The super power is twice the weak insect type, twice the weak evil type, and twice the weak ghost type.

The evil and ghost skills, only 5.8 can cause half the damage to the dream song cactus.

Coupled with the Dream Song Cactus, it can also perform sandstorm skills.

Provide cover for the super-type elves that can move instantly, so that they can directly kill the opponent's trainer in the field encounter.

It can be said that the Dream Song Cactus is a very suitable elves to match the super power team.

But Meng Song Cactus is not enough to face the wind speed dog!

The speed is not fast enough, and the Mengsong cactus, which is twice as weak, is a living target in the face of the wind speed dog!

The wind speed dog continuously displays high-speed movement, and then releases fire-based skills such as large-character explosion, ghost fire, and jet flame.

The Dream Song Cactus was able to resist at first.

As the shield formed by the holding skills shattered, the Dream Song Cactus was directly overwhelmed by the fire-based skills.

When the flames dissipated, the charred Mengsong cactus was already unconscious!

"Mengge Cactus can't afford to fall to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu!"

"Congratulations to Gu Yu for advancing to the finals of the Tianwang Challenge qualifiers!"

As the referee's voice fell, the Poseidon Gymnasium was instantly filled with applause and cheers, and the audience began to shout Gu Yu's name!

"Gu Yu!!!"

"Gu Yu!!!"

"Gu Yu!!!"


at the guest seat.

Ye Hongyi even took the lead in applauding Gu Yu.

Chapter 242 The final begins!A gift from the Archbishop of God's Organization!

When Ye Hongyi applauded.

Tong Zhen, Shi Wenbin and others also applauded for Gu Yu.

Tong Zhen applauded and envied: "It would be great if Gu Yu was a student of our school?"

Shi Wenbin turned his head and glanced at Tong Zhen, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he laughed.

"College students can also transfer!"

"Ask Gu Yu if he wants to come to Haixing to study, just fool him to Haixing!"

"It's just that the consequence is that the old guy from Wanqianfeng will most likely bring his Hippo King to come to you to have a good 'communication'."

Shi Wenbin deliberately put the word 'communication' very seriously.

Tong Zhen's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Shi Wenbin's words.

"Forget it! I can't beat that old guy Wanqianfeng!"

"If I'm beaten to death by him, then I'll lose a lot!"

"I still care more about my life than getting Gu Yu!"

Player channel.

Shi Gaofei, Meng Shihan and others also applauded for Gu Yu.

Meng Shihan watched Gu Yu defeat Yan Chengye with two elves, while Gu Yu was surprised and shocked at the same time.

"Although I thought that Yan Chengye would lose, I didn't expect him to lose so thoroughly!"

Meng Shihan nodded: "In the final analysis, Gu Yu is too strong, causing great psychological pressure on Yan Chengye!"

The first row of the audience.

Ye Mengyao looked at Gu Yu in the arena, and kept applauding with a smile on her face.


Chirulian was beside Ye Mengyao and applauded for Gu Yu together!

on the field.

After defeating the Dream Song Cactus, the wind speed dog returned to 20 Gu Yu.

The furry dog's head kept rubbing against Gu Yu's arms.

"Beautiful work! Wind speed dog!"

Gu Yu waved to the audience while touching the head of the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog barked happily.

Obviously, he was very happy with Gu Yu's compliment.

Seeing this scene, Yan Chengye also had mixed feelings in his heart.

After recovering the unconscious Mengsong cactus, he shook his head helplessly.

Then he walked off the field and walked into the player tunnel without looking back.

After Yan Chengye walked off the field, Gu Yu then walked off the field.

However, Gu Yu did not leave immediately, but chose to stay at the scene to watch the battle.

The final group remains in the quarterfinals.

Elemental Heart duel with a trainer named Yan Zhanbo.

Yan Zhanbo is from the Yan family.

Yan Siyu and Yan Zhanbo, who have played against Gu Yu in the National College Elf League, are of the same clan.

In terms of seniority, Yan Zhanbo is Yan Siyu's uncle.

Being from a big family, being able to reach the semi-finals is enough to demonstrate Yan Zhanbo's strength.

But Elemental Heart is obviously the stronger one!

Although Elemental Heart does not have Bandera, as Yuan Hanhai's granddaughter, it is naturally impossible to not have a quasi-god.

The stick-tailed scale dragon is the quasi-god of the elemental heart!

The Cane-tailed Scaled Dragon on the field is also very strong.

One wears two, defeats Yan Zhanbo's Boss Cordola and self-exploding Magneto.

If it weren't for the Explosive Magneto use a big bang.

There is no problem with the stick-tailed scale armored dragon wearing three times.

In the end, Element Heart also successfully advanced to become Gu Yu's opponent in the final.

After the game, Element Heart walked off the arena and came to Gu Yu who was watching the game.

"Gu Yu! I know the strength is very strong!"

"But it's already the finals, I won't admit defeat easily!"

After finishing speaking, Element Xin stared at Gu Yu with a pair of eyes full of fighting intent.

Gu Yu looked directly into Element Xin's eyes and replied, "I'm also looking forward to fighting with you!"

After the final match was released, it once again became the focus of the audience!

In the evening, it was directly ranked No. XNUMX on the Longguo Internet Hot Search List!

The successor of the Heavenly King faces off against the granddaughter of the Heavenly King. Is the Heavenly King Yuanhanhai the biggest winner?

"One thing to say! This wave of Yuan Hanhai Heavenly King has won!"

"As expected of the oldest among the Four Heavenly Kings! It can only be said that it is true to see people!"

"Gu Yu should definitely win this time! But no matter who wins or loses, Heavenly King Yuan Hanhai wins!"

"Yuan Hanhai: Both sides are my people, can I still lose?"


Returning to Yuan Hanhai in Longguo, watching the upcoming finals, there is no joy in the eyes of netizens imagined.

"Gu Yu's strength has improved really fast, which is a bit outrageous!"

"Now he is capable of overpowering Dong Yushu, what about his strength in the Heavenly King Challenge two years later?!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Hanhai frowned involuntarily.

"Although I have harvested the Ball of God this time, I have also laid hidden dangers for the future."

"But as long as I can conquer Reshiram! Gu Yu is nothing in my eyes!"

While thinking about it, Yuan Hanhai's eyes showed longing.

6 month 22 day.

In the early morning, the golden sun illuminates Hai Province.

Gu Yu was still asleep in his sleep.

Candice, who returned to Australia, was discussing the next thing with Bishop Loki at this time.

"This time, our God organization suffered heavy losses!"

"What shall we do next? Chiyue."

Hearing Loki's words, Candice blurted out the plan that had already been planned.

"This time, we have indeed suffered heavy losses, but our god organizers have a great cause!"

"It's just a matter of time before it returns to its former peak."

"But we now need to re-select an archbishop."

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