"Number One: Before the battle begins, I will muddy the water! Make it easier for us to do it!"

"No. XNUMX: God's organization should start in December. Before October, people who want to go ask me to sign up, so I can make arrangements in advance."

Looking at Yuan Hanhai's last words, Gu Yu's eyes flashed with light.

"Since Yuan Hanhai wants to turn the water into a mess, let me step in too!"

"Even if we don't tear our skin now, once I do steal Reshiram, we will definitely face each other with swords!"

"In this case, I can't let Yuan Hanhai subdue the frozen bird and increase his strength!"

Thinking of this, Gu Yu picked up the phone and sent a message to Candice.

"Gu Yu: Are you there?"

"Candice: Yes, take the initiative to message me, do you miss my teacher?"

"Gu Yu: When do you want your props, when will they be given to me?"

Seeing Gu Yu's reply, the expression on Candice's face instantly froze.

"Mother, is my charm really not as good as Ye Mengyao's?"

While thinking about it, Candice replied to Gu Yu.

"Candice: It's ready! Ready to hand it over to you when school starts!"

"Candice: But I've been busy with other things lately, so I might give it to you later."

"Gu Yu: Is it about the frozen bird?"

Seeing Gu Yu's reply, Candice's pupils shrank suddenly, and an incredible expression instantly appeared on her face!

"How could he know?!"

"The matter of conquering the frozen bird, even in the organization of God, there will not be more than twenty people who know about it!"

While talking to herself, Candice typed quickly.

"Candice: Gu Yu! How did you know?!"

"Gu Yu: You don't need to know about this, you just need to be clear. I want you to give me the prepared props as soon as possible."

"Gu Yu: Before you start planning, remember to notify me."

Candice looked at Gu Yu's news, her eyes were full of confusion, and her brows were wrinkled involuntarily.

"Gu Yu, what do you mean? Or what is he planning?"

After finishing the conversation with Candice, Gu Yu trained in Hai Province for another half a month.

Then they boarded the plane leaving Hai Province with Ye Mengyao.

Gu Yu flew back to the magic capital, and Ye Mengyao flew back to Yanjing.

The two spent a summer vacation in training and did not even return home.

Seeing that the summer vacation is coming to an end, it is natural that he will not even go home.

After resting at home for half a month, Gu Yu took Shen Yuezhu to the high-speed train to Zhejiang University.

Back to Villa 23.

Gu Yu was also very emotional.

From now on, he is a third year student!

The first thing Gu Yu did when he returned to the villa was to replace the table where various trophies were placed with two multi-layered wooden bookshelves.

Gu Yu put all the honors he had won on the table on one of the bookshelves.

Three winning photos, the Little Dragon Trophy, the Little Lugia Trophy, the Hippo King Trophy, as well as the Mini Dragon Medal, the Hackron Medal, and the Fast Dragon Medal.

Discover the New Elves' Fantasy Medal and eight Gym Badges.

Then, Gu Yu will get it again in the qualifying round.

Water arrow turtle trophies, water arrow turtle medals and winning photos are placed on the bookshelf.

There is also the highest honor of the Dragon Kingdom, the Frozen Bird Medal!

Looking at the many honors on the bookshelf, a sense of accomplishment rose in Gu Yu's heart.

"Unconsciously, have I received so many honors?"

Recalling the terrifying strength of Flame Bird and Reggie Locke, Gu Yu's rising sense of accomplishment instantly dissipated.

"My current strength, if you don't count Solgaleo's trump card, is still far from the peak of the world!"

While thinking about it, Gu Yu then began to organize the second wooden bookshelf.

Gu Yu first placed a XNUMX cm long gray horn on the bookshelf.

The long horn is the Zekrom horn crown that has completely absorbed its energy!

Followed by the Sword of the King of Swords, Necrozma's Spike, Kapu Moo's Golden Bell, Thunder Cloud's Docked Tail, Deoxy's Crystal, Yuxie's Ruby

These were all absorbed by the Gu Yu elf and turned into props for decoration.

They were all placed by Gu Yu on the second wooden bookshelf.

Ding Dong!

Just then the doorbell rang.

Hearing the doorbell, Gu Yu put down his work and went to open the door.

With a creak, the door opened.

A face was revealed, which made Gu Yu somewhat surprised.

It's Candice!

Candice was carrying a black box with a smile on her face.

"Long time no see! Gu Yu!"

"Long time no see! Teacher Candice!"

Candice entered the house and was quickly attracted by the items on the two wooden bookshelves.

Seeing Gu Yu's various trophies and honors, Candice's eyes showed emotion.

I thought to myself: "As expected of Gu Yu, the honor that many trainers have won in their lifetimes is beyond the reach of many trainers!"

While thinking, Candice turned her gaze to the second wooden bookshelf.

Suddenly, Candice's pupils shrank, and she froze in place for a moment, and her beautiful face was full of surprises!

"These are all props related to divine beasts?!"

Candice's voice was full of disbelief!

After a while, Candice came back to her senses and turned to look at Gu Yu who was beside her.

"I suddenly understand why you are so strong!"

"Being able to obtain so many items related to mythical beasts is beyond description of luck!"

"In your Dragon Kingdom's words, you are the son of God!"

God's own son

It was not the first time that Gu Yu had heard someone call him that.

Immediately retorted: "I have parents! Don't talk nonsense!"

Candice did not entangle more on this topic.

Put the black box in your hand on the table.

"Look at the props I brought you this time!"

While speaking, Candice opened the black box.

The two items in the box were also reflected in Gu Yu's eyes.

A twenty centimeter long pink strip diamond.

A thirty centimeter long violet horn.

Then Candice's voice sounded again, introducing these two items to Gu Yu.

"The pink long diamond is the part of Dianxi's body that was shattered during the battle. It contains super energy and rock energy."

Gu Yu's eyes also showed the information of the long diamond.

[Dianxi's broken diamond: The part of the diamond that Dianxi broke during the battle contains super energy and rock energy, which can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】


Diancie is a mutant of the little diamond, with pink light shining all over her body, and is considered to be the most beautiful in the world.

The settings in the game belong to Eudemons just like Zeraora.

Tiancie has a pink round diamond on his head and has a crown consisting of 4 octahedral diamonds and 2 elongated diamonds.

There is a golden excellent arc ring around the neck inlaid with an octahedral diamond, the upper part of the body is a white skirt shape, and the lower part of the body is similar to a small broken diamond, which is a diamond ore with some diamonds exposed.

Candice spoke again: "The second item is the broken horn of Kapu. Fin, which contains the energy of fairy and water."

[Broken angle of Kapu. Fins: The broken angle of Kapu. Fins shattered in battle contains water and fairy energy, which can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】

Kapu.Finfin and Kapu.Moo are one of the four island gods.

Belongs to the second-level god.

Kapu.Fin has a black body shaped like a mermaid and long flowing hair.

Has light blue eyes with white lids and a light blue fin mark on the outer corner of each eye.

There is a white T-mark on the forehead and a small white V on the chest.

There are purple rings around the shoulders, and the elongated arms have three-fingered webbed hands with sharp purple nails.

Kapu. The fins live inside a violet-colored shell that is shaped like the head of a swordfish when the shell is closed.

The upper half of the shell has a fin with a spear-like horn on the front edge.

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