"I did mention it during training with Gu Yu."

"But every time I bring it up."

"Gu Yu always changes the subject, and I can see that he doesn't want to talk about it, so do I."

Xia Pengyu didn't go on, but he understood some things without saying anything.

Gu Yu's strength is there, and the Heavenly King-level trainer has mutant quasi-gods and divine beasts.

Under the Four Heavenly Kings, who dares to say that they will win Gu Yu?

Coupled with the relationship with Ye Mengyao, Ye Hongyi has long regarded Gu Yu as a prospective son-in-law.

The strength is strong, and it is backed by the mountain of the Ye family.

Yuan Hanhai calculated him again.

Xia Pengyu felt that it was totally normal that Gu Yu did not want to continue to have a relationship with the Dragon Temple!

After a while, Yuan Hanhai's voice came from the phone again.

"Since Gu Yu didn't quit the chat group, it proves that there is still room for things, you should talk to him frankly once!"

Hang up the phone with Yuan Hanhai.

Xia Pengyu went straight to Gu Yu's villa.

Just as he was about to ring the doorbell, a fierce and majestic momentum rose into the sky!

Xia Pengyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his fingers, ready to ring the doorbell, stopped in mid-air.

His face was full of disbelief, and his voice was full of shock!

"This is the momentum that only champion-level elves have!".

Chapter 253 Who is not a ruthless character? !Envy Xia Pengyu!

In Villa 23.


【Ding!Lucario comprehends the skill and sees through! 】

[See through: Completely resist the opponent's attack, and it is easy to fail if you use it continuously. 】

【Ding!Lucario's comprehension skills come back to life! 】

[Resurrection: Do your best to attack.The less HP you have, the more powerful your moves will be. 】

【Ding!Lucario comprehends his skills very fast! 】

[Superspeed: Attack the opponent by slamming into the opponent with lightning speed.Must be able to preempt the attack. 】

Wait until the system beeping in your ear stops.

Feeling the fierce and majestic aura emanating from Lucario, Gu Yu showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Lucario felt the power of rising physical fitness and shouted excitedly!

Immediately, Gu Yu checked Lucario's information.

【Lucario (Fighting) (Steel)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV81 (Champion)]

[Characteristic: Spiritual Power (By exercising the spirit, it will not shrink from the opponent's attack.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Lightning flash, hold on, feint attack, metal claws, double return, rock breaking, tricks, sword dance, energy, thunder and lightning fist, frozen fist, flame fist, kick down, earthquake, high-speed movement, harsh sound, Burrowing, Imitation, Bodybuilding, Idea Hammer, Wave Missile, Metal Tone, Quick Defense, Bone Club Bash, Sharpening, Iron Tail, Comet Punch, Fighting, Close Combat, Iron Wall, Cannon, Tile Cleave, Spirit Strong Mind, Hold, Healing Wave, Dragon Wave, Shadow Clone, Shadow Claw, See Through, Bring Back the Dead, Divine Speed]

[Carrying items: MEGA evolution stone (Lucario), black belt]

[Potential: Champion]

"After MEGA evolves, Lucario should be the elf in my hands second only to Solgaleo!"

"If they really fight, Zeraola won't necessarily lose to Lucario, after all, Zeraola can fly."

"However, it's not that Lucario can't learn to fly."

If Gu Yu remembers correctly, in the games "Ultimate Sun" and "Ultimate Moon", Lucario can learn to float electromagnetically!

[Electromagnetic Float: Use the magnetic force on the electric field to float in control.Can float for a certain period of time. 】

In theory, if Lucario learns to levitate electromagnetically, he can fly.

Of course a theory is a theory after all.

In the version of the game "Legend LetsGo! Pikachu/Ibrahimovic", the wind speed dog can also learn to teleport.

In reality, many super power elves can't learn.

Gu Yu has cultivated the wind speed dog for so long, and it is true that there is no sign that the wind speed dog has learned to teleport.

Ding Dong!

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Gu Yu subconsciously went to open the door.

When I came to the courtyard in front of the villa, I saw Xia Pengyu.

Gu Yu immediately began to guess about his intentions.

"It should be Yuan Hanhai who asked Xia Pengyu to come, right?" "

On the surface, Gu Yu calmly opened the door for Xia Pengyu.

"Why is Teacher Xia free to come to my place today?"

"Let's go in and talk!" Xia Pengyu replied.

The two entered the house, and the guest of honor sat separately.

Looking at Lucario in the house, I could feel the fierce and majestic aura emanating from Lucario.

Xia Pengyu was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened instantly, his face was full of incredible colors!

The elf who broke through to the championship level just now was Lucario? ! !

How can it be? !

Xia Pengyu couldn't believe it!

The elf that Gu Yu broke through to the championship level turned out to be Lucario!

"Such a rapid breakthrough speed must have absorbed top-level props, and there is a high probability that it was left by some divine beast!"

"This kind of thing uses one piece and one less. Gu Yu hasn't been exploring anywhere else recently."

"So it's the Ye family! Ye Hongyi is really willing!"

While thinking about it, a helpless look appeared on Xia Pengyu's face.

The Ye family is so generous to Gu Yu, what does the Dragon God Temple use to hold Ku Yu?

At this moment, Gu Yu's voice sounded.

"Mr. Xia came to me today, shouldn't it be as simple as being a guest?"

Xia Pengyu nodded, and then spoke directly without any concealment.

"Number One just called me!"

"He wants me to ask you if there is any possibility of reunion."

Xia Pengyu used No. XNUMX instead of Yuan Hanhai or Tianwang, obviously wanting to deal with the Dragon Temple.

But before Gu Yu could speak, Xia Pengyu's voice continued to sound.

"Although I recommended you to join the Dragon Temple, I will not force you to stay!"

As he spoke, Xia Pengyu's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness and a hint of bitterness.

"You have the full support of the Ye family now. It is indeed unnecessary to go into the muddy waters of the Dragon Temple."

Thinking that because of Yuan Hanhai's orders, he had to bend himself to Zhejiang University, the helplessness in Xia Pengyu's eyes became even stronger.

A trace of doubt flashed in Gu Yu's eyes.

When did you have the full support of the Ye family? !

"Mr. Xia should know that once trust is lost, it will never be regained!"

"No. XNUMX is really a good plan. Use me as bait! If it wasn't for my fate, we wouldn't be able to sit facing each other now."

"Mr. Xia, if it were you, how would you settle this account?" Gu Yu did not hide the killing intent in his voice.

Xia Pengyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the expression on his face was dull for a moment.

Although he was already prepared for Gu Yu's answer.

But Xia Pengyu didn't expect that Gu Yu was going to prepare to pay the debt back!

"Gu Yu, think about it, you must know that your opponent is No. XNUMX!"

"Apart from Fang Jianming, who can hold him down in the entire Dragon Kingdom?!"

"Even looking at the world, he can be ranked, even the top five trainers!"

Who is Yuan Hanhai? !

The oldest king of the Dragon Kingdom!

Ye Hongyi, Yan Nianyan and others are all juniors in front of Yuan Hanhai!

If Fang Jianming hadn't been born, he would have defeated Yuan Hanhai by relying on Frozen Bird.

Today's Yuan Hanhai is the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom!

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