Archbishop Senluo's eyes were as deep as two cold pools.

"Our forces have suffered heavy losses, do other forces also suffer heavy losses?"

Candice was stunned for a moment, then remembered the many forces that cooperated with the God Organization.

In an instant, I understood what Archbishop Senluo meant!

Stone Mountain Secret.

Saddle Ridge Volcano.

Gu Yu recorded various data of MEGA Lucario while listening to the constantly ringing sound of the system.

【Ding! MEGA Lucario defeated Nine Tails and gained 3 experience points! 】

【Ding! MEGA Lucario defeated Heluga and gained 45 experience points! 】


After Lucario blasted all the elves of the Saddle Ridge Volcano, Gu Yu's data collection was almost done.

"Okay! Lucario can cancel MEGA evolution!"


Lucario nodded, and a pink light instantly appeared on his body, and he waited until the light dissipated.

Lucario has unlocked MEGA Evolution.

Gu Yu then took out the black belt from his backpack and handed it to Lucario.

"Take it! Lucario!"

You can only carry one item in the elf game. If you carry the MEGA evolution stone, you cannot carry the black belt.

But in reality, let alone one, there is no problem with ten or eight.

"Just! (* ̄︶ ̄)"

Lucario shouted happily.

After taking the black belt, he put it on his right arm and shouted again at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu instantly understood: "Lucario, do you want me to record it for you?"


Lucario shook his head up and down, confirming.

Gu Yu took the black belt and tied it to Lucario's right arm.

"Just! (ノ ̄▽ ̄)"

Lucario looked at the black belt on his right arm and let out a happy cry again!

Then Gu Yu took out Necrozma's spikes from his backpack.

Hand it to Solgaleo.

"Absorb the power here! Become a real divine beast!"

Solgaleo looked at Necrozma's spikes, a look of longing flashed in his eyes, and nodded.

Then he opened his bloody mouth and bit Necrozma's spikes in one bite.

In an instant, the super energy in it was absorbed by Solgaleo.

The system prompt sound in Gu Yu's ear instantly sounded!

【Ding!Solgaleo absorbs Necrozma's spikes and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Solgaleo has been upgraded to level 101! ].

Chapter 249 The power of divine beasts!Target beast!The madness of Archbishop Senluo!


Just as Solgaleo broke through the XNUMXth level and became a divine beast, he let out a roar!

A majestic aura like a vast starry sky emanated from the Solgaleo mythical beast!

Affected by Solgaleo's momentum, the entire Saddle Ridge volcano began to shake violently.

The originally calm lava boiled instantly.

Like a tidal wave, it began to spew all around.

This is a precursor to a volcanic eruption!

Gu Yu didn't even bother to check, Solgaleo's current information, and immediately ordered: "Solgaleo! Take me and Lucario out of here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Solgaleo directly cast teleportation.

One person and two elves instantly disappeared in place.


The trainers who were exploring in the secret realm of Shishan suddenly felt that the earth of the whole secret realm began to shake!





Countless elves started to flee in a panic!


Just then, another loud voice sounded.

Then the trainers in the secret realm saw a ten-meter-high lava fire column spewing out of the Saddle Ridge volcano.

As the volcano erupted, the sky was obscured by thick smoke.

Many trainers in the secret realm, seeing this scene, also called out unlucky!

"Fuck! I just entered the secret realm and caught up with the volcanic eruption within a day! This luck is too bad!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and run for your life! If we encounter the tide of escape formed by the elves, we will really be trampled to death!"

"It's really unlucky! I haven't had time to conquer the elves!"


When Gu Yu and the two elves reappeared, they had already arrived at a hill.

It was the place where Bishop Chuck was buried.


With the loud sound, Gu Yu also saw the ten-meter-high molten 427 slurry fire column.

I felt that Solgaleo exuded a majestic momentum like the boundless Wang Yang.

A trace of emotion flashed in Gu Yu's eyes, and he said to himself, "Is this the terrifying strength of a divine beast?"


Solgaleo seemed to understand Gu Yu's words, and roared as if in response.

Then he rubbed his huge head against Gu Yu's arm, expressing his joy of breaking through the XNUMXth level and becoming a real divine beast.

"Finally become a beast!"

Stroking Solgaleo's sun-shaped mane, Gu Yu immediately checked Solgaleo's information.

【Solgaleo (Super) (Steel)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV101 (God)]

[Characteristic: Metal Protection (will not reduce the ability due to the opponent's moves or characteristics.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Teleportation, Cosmic Power, Meteor Flash, Metal Claw, Battle Cry, Iron Head, Metal Sound, Mind Hammer, Cannon Light Cannon, Morning Light, Crushing, Metal Explosion, Crazy Volt, Sun Beam, Flash Charge , wide area defense, ultimate impact, mental strength, high-speed movement, light wall, reflection wall, mysterious guardian, iron tail, foresee the future, meditation, iron wall, mental shock, mental tooth, self-motivation, cannon light cannon, sleep , Iron Shoe Ray, Meteor Beam, Wide Area Combat Power, Iron Roller, Destruction Death Light, XNUMX Volts, Jet Flame, Hold, Electromagnetic Wave, Earthquake, Shadow Clone, Loud Sound, Close Combat, High Temperature Pressure, Sleep, Snoring, Sleep Talk, Mind Hammer, Mad Volt, Magic Flame, Loud Roar]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

"As expected of a divine beast!"

"The energy in Necrozma's spikes, if used by other super spirits."

"Upgrading to level 10 is the minimum. If the level of the elf is low, it is not a problem to raise to level 20."

"But Solgaleo has only been upgraded by one level. This is the result of the absorption of light that has become stronger before!"

While talking to himself, Gu Yu immediately began to think about the next arrangement.

"After Solgaleo broke through to the divine beast, the next step is to improve the strength of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Lucario!"

Kyurem sleeps in the Himalayan mysteries of the Dragon Kingdom.

Groudon slept in the secret realm of Taklimakan in the Dragon Kingdom.

Xerneas slept in the secret realm of the Nordic Alps.

Ifeltar slept in the secret realm of Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Recalling the place where the divine beasts slumbered by 'Sacred Pillar King' Regichkas.

Gu Yu also began to think about which secret realm to go to next to complete the mission.

"It is estimated that almost all the major forces in the world know about the origin of ore produced in the secret realm of Mount Kilimanjaro."

"Even the Four Heavenly Kings of the Lighthouse Kingdom have joined the fight. I'm afraid it would be dangerous to go alone."

"The Alps secret realm is also an S-level secret realm. The most important thing is to go abroad."

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