notification sound in Gu Yu's ear had just ended, and Lucario roared loudly!


A fierce and vast aura rose from Lucario's body.


Cracks appeared in the ground beneath Lucario's feet, and the entire island began to shake slightly.

After a while, as the metallic light on Lucario dissipated, Kojima returned to calm again.

At this moment, Gu Yu's voice sounded again: "Lucario! MEGA evolves!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yu activated the energy of the keystone in his hand.

A burst of pink energy emanated from the keystone in Gu Yu's hand.


Lucario shouted, and the energy of the MEGA Evolution Stone was also activated.

The moment when the keystone and the MEGA evolution stone resonate.

Lucario was surrounded by a burst of pink light, and there was a faint colorful glow on top of the pink light.

At the same time, Lucario's aura rapidly increased.

Solgaleo, who was training on the side, was alarmed and moved over instantly to watch Lucario, who was evolving from MEGA.


Accompanied by Lucario's roar!

With a click, a crack instantly appeared on the ground of the island!

There were more and more cracks in the ground, and the island began to shake violently!

At this moment, the pink light suddenly dissipated, revealing the figure of MEGA Lucario.

A terrifying aura that was sharp and vast like a mountain radiated from Lucario!

At this moment, Lucario's aura was almost comparable to Solgaleo!

【MEGA Lucario (Fighting) (Steel)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV91+10 (God)]

[Characteristic: Adaptability (Movements with the same attribute as oneself will increase their power.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Lightning flash, hold on, feint attack, metal claws, double return, rock breaking, tricks, sword dance, energy, thunder and lightning fist, frozen fist, flame fist, kick down, earthquake, high-speed movement, harsh sound, Burrowing, Imitation, Bodybuilding, Idea Hammer, Wave Missile, Metal Tone, Quick Defense, Bone Club Bash, Sharpening, Iron Tail, Comet Punch, Fighting, Close Combat, Iron Wall, Cannon, Tile Cleave, Spirit Strong Mind, Hold, Healing Wave, Dragon Wave, Shadow Clone, Shadow Claw, See Through, Bring Back the Dead, Divine Speed, Fire Kick, Earthquake, Mysterious Guardian, Double Return, Iron Hoof Ray]

[Carrying items: MEGA evolution stone (Lucario), black belt]

[Potential: God]

Looking at MEGA Lucario's message, Gu Yu smiled.

"With the help of MEGA evolution, Lucario really broke the boundaries between elves and mythical beasts!"

"In this way, the trip to the secret realm of the Himalayas will be more secure!"

The strength of MEGA Lucario is probably the weakest among the divine beasts.

Even Zeraora's father may be above Lucario.

But even so, the beast is the beast!

The strongest quasi-god will definitely not be the opponent of MEGA Lucario!


Solgaleo looked at Lucario, his eyes full of fighting intent.

After becoming a divine beast, Solgaleo never met a suitable opponent.

Now that I see MEGA Lucario, the fighting spirit in my heart rises!


Lucario looked at Solgaleo with war intent in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu did not stop the two elves.

"You fight in another place, and there is too much noise. I don't want to be targeted by the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance."

The two spirits nodded in agreement.



The two elves disappeared instantly.


In the blink of an eye, a huge explosion sounded.



A series of explosions sounded, and the two elves who had broken through the XNUMXth level started a fierce confrontation!

Gu Yu was not idle when he saw this, and then called Pokkis.

"Pokkis! Come here!"


Pokkis, who was training with Little Lugia in midair, heard Gu Yu's call and flapped his wings.

It fell from mid-air in front of Gu Yu.

There was little Lugia who fell together.

After a few months of growth, the little Lugia is also gradually getting bigger.

At present, the body length of Little Lugia is close to one meter.

The strength has reached level 34!

And this is the result of Gu Yu's lack of training!

Such an upgrade speed is worthy of being a first-level god!

Gu Yu took out a twenty centimeter long pink diamond strip from his backpack and handed it to Pokkis.

"Pokkis! Absorb the power in this! Break through to the championship level!"


Pokkis shouted and opened his mouth to bite the broken diamond of Diancie.

In the next instant, a pink light emerged from the diamond, and then wrapped Pokkis in his entire body.

【Ding!Pokkis absorbs the broken diamond of Diancie and gains a lot of experience points! 】

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