After the award ceremony, the news that Gu Yu won the championship took only ten minutes to rush to the top ten of the hot search on the entire Internet.

XNUMX minutes directly rushed to the top of the hot search!

Gu Yu became the youngest champion of the Tianwang Challenge Qualifying Tournament!

Numerous netizens have been discussing it.

"I watched all of Gu Yu's games! I have nothing to say except for being awesome!"

"Gu Yu is really perverted! When I watched the match between him and Dong Yushu, I felt like I was living like a dog at an age!"

"That's right! After watching the final, I had an idea! Is this Nima 20 years old?!"

"Stop pretending! Showdown! Seeing Gu Yu, I feel like a piece of trash!"


In addition to the comments of famous trainers and celebrities from netizens, this time the popularity has been pushed to the peak!

High Priest of Lugia Temple: As expected of a trainer blessed by the Sea God!Straight to the championship!

Wan Qianfeng, President of Zhejiang University: Gu Yu!The pride of Zhejiang University!

Cui Jingsheng, Head of Zhejiang Dragon Country Alliance Headquarters: Seeing Gu Yu winning the championship!I thought about it for a long time!In the end, I found that there are only two words that can describe my current mood!

Back to Gu Yu in the villa, the phone's prompt sounded frantically.




High school classmates, college classmates, teachers, friends, and parents all sent messages to Gu Yu, wishing Gu Yu the championship!

Gu Yu could only start replying one by one.

Expedition squad chat group.

"Su Qingyun: @Gu Yu, awesome! The youngest qualifying champion!"

"Yan Siyu: @Gu Yu, the 20-year-old qualifying champion!"

"Ning Qiyun: @Gu Yu, congratulations on winning the championship!"

"Lin Xuan: @Gu Yu, congratulations to the future uncle!"

"Lin Xuan: Gu Yu is too perverted! My fast dragon and three evil dragons are still leveling up, and he has already passed the qualifying round!"

"Kong Xingyu: It's really outrageous! My master was defeated by Gu Yu! Gu Yu's strength is now the strongest trainer under the Heavenly King!"

"Yan Siyu: It should be like this. Even if Senior Dong Yushu is weaker than Senior Su Tianhe, he is still strong enough!"

"Lin Xuan: @yemengyao@gu Yu, auntie, let Gu Yu teach me the secrets to becoming stronger!"

"Ye Mengyao: Calm down!"

Looking at the messages in the chat group, Gu Yu also began to reply.

"Gu Yu: There's really no secret, just keep training."

Gu Yu is indeed telling the truth, after all, he is a normal training elf.

As for the system plug-in

Gu Yu couldn't help it!

"Lin Xuan: @All members, do you believe it?"

"Su Qingyun: It's better to believe in Gu Yu's nonsense than to believe that Lin Xuan calls me Auntie!"

"Ning Qiyun: To believe Gu Yu's nonsense, it is better to believe Lin Xuan to call me Auntie!"

"Yan Siyu: It's better to believe in Gu Yu's nonsense than to believe that Lin Xuan calls me Auntie!"

"Lin Xuan:???"

"Lin Xuan: Don't blame me for everything!"


Looking at the group of sand sculpture friends in the group, Gu Yu began to think about the next arrangement while watering the group.

"What I want to do next is to get stronger quickly!"

"Make sure that in March next year, you can successfully conquer Mewtwo and Reshiram."

"It's only a matter of time before Solgaleo becomes a divine beast."

"The possibility of Zeraora breaking through to become a divine beast is very small."

"In the past six months, if there is no props to assist, no elves can break through the king level."

"Even with the help of props, it can break through the elves of the heavenly king level"

Gu Yu now has a lot of props left in his hand that can quickly improve the power of the elves.

Reggisru's energy core.

Fragment of the Lightning Slate.

Colorful potions.

Fragment of Groudon.

The point of the sword of the King of Swords.

Fragments of Promise.

The sharp horns of Gopalon.

Items such as Yuxie's ruby ​​and Thunder Cloud's docked tail have all been used up.

The energy in it has disappeared, and now it is just a decoration.

The Great White Treasure Jade is Palkia's exclusive item and cannot be used by other elves.

"My two choices that can quickly improve my strength now!"

"First, complete the quest of the 'Holy Pillar King' Regichkas."

"The wind speed dog was turned into a divine beast by Regichkas. Even if it is a divine beast in its infancy, its strength will definitely skyrocket."

"The second is to train Lucario."

"If Regigislu's energy core, the sword tip of the King of Swords, and the sharp horns of Gopaluon are all absorbed by Lucario, Lucario's strength will definitely increase significantly."

"With the addition of MEGA's evolution, Lucario's strength will be terrifying!"

"The only downside is that it may lead to the growth of seedlings!"

"Wait a minute and see what props Candice can bring me."

"Then take a look at what treasures are in the headquarters of the Sea Province Elf Alliance, and then make a decision!" Zhi.

Chapter 246 Heavenly King Lucario!Fighting Secret Treasure!

6 month 25 day.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight illuminated the whole province.

Gu Yu was still sleeping.

To the left of the pillow is a huddled fairy elf.

Even in deep sleep, the fairy elf still wrapped around Gu Yu's left arm with a ribbon-like tentacle.

Below the Fairy Elf is Zeraora.

On the left of the pillow is Young Kiras, who is soundly asleep.

Below Young Kiras was replaced by Lucario.

Due to evolution, Lucario moved to the living room and became a neighbor with Pokkis.

After sleeping for a while, Lucario doesn't seem to like being a neighbor with Pokkis, who runs the air conditioner all day.

Back to Gu Yu's side again.

Fortunately, Ye Mengyao's bed was big enough, otherwise Gu Yu might not have a place to sleep.


The silence of the morning was broken as the phone rang.

Gu Yu woke up from his sleep, and the elves also woke up one after another.

"good morning everyone!"





The elves also responded to Gu Yu.

After getting up, Gu Yu took a brief shower, then brought the elves to the underground training room to start the morning exercise.

After winning the qualifying championship, Gu Yu took a day off before restarting the training of the elves.


Kirby let out a listless cry, then stepped onto the specially-made elf treadmill and started running.

Lucario walked over to the dumbbells and started training his strength.

Zeraora came to the bench press to train the upper body strength.

There are only two elves that are exceptional.

Ghost Stone and Young Kiras.

Ghost Stone's body is made of gas.

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